It's time to demand better female representation in books! Who will join me?

It's time to demand better female representation in books! Who will join me?

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fuck off

Anti-freeze is simply ridiculous.

It's great that people propose these tests and note that there aren't any good books that pass them but still fail to put two and two together

women are scary

Applying these to my Novel
>Mako Mori
Again, Repeatedly
>Sexy lamp
Dont think any of my females could be replaced without destroying the story except really minor ones like some hat merchant in Illinois or something retarded.
>Anti freeze
No, but I'm not finished and I'm not sure this no will stay.
That said there will be atleast one guy who goes through that regardless, but hey!
>Strength is relative
I think so. I'm not in a position to say and honestly if you search hard enough you can make a case that any character has a bunch of underdeveloped stereotypes in lieu of actual charachterization.

This is the first I've heard of anything other than Bechdel.
How did I do lads? Am I a good progressive yet?

shit novel, it seems.

I think it's equally retarded to have virtually no female characters (unless the setting is army, prison, boys-only school, etc) and force females in the story for the sheer sake of them being female. Those characters are usually plain, shallow and an example bad female representation.

reality doesn't pass the Bechdel test

Well if I wanted to get my dick sucked because of those facts, I wouldn't go here.

The point of these tests is to sample a large quantity of media and see how many pass the test; if barely any pass then the takeaway is supposed to be "women are poorly represented in general". However due to poor understanding, people often apply the rules to individual media and conclude that the media is bad/problematic for failing the test. The message is less "more films for women (alongside the ones for men)" and more "more films should include women".

What begins as a call for media to represent more interests/perspectives turns into a process of homogenization and powercreep, but no real change happens (e.g. nu star wars is still star wars but now every configuration of human life has to be represented and represented positively).

Hollywood weaponise this sort of representation to make media matter to people. Mainstream culture has never been more trivial, worthless and distracting yet it has never been held to higher standards and felt as much responsibility as it does now. And the real trick here is that they make you think you have the power because you're the ones "holding them to account", getting you further invested in the new children's film for children. Rather than assert that film is trivial and insignificant, you scold a film for not living up to it's responsibility, which implicitly concedes that it has that responsibility, however this is one of those things where it's only true if you accept it as true, and now the rest of us have to live in a world where this shit matters even if we don't watch any of these sorts of films.

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I see nothing wrong with these demands.

All of these are fine apart from the “Anti-Freeze”. I understand the sentiment, but not having women be hurt at all for furthering the narrative is limiting.

umm excuse me bigot women aren't allowed to get hurt that's why Muslims are good because they don't hurt women.

All jokes aside though, I totally understand why there’s a concern about women being “fridged”. Using dead/hurt women as a motive for revenge is a cliche to the point where it becomes trite. Still, a female character being killed off or injured as a means of motivating another character can be effective if this female character is a character readers can get invested in. I totally support having stronger representation of female characters in fiction, I just don’t support saying that you CAN’T use certain tropes.

100% spot on. Call a poor representation of female characters a poor representation and move on. The better thing to do is to praise good portrayals of female characters when they do appear. That gets the message across far more effectively.

Yeah, we need more female comedians too.

Is it possible for both A) women to come across poorly in fictional media, and B) women to be represented accurately in fictional media. To me they don't seem like mutually exclusive propositions.

I only read nautical novels because I hate women and fuck man ass

Depends on the type of woman. Not all women are interesting, but having an uninteresting character is an issue if that character is a central one in the story. So in those cases, it’s better to have actually well portrayed women.

Do you guys think that the female psyche is more intriguing than the male psyche? Does it lend itself better to fiction, and to other kinds of art?

I like what Nietzsche has to say about women. I would never claim it as my own position, though, as so doing would only be a way to sublimate my submissive nature into some weird type of (ostentatious) progressiveness. It would be like telling a room full of females: "Yes, women are superior - but not for the reasons they think! ;D." I think that would be more than a little pathetic

great post right there

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Its not more intriguing, what you think there is inside , is just like with most persons a vague emptiness. What you are doing is transposing male principles into the feminine. The feminine is however dominant not because its a negation of the masculine , like the men are from mars and women are from venus shit, but because women as subjects gain validation and become women through what men think of as the feminine.

>write women but as stereotypical male characters.

Ok got it

I love whales. I would fuck a right whale in the blowhole if I could. Just rolling in the sea. asking for it.

The nature of the feminine has to be one of the most heavily written subject matters of all time. Male writers are obsessed with it and love to romanticise it, which is funny when you compare that to female writers, since they tend to write about the feminine from a realist perspective and talk about how unromantic it is.

Shhhhhhhhhhh don't let them know.

what I've always found hilarious about these dumb tests is that the most degrading japanese ecchi series and SoL shows pass them with flying colors

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Makes sense. Thank you for correcting me - it's easy to forget how suggestible I can be.

Is there something to be said for the way that the feminine nature can evoke an (imagined) sense of depth, or does that, too, owe its existence to sex-crazed male hallucination? I rarely observe the reciprocal of this trope anywhere - that is, female fascination with the male nature (either in art or daily life).

>women being harmed or killed in a story is a bad trope
Then they’d just reeee about the plot being “male-centric” if the women get left at home, or complain still if a woman participated in the plot but is a love interest or somehow not given as much time as the male protag. Is every book supposed to be nothing but women sitting still and gossiping? I know these people are retarded and not even worth engaging with but the extent of the cultish obsession with denigrating “le old white men” authors is ridiculous. How is men writing about men somehow hurting you? Why don’t they celebrate follow in the traditions of genuinely talented female authors instead of just seething over how no one takes seriously their self-published YAshit about a quirky self-insert blogging from her Brooklyn apartment and embracing body positivity under Drumpf’s regime?

>I'm literally a female (girl (xx))
>one of my novels (wip) only has 2 female characters
>they're both pieces of shit and both die within one chapter of introduction
I mean, all characters except one guy in the entire book are pieces of shit, though. (not the protag, but rather the implied narrator. The protag is similar to nikolai from demons and is the worst piece of crap out of all of them, but the audience doesn't find that out until 4-5 chapters in.) It's pretty neat actually.
Then again it takes a massive steaming dump on the face of christianity and arguably white western males, so it could stand a solid chance of getting published regardless. somewhat similar to shushaku endo's silence.
Why would anyone want women represented in literature? Usually characters in novels are either pieces of shit, are tormented relentlessly, die terrible deaths, or all three. Something like 90% of all the characters I've ever written have been killed off. Do they really want me to write them as women?

It's time we rewrite the classics to provide better representation of women. Our diverse panel of authors will adapt classics to be more inclusive so we can better educate our children.

Friendly reminder that women are the niggers of gender.


i am literally terrified of women, they are fucking horrifying

>he isn't already 70% done writing a book of classic stories with a female Statler and Waldorf pair observing on to discuss [anything in the main story but a man]
Never gonna make it.

These kinds of lists almost disturbs me. Not because I care one way or the other about female representation. It's just the idea of codifying a checklist of conditions to impose on art and elevating those conditions over the merit of the work in and of itself.

When all is said and done it's a piece of fiction that originates from a single author's imagination. There shouldn't be all these rules. If you want to write it one way you should be at liberty to do so. If the book repeats certain tropes that you find distasteful, stop reading it. Don't try to legislate requirements.

OK sweety. Post your feet.

Some stories simply have to be masculine to work

the only bad test on that list is the anti-freeze, though
>outing yourself as having never read a good book before

Based cogent-poster