nobody on lit has ever read a book on this.
Nobody on lit has ever read a book on this
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Heroine's journey is pregnancy and childbirth.
Call to adventure = sleep around
Return = settle down
t. never read the book.
Does such a book even exist ?
look up "heroine's journey" book on amazon.
the fact that google classifies it as "self-help" certainly doesn't make me want to read it.
It basically is about a young damsel who suffers a sexual trauma by being raped by her father or being quarter by her evil stepmother, where she escapes to nature or is helped by some magical animal spirit or an old godess, until she enters a gestation period of hybernation and she learns to forgive, become one with her shadow/sexuality, becomes a mature goddess, reclaim her place as a queen, by usually marrying her male suitor, a Chad hero, punish the old crone/queen and lives a happy life as a queen/mother.
that's basically the gist of the book.
read this one.
>gets external help from the supernatural
>literally sits on her ass and magically powers up without doing anything
>settles with a guy to pop out babies
which part of this is about being a hero LOL? where's the fucking conflict and tension?
>huh duh why aren't women just walking males with vaginas
kys with your retarded feminist action hero trash.
is this the famous cock carousel?
is this Peterson for girls?
is not really about that, but you can interpret it that way.
looks exactly like petersonian diagrams but with girls
female characters are allowed to have at least a LITTLE agency don't you think? I mean this is basically hero's journey minus anything that makes it interesting and plus pregnancy
and it reeks of navel gazing narcissistic "internal journey exploring emotions" bullshit
well, sure if peterson talks about the hero's journey.
nigger, the heroine's journey was developed by female scholars who felt the hero's journey was too masculine for them.
a male concept, not a female one.
>nigger, the heroine's journey was developed by female scholars who felt the hero's journey was too masculine for them
I am legitimately curious how they explained the pregnancy part considering how anti-natalist some wings of feminism are
>the heroine's journey was developed by female scholars
but archetypal stories aren't developed, they either are or aren't
most women don't hate pregnancy, and those crazy batshit feminist are a minority.
It's a circular story, the male journey is like an arrow flying in the air, the female journey is like a pond being hit by a stone that creates ripples.
>entire board constantly spouts about females being different from males
>Hey why is the female's journey not like the male journey?
So women, by definition, can't have agency? And this is what feminism means?
based women
Because it doesn't exist. And anyone who makes it is just doing the heroes journey but with a female.
the female journey is about a heroine's who overcomes sexual trauma, is helped by some mentor, grows as a person and eventually defeat her evil stepmother and become the new queen.
Her agency is towards becoming the new queen/mother/wife/goddess of the hero.
May as well ask where is the agency in romance novels faggot.
>most women don't hate pregnancy, and those crazy batshit feminist are a minority.
no but the whole a little antiquated "you haven't become a woman/fully experienced what it means to be a woman unless you have had a child" versus "pregnancy is not an essential characteristic that defines a female" conflict is still a thing
>hero's journey
>external and internal conflict
>character interacts with the world an the world changes them
>heroines journey
>things happen to the character and they chose the path of least resistance
I don't see how heroines journey is DIFFERENT from the hero's journey, it's simply LESS than the hero's journey, it doesn't transcend it, it simply reduces it to the emotional journey
I mean if you want to make a point about how women are inferior to men it's pretty convincing I must admit
well no shit, I don't think middle-aged women frequent 4channel
>Her agency is towards becoming the new queen/mother/wife/goddess of the hero.
so what other choices other than fulfilling the mother figure are there? because I'd argue agency implies alternatives
you can grow up to be a nurturing figure even without squishing a babby out of your crotch
nigger, women literally commit suicide if they don't have a husband+children by 30.
being a mother is like a big deal for your average female.
her agency is overcoming the dangers set by the old stepmother to destroy her.
again, you're asking why the heroine's journey is not just the male one.
the female hero is helped by the supernatural to ovecome her dangers.
But then what's all the complaining about voting rights and careers? Just do whatever the agent tells you to do, you'd be happier and less confused. This doesn't seem like the feminism I keep hearing about.
(There must be some femdom romances.)
because you never read the book.
The first half of the heroine's journey is about she copying and trying to follow the male journey until she fails at doing it.
most women reach this by 30.
why are you shilling this book by a literally who? I mean it sounds like an ok book, but does anybody even care except for having a thread for being salty about women?
So this is Joseph Campbell with some femininity slapped on it? Hero's journey/monomyth is not gender specific.
>why do u talk about a book on the board about talking about books.
trully a mistery user.
Is Campbell but about the female heroine's in myth.
Campbell assumed women were just passive elements in the monomyth, so he never researched into them.
>actually read The Hero with a Thousand Faces
>It's literally just a bunch of loose common themes in mythology put in a vague order
>pages on pages of digression into unrelated Jungian/Freudian dick sucking
>imperialist depictions of ancient civilizations as savage, lesser men
>no conclusions or unified theories of any kind
anyone who talks about the "Hero's Journey" like it's some kind of formula or universal law is an idiot
>Freudian dick sucking
Smoking cigarettes?
>>imperialist depictions of ancient civilizations as savage, lesser men
Not sure why I would read the book, if these are the ideas. Might as well read about the mythic journey of a willow tree.
why are you on this board if you hate humanities, and shit like this?
>The call of the Great Father Snake was alarming to the child; the mother was protection. But the father came. He was the guide and initiator into the mysteries of the unknown. As the original intruder into the paradise of the infant with its mother, the father is the archetypal enemy hence, throughout life all enemies are symbolical (to the unconscious) of the father. "Whatever is killed becomes the father." Hence the veneration in headhunting communities (in New Guinea, for example) of the heads brought home for vendetta raids. Hence, too, the irresistible compulsion to make war: the impulse to destroy the father is continually transforming itself into public violence. The old men of the immediate community or race protect themselves from their growing sons by the psychological magic of their totem ceremonials.
he was basically just an armchair psychologist trying to tie myths to the Freudian psychological model
Why would I read a book specifically written for women? I’m not the intended audience anyway.
this shit is shit for middle-aged ladies, dude
I want to write books about female stories.
that's sounds like a bunch of unscientific bullshit.
well if the audience you want is middle-aged women who are into "goddess mysticism" then maybe this will be of use to you but not otherwise
His Dark Materials?
stories written by males to appeal to women are usually crap.
like most hollywood action female feminist I don't need no man BS.
I want to write some rpg maker BS on godot that girls would enjoy.
how does the heroin journey explains fifty shades' success?
The entire book is like that. It is not studied material in any field of mythology. It has been co-opted by writers who can't be bothered to actual read the original text (for which I don't blame them) and turned into some kind of unapproachable, seminal work in the history of narratives.
It's not. It's a bad book.
well, women entire goal in romance books, like I read several books on writing romance is about a couple who overcome their obstacles and end up being together.
women read romance to feel emotions, they don't care a lot about how good the plot is, how original or artistic is, but they care about how strong are the emotions on the story.
As such you can see it follows the heroine's journey in the sense that a pure maiden is tainted by the forbidden fruit of sex, receives some sexual trauma and the story is about she recovering this new crone jungian shadow that tempted her into adulthood until she's now a mature adult woman.
Even shades of gray follow this in some sense.
Is all about sex as a forbidden apple to eat and her reaction to this forbidden fruit.
>It basically is about a young damsel who suffers a sexual trauma by being raped by her father or being quarter by her evil stepmother, where she escapes to nature or is helped by some magical animal spirit or an old godess, until she enters a gestation period of hybernation and she learns to forgive, become one with her shadow/sexuality,
>become one with her shadow/sexuality
where the fuck did that come from? does literature about women always need to be about sex?
women entire biological role is to mature until you get pregnant with the best male seed, you then raise your kids and then die.
male biological role is to die young, die in wars, being killed, or survive enough until you try to go in an adventure, die in the adventure or if you're lucky get the treasure and pimp some whores and marry a high status lady.
>learns to forgive
>implying literature about men isn't always about sex.
to forgive others, she punishes the stepmother so she can replace her and marry her father or some shit like that.
this is why women have daddy issues.
>mfw this is oedipus for girls
electra complex *
more like thrushhold amirite
yea, I don't know what this person is talking about because this "heroine's journey" is literally identical to the Campbellian journey
compare pic to it's just a copy of the first google result for "Hero's journey" with a lady next to it
I literally read both books.
you only read meme pictures.
trips confirm
It's unironically true
I like the humanities just fine. It's just this specific idea is dumb or even insulting. PUA feminism.
how come the hero's myth represent women when it doesn't even make sense biologically for a women to pursuit an adventure since she will pretty much get killed and therefore all the adventurous women in history never left children while there's millions of kids of gengish kan?
>it doesn't even make sense biologically for a women to pursuit an adventure since she will pretty much get killed
well, what provides better survival strategy for a girl back in ancient times.
>be a nice house wife
>marry a decent guy
>shit out a dozen babies
>die old
>be an adventurous girl
>leave your village
>be raped and killed
>sold as sex slave
wow, what a good idea retard.
Turns out both are going to involve rape. Probably gang rape.
Since children are guaranteed for a woman, maybe a woman's journey comes from something besides her children? Like from something more challenging than getting sold to/raped by a cousin? Perhaps something that involves agency?
I'm not going to read this rehash of already flawed Hero With a Thousand Faces, but let's compare that outline to the one Campbell provides:
>>a young damsel who suffers a sexual trauma by being raped by her father or being quarter by her evil stepmother
call to adventure
>>where she escapes to nature or is helped by some magical animal spirit or an old godess
supernatural aid
>>until she enters a gestation period of hybernation
The belly of the whale
>>and she learns to forgive, become one with her shadow/sexuality,
Atonement (with the Father)
>>becomes a mature goddess,
>>reclaim her place as a queen, by usually marrying her male suitor, a Chad hero,
The crossing of the return threshold
>>punish the old crone/queen and lives a happy life as a queen/mother
Freedom to live
The fact is that the "Hero's Journey" is so stupid and vague and entrenched in fundamentally flawed early 20th century psychology there's no reason to try to impose a feminine aspect to it. The only reason it's masculine is because Freud didn't care about women. It has been neatly dissected by writers and reduced down to its most vague and useful terms - the work that Joseph Campbell produced can be lost and forgotten for all it matters anymore.
well, what provides better survival strategy for a boy back in ancient times.
>be a nice working man
>marry a decent gal
>provide for her and your dozen babies
>die old
>be an adventurous guy
>leave your village
>be raped and killed
>sold as slave
wow, what a good idea retard.
>Another point of interest, in the current debate of gender differences: It is always men who go off in search of the Grail, because women, by nature, already possess it.
raped by a cousin?.. what the fuck are you talking about?
Woman are not people. The only reason the feminine exists is to get mogged by the masculine.
Tribal villagers are all related to each other. If you never go more than a few dozen miles from where you are born, how else would it work?
Unless you are raiding. Groups of men raiding another tribe aren't looking to steal gold and jewels. They are there for rapine. But if you Hatfield and McCoy each other for generations you end up, well cousins.
not the same, faggot retard.
read both books.
do u realize gengis kan raped like a thousand female slaves or some shit like that?
not an argument
The heroine's journey:
>female characters are allowed to have at least a LITTLE agency don't you think?
I think he meant why you specifically wanted to discuss it. It obviously counts as Yea Forums, but threads have individual purposes and he was asking for the purpose of this one- being as most people here will either shitpost/quip/bitch and moan and not get very much out of it.
>links to amazon
>user dissects why you don't need to
Did you fucking write the book? Damn man, hear his reasoning out.
applies to the hero's journey too tbqh
Look at the replies to this post lmao so many seething e/lit/ists
You fags need to read more fairy tales, and you'll see where they're coming from.
Still wrong tho
Shilling is not welcome here. Begone.