fun but easy philosophy book to read?
Fun but easy philosophy book to read?
Pigliucci How to be a Stoic
Entry-level, but does a good job at explaining later Stoa & how to apply this philosophy in daily life
Bluepilled author, but this is easily filtered.
Platos five dialogues is pretty chill to read. The Socratic dialogue has always been a favorite of mine and it provokes really deep thinking
Critique of Pure Reason
being and time
The Talmud.
That's neither fun nor philosophy
Both are way too difficult to read for somebody looking for "fun"
Problem is that a lot of fun philosophy is not good philosophy. Nietzsche is the exception to the rule.
Philosophy was never meant to be easy boy.
Just continue watching school of life videos.
Thomas Aquinas and Kierk's Either/Or
Plato — Symposium, Protagoras, or the Republic
Stirner was a pretty easy read for me desu, not sure if it would count as fun
Zen and the art of motor cycle maintenance
This. Socratic dialogue is so easy and fun to read compared to early modern stuff.
Society of the Spectacle is quite accessible.
Not gonna make it
Bronze age mindset
Roman Ingarden’s essays
You do realise they were joking user?
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Plato (most dialogues)
Bhagavad Gita
muh Stoics
How are either difficult? Go to reddit pseud