I read audiobooks

>i read audiobooks

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>haha noises tells story!

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>I view reading as an end goal in itself instead of the absorption of the ideas in the book

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isn't that outdated technology?

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>I read books on my phone

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Not yet.

Hey, I do this!

I play audiobook and read at the same time, i get my shit at My Anonamouse

This is actually the patrician way

Starts to seem a good option when you've got a job that involves a lot of waiting, but bringing a book would get your lazy ass fired.

What kind of jobs are like this?

>be audible user
>Get charged $7.99 for a single credit per month when you could potentially buy (for a bargain) three used books for the same price
>Browse digital store to find books on your list
>Half of the shit you want to read hasn't been turned into an audiobook
>Browse free section
>Comedians whoring themselves on tape, post-menopausal harlots discussing sex, cucks acting morally righteous
>The few that seem tolerable are split up into 20 different separate files that you have to download individually
>Pick a book
>Store description offers no information about the quality of narration
>Narrated by some washed up old celebrity
>You think the best part is you can multitask whilst """reading"""
>If only you knew
>Focus on the Hungry Caterpillar narrated by Tim Robbins is divided by at least half
>The words enter your ears but you only hear every tenth word
>Finish book
>It starts all over again next month
>You think you're becoming smarter, more intellectual
>Don't kid yourself
>You've fallen for a marketing scheme that has turned a potentially vibrant, intelligent reader into a mindless consumer with their false sense of intellect burned onto their forehead for all to see
>tfw you give a piece of your humanity to faceless corporate vampires with every """book""" you buy
>tfw you're not any smarter and glue to your precious technology just as much
>tfw you've lost because you were too lazy to just use your goddamn eyes

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>i download thousands of pdfs and listen to google tts at 200% speed for 16 hours a day, and then I relisten to them on a spaced repetition schedule for maximum comprehension

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>paying for virtual things on the internet

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Michael Shermer said on his podcast that he listens to audiobooks on x1.5 the speed... I tried x1.5 speed on youtube "Ted Talks" just to see what it was like

Holy shit balls, mom, I can't keep up.

Just increase speed gradually. You'll get used to it in no time. People talk so slowly anyway.
I slow down to ~125% if I'm listening to fiction for some reason.
I still prefer to read fiction with my eyes.

I do this, fuck off

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>He doesn't record his own audiobooks from his own massive library of material
Hopelessly fucking plebian

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I don't mind them but I prefer hard copies.

meme and cringe. I'm listening to The Master and Margarita on YouTube, as I type this. I was in traffic earlier today because I live in an urban industrial hellscape, listening to the book. I was driving home, listening to the book. I was working out this morning, listening to the book. I'm almost through it.