Have you all already seen Pewdiepies book review of Platos "The Republic"?

Have you all already seen Pewdiepies book review of Platos "The Republic"?
if not, why not?


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Because I don’t give a fuck what he has to say about any book, I derive my own meaning, read it twice thrice quadruple if I have to, fuck him and fuck YouTube

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Why bother? What could he possibly have to contribute?

Stop spamming shit about your favorite bibea gayem ecelebs here, retarded zoomer.

Im not gonna watch a PewDiePie vid, but has anyone got some reddit links since those fags are undoubtedly going to be seething about this?

Why should I care?

Yea Forums's recent obsession with him only reinforces the conclusion that everyone here is a seething newcunt

this is my first post here regarding this
>recent obsession
nobody on Yea Forums is obsessed with pewdiepie

he sucks

Be honest. If I made a real thread on Republic right now, you wouldn't post. You just enjoy the bloodsport.

At least Pewdiepie is starting a discussion. You're all too wrapped up in this circus of hurling insults.


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Because he's becoming literature teacher for large portion of the zoom zoom generation.

to all the people shitmouthing him in this thread, you might want to give him a chance and at least watch 20 minutes of the video.
he is doing a good job in bringing literature closer to people who otherwise would most likely not want anything to do with it.

he can't keep getting away with this, this is OUR thing

His reviews are terrible.

Saying and implying I derive my own meaning is not insulting, fuck him is, right? Fuck him is. Fuck him and his sperg fan base, just fucking read intensely and thoroughly, take notes and reflect, it’s not fucking hard, no one here cares about Pussypie, we aren’t 13 years old,
>watch an adult male on camera laughing like a school girl towards memes
fuck him and fuck YouTube, so it goes

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go home, redd*t!

i'm watching it at the moment and i find it very intresting and nice to listen to

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I did watch about 20 mins of it. At around that mark (20:30) he mistakes the warriors and guardians as being hard to control. epic cringe bro.

>Because he's becoming literature teacher for large portion of the zoom zoom generation.

By that you mean a large portion of the zoom zoom generation will now consider themselves knowledgeable on literature after watching youtube videos on the subject.

>they will start reading on their own

No they won't, the same excuse was made for YA and those gains never materialized.

Friendly reminder PewDiePie got 50 Muslims and over 300 Christians killed in just over a month.

well that equals 1:6, we are still losing with a big margin


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hes one of us and he is making the world a better place through his lit series

Why does he do this? Is he really curious, or just trying to appear smart?