Why dont more people read more classics I have never been let down by a classic

why dont more people read more classics I have never been let down by a classic

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It is hard to know where to start. I just wish some one would tell me where to start.

user things only become classics when a lot of people have read them

>I have never been let down by a classic
Then you obviously don't read enough classics

The Greeks

Most people don't know how to read properly, so when non-avid readers see writing more complicated than what they were taught in school they just can't understand it.


Forget everything you know about reading. Here's the only metric you need to determine if a book is a classic. If a character dies, even the smallest side character who only shows up on one or two pages of the whole book, it's trash. From this simple rule it can be determined that books with no deaths whatsoever are classical masterpieces.

In that case, please name three masterpieces.

Green Eggs and Ham - T.S. Geisel
The Berenstain Bears Saga: Old Hat, New Hat - Stan Berenstain
The Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle

Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Lady Susan

How to read properly?

Don Quixote de la Mancha is STILL the greatest work of literatura ever produced

No one enjoys ALL the classics

There are only so many classics. You can basically read them all in just two years

Harry Potter and the Wand of Magic
Harry Potter and the Wizard's Spell
Harry Potter and the Cauldron of Sorcery

This. Anglos can't hold a candle against motherfuckin Cervantes so they praised Shakespeare.

Please tell me how to read

reading is boring and for nerds

this hurts my soul

That there are so few? There are a ton of great works that aren't considered classics

this mends my soul and is what I thought anyways

But Dante is better than both Cervantes and Shakespeare

Also The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Wuthering Heights, but NOT Jane Eyre.

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This too OP

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I'm the one who the made post in OP's image. It was in response to someone suggesting that I read more of Vonnegut's work. I had already read Slaughterhouse 5 and Cat's Cradle, and I disliked them both intensely, but he suggested that I try Breakfast of Champions. I told him that I'm not reading any more.

vonnegut is a hack, and anyone who supports him is either not well read or a redditor(analytically derived from the former)

Fucking hell that chart is full of redundancies.

>Western philosophy chart that skips strait from ancient Greece to Descartes.

I particularly dislike this worn out meme.

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He has two ok books

It's bloated enough, nobody has time for all that roman and medieval shit.

Classics should be read more yeah. But they're actually not doing that bad. This is from a few years ago.

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People who are well read think his work is fine or good, nothing beyond that probably, it’s not a big deal, but categorising them as "redditors" specifically is fucking Idiotic, I’m pretty sure a decent number of folks on here like him, this rigid category thinking is the most retarded shit,
>Redditors like him
But what if someone doesn’t use reddit and likes him, and is well read, or what if the majority of reddit dislikes and spits on his work

There's a whole lot of unnecessary or redundant books there. Cut out like five of them just to get some Seneca, St. Augustin, and Aquinas in there.

Want more you handsome man?

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I’ll keep feeding you if you let me

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If you find yourself enjoying every classic you could be tricking or lying to yourself because you want to enjoy the book not for its own merit, but because it is seen as “classic”. Or you could just have the luckiest taste

People die in every Harry Potter I think

lmao anglos reported the shakespeare thread.

Harry Potter is for women and children, don’t change my mind or try to or I’ll blow your fucking brains back

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He’s not as bad as he’s made out to be. He seems to be pardoxically both overrated and overhated. I know a lot of feminist Tumblr types that hate him because “muh sexism” and a lot of snobby Yea Forums types that hate him because “lol Reddit”
Honestly, he’s an above average writer for the late 20th century, but is far far far from the top. He’s a sort of love him or hate him type of guy

I agree with you that they are for children, but people die in them so, by that other user’s definition, they are not masterpieces

I met this 27 woman who loved Harry Potter to the core and let me tell you user, this cunt was the most annoying person I’ve ever spoken to in my life, we were not friends because I am younger than her, the cunt is almost 30, but she was the dumbest girl I have ever spoken to, yes girl, writing this upsets me because I remember sitting though and listening to her vile verbal vomit, her cognitive abilities at work and her logic, Jesus fucking Christ, and she’s fucking ugly too

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What was so bad about her and did liking HP play a role in it or was it just another detail?

She is a huge faggot about it and owns costumes and magic sticks, and asks what house people belongs to, imagine using brain space to memorise Harry Potter, each to his own though

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You can't go through Everyman's Library and Norton in just two years let alone other major collections.

Care to explain how focaults pendulum is postmodern?

>Infinite Jest

DJW would kill himself all over again if he seen this

Notes from Underground, Kafka's metamorphosis(roaches aren't human so don't count),and my book

That’s why I posted it

I didn’t make this, and I don’t care