Which book of the Bible is most Yea Forums and why?

Which book of the Bible is most Yea Forums and why?

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Finnegans Wake

12 Rules for Life

the Book of Daniel because I say so

Stop screwing around guys

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Job. God answers the question of theodicy in the most blunt way possible. He doesn't dissect the idea of evil or say it is made up for in Heaven.

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes

Anyone not saying Isaiah, Matthew, Luke/Acts, John, or Revelation has some serious explaining to do.

Revelations, obviously.

Is revaluations meme-tier or did I just misunderstand it?

People don’t realize it, but Job is a comedy.

Ruth. Because I say so

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>he forgot Song of Solomon

How is theodicy answered in Job? I thought the book was addressing false but prevalent attitudes among the believers about sin and suffering, like the belief suffering is caused by sin.

Do you have to read the bible from start to beginning or can you just pick books at random?

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It was acid trip

Esther >>>>>> Ruth

I read it from cover to cover during college m8

Read Psalms and the New Testament first.



(Only read Matt, Mark, Luke thus far. Matt is more kino than anything I have ever read)

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Based initiate. Good luck on your studies, if you liked Matthew you're in for a treat with John as well.

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Judges, or the chapter of Genesis where that city gets circumcised and then slaughtered

What! Esther -because in it the eponymous heroin's not only the savior of her people but the Jewish Cinderella. Also, she merited a holiday (Purim) and Hamantaschen are superior cookies.

>missing out on John
cmon man

The one without any Jews in it.