Why are the book clubs at all my local bookstores only feminist or socialist meetups?
Why are the book clubs at all my local bookstores only feminist or socialist meetups?
Because I have never met a non socialist that even reads, they see it as a waste of time which is a shame because I would love more right leaning books.
Because right-wingers are tend to be either dumb or old. That's why they're losing all the time, btw.
>believing that and being able to breath at the same time
Because you're going to watch these people get bent over ditches and shot in the back of the head.
Because they're filled with women, which tend to be more left-leaning than men
Now, why women read more than men? That's a more interesting question
>Misspelling 'breathe' and claiming you're not dumb at the same time
because reading books is for the intellectually insecure. there are much more efficient methods of learning and superior mediums of entertainment in this day and age. you're using technology right now that has replaced the codex. not to mention the literary industry mainly panders to women these days and women lean left, why would a right wing man want to read garbage written with the intention of a leftist woman spending money on it? that's most of what you see from YA fiction to textbooks.
won't get published by major publishers for a variety of reasons including what I just mentioned.
women are too stupid to use computers and the internet at the level that replaces literary media.
Insecurity and totalitarianism.
also this but without the cringeworthy "why read when you can listen to retards sum it up for you on youtube" part
>why read when you can listen to retards sum it up for you on youtube
He's right you know.
Youtube "summaries" only include what they agree with (or only what they disagree with if it's some smear effort). The primary source will always be king.
>he doesn't know how to use computers and the internet to learn things significantly more efficiently than reading books
maybe I'm making a mistake in using the pronoun "he". a primary source includes only what it agrees with on a given subject. well-educated lecturers tend to draw from more sources than an author. not to mention the efficient nature + extra dimensions of articles and visual media. use the primary source with a search tool for reference if you need to but reading the entire damned thing is a waste of resources unless it's your job or your ego is based on your bookshelf.
if you're reading for entertainment I pity you but that's a better hill to die on.
>missing the point entirely
>muh efficiency
if small souled bugman had an image attached to it in the dictionary it would be a picture of you
I'd rather be efficient than rely on calling people bugmen when attempting to defend my views
How do into socialism? Equality is my policy, and I want to support ideologies that promote it. I want to bash the fash and caps. Is there a socialism chart on here?
Can you please list three (3) non-theoretical superior mediums of entertainment that you personally engage in ON A REGULAR BASIS.
Because those are the only types who make an identity out of reading, its a solitary hobby. Learn to engage with it as so and use it on the world around you instead of directly.
dont try to become a socialist dude, its a dead and buried ideology and all of its modern day adherants are literally just liberals playing dressup and larping
adopt a mans ideology and become a socdem
Stop watching anime.
okay bro can u recommend me a starting place for socdem
Socialism is a dead end, why would you even want to be a socialist ?
This desu, every extremist ideology ESPECIALLY in the west is a LARP, socdem is really the most reasonable youll come across. There will be faggy berniebros but its the most solid overall.
i just want to be a marxist and i thought that was same as socialism, marx seems so cool and friendly and his followers seem like real intellectuals and also kind people
Reading is a fashion statement for most leftists, kind of like listening to music on vinyl or watching foreign arthouse films.
are there any good online book clubs?
i've tried a couple of discord ones, they're shit
This thread is utter trash. Haughty egalitarians on one side and philistines on the other. This is the sort of ghastly thread which absolutely begs to be visited by the terrible butterfly.
That said, as some one who is probably "far right" I would love to have a reading club. Unfortunately, I don't know any one personally who cares about reading and I know nearly as few who care about politics, or whatever you want to call it. My fiancee works at a chain book store and she tells me every other employee there is either notably liberal-feminist or a tranny.
I used to be on an IRC channel, but I forgot what it was called.
How does anime make girls just hanging out with each other so awesome?
>My fiancee works at a chain book store and she tells me every other employee there is either notably liberal-feminist or a tranny.
Yeah because its a shit retail job. Tell your fiance to improve herself
just googled some, so far the results are 1 site that pays you for reviews and a bunch of artsy-fartsy hipster YA "clubs"
i just want a rather small (but active) comfy place to discuss shit
anime is the only worthwhile medium of entertainment. I am being 100% unironic.