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Sandnigger religions are all cancer.

Correct. Christianity is inhumane; its method of teaching people to behave is to make them feel guilty.

he never even says that, pls stop inciting conflict between religions

the handling of the book is all fucked up too because this brainlet doesent know how to hold a book

Link to him talking about Either/Or?

>bro Christianity is so coooool
>um don’t you know that in Christianity that uhhhhh god died for us and stuff
Oh well that happened in other eastern religions too

Why do christians keep trying to cope about their boring desert religion

most people only ask for forgiveness because they're afraid of hell.

I refuse to believe that there are more then 5 sincere Christians on this board. There's about 100 who are ironic easily though. They think their hilarious when this joke has been stale for at least a decade now.

please stop talking about youtubers on Yea Forums

gradually injects stronger and stonger reactoinary themes into the minds of a whole generation.

My heart tells me that Pewds has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over.

>Oh well that happened in other eastern religions too
lol nice try bud

I don't like to be mean to anyone, including Christians. But I sincerely struggle to understand how someone could literally believe in an omnibenevolent, omnipotent and transcendent personality in this day and age, with the freedom of reading they are allowed and the facilities of mind they possess. Not that I could disprove such a concept - but there's so many obvious arguments against it even in the general sense, let alone believing that the Old Testament is a real, historical account of that time where the Creator of the Universe came down and hung out with some random Semitic humans, leaving them to document this most extraordinary encounter in literature afterward, from which our species can boast of knowing there's a God, and of what this God wants from us. I'm never mean to Christians, I respect everyone. But when I ask them the questions I do, the ones here either call me a "Jew" (painfully ironic), or simply insult me in some other manner. The comment sections of Youtube apologetics are similar, with no real dialogue between believers and inquirers - only hostility, on both sides. I no longer get into such conversations. Let people believe what they want - it doesn't suit my own reasoning, but I'm not in any sense "correct", nor should the world look like what I would have it to.

>reads an abridged version of possibly the most important philosophical work of the 19th and 20th century

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>"lol believing in God is silly"
>doesn't object to any of the mystic shit that's in Buddhism
Felix is a good guy, but he clearly has a bit of a bias towards Christianity. Kierkegaard's faith in God isn't any less logical than the leaps of faith that Buddhists take.

>believing either/or is one of the most important philosophical works of the 19th and 20th century.

heh heh heh

But if that guilt is real then its teaching them truth. You're presuming humans have nothing to feel guilty about


for me? Islam was the only choice

being christian is being beta and then being a cuck on top for no good reason

>Don't be a bad person and you'll reach Paradise for all eternity eventually
>dude be like water XDDD dude reincarnation dude you'll be a cockroach lmao

You wouldn't understand, kid. It's not about logic. If we were being logic we would all kill ourselves immediately.

Yeah it's true
I respect Christianity and the Bible for all the art it has brought into the world, but Christianity is a nonsensical sandnigger religion. Better than Judaism and Islam, but all the Abrahamic religions are retarded at the core.
Buddhism on the other hand makes sense and is non-restrictive, say what you will about the paranormal elements, but at its base Buddhism is fully good. There's nothing in Buddhism that encourages wrongdoing or, for the most part, restricts you from doing things you want to do. It's just a wholesome way of life.

Not an argument

Jewish society was pretty fucked up at that point. That's what happens when you cut your dick skin off and sacrifice kids.

Hi Pewds big fan of your work, particularly the drama.

>but all the Abrahamic religions are retarded at the core
hello, my mind

Thank you Jacob Williams of First Things

>judging ancient societies with modern standards

It's not Kierkegaard's best work, you know.

why do posts like this never just say what the best work is

It really shouldn't take time to know that killing kids is wrong. In fact, it's totally unnatural, cutting off the line of succession. The first humans knew this, they did not have to be told to not kill kids. There has to be a societal sickness for a society to start killing kids.

>The first humans knew this, they did not have to be told to not kill kids.
Doubt (A)

because nobody itt has read kierkegaard

What I mean is that killing kids was not accepted religiously as it was in Canaan. Kid killers existed but they were seen as dicks.

Fear and Trembling, The Sickness Unto Death, and Concluding Unscientific Postscripts are all superior.

>dude nothing is your feel is all divine play give me money
>those who succumb to their vices and shortsightness will be rebirth as animals(as in in the present your actions will carry conséquences in the future)

I can't tell if I hate that actual literature is being popularized, or if I'm glad about it. On the one hand, I really, really, really don't want to hear what some fucking mouthbreather has to say about the teleological suspension of the ethical; but, on the other hand, maybe the slight increase in knowledge among the general public will make it easier for me to showboat.
I respect him immensely for trying to become educated and for encouraging education. However, this video is all smoke and mirrors: never once does he actually engage in a meaningful way with the contents of those two books, and I hope people it doesn't become normal for people to mistake that for real philosophical or literary criticism.

Does PewDiePie actually read Kierkegaard?


you may not like it but Eastern theology makes more sense. Semite shit is just horrid and backwards morals.

And what of Sufism?

It was real wow
This guy has chance to read in danish, that's jealous

ligma balls

Now in English, please, doc. You seem to have an imperfect understanding of Christianity, anyway.

>muh makes sense

the general public/masses aren't capable of understanding much of this, and there's no point in trying to "enlighten" them by attempting to explain it to them, as countless centuries of history have shown

Your religion is a mélange of pagan belief, and the core of it is peasants's cope.

Explain how Buddhism makes more sense than Christianity

Buddhism is a how to possibly escape this existence, christardity present you with a truth that can be changed at any time and tells you to be grateful for the basic needs, basically an abusive parent, also reward at the end of your lide, peasant cope.

Pewdiepie is actually probably the least faggy book youtuber honestly
Why are all book youtubers such faggots?

But how does reincarnation make any more sense than an afterlife? What is the truth of Christianity that can change at any time?


PDP has nothing to prove, really. He's doing it as a hobby that he genuinely enjoys as he's already exhausted most possible avenues of youtube. Most booktubers are trying to carve out themselves as a "brand" which leads to inauthenticity

Because books are for faggots, faggot

How is Buddhism any less of a cope than Christianity?
>Everything is an illusion, all of the pleasure is of the world are illusions, so it's good that you never get to experience any of them

So, what do you do with your guilt? Where does it go? Do you work to free yourself from it somehow? Or does it get stored up? What about the things you can't forgive yourself for?

The Bible tells us that we have been given a path to forgiveness and, even more than that, righteousness. But the first step is to be humbled before God. What is wrong with that? Are you saying that there's something wrong with a great equalizer?

As opposed to buddhism, aka chink giga cope. So desperate for an afterlife that they invent you can reincarnate into a cockroach or a dick-nosed monkey.

>dude reincarnation is not coping XDD
>dude christianity is bad

what am i supposed to feel guilty about?

why would you not be able to forgive yourself for something? Where does guilt come from?

Be able to repress your primal desires is strength. All elevations of mankind have come as a result of some form of tyranny. Why do you think Nietzsche holds the position I just mentioned and also calls stoicism tyranny of the mind? Repression has elevated mankind.

Your God is in your mind. As is your inherited, antiquated guilt. Equalisation can come from many sources, yours is just one.

Not even him, but there's nothing more obnoxious than a British atheist. I bet you suck Richard Dawkins' dick and get fucked in the ass by Stephen Fry. Please, consider suicide.

Not reincarnation, rebirth, but at this point I'm not going to trust you to understand anything but trivalism.

>Equalisation can come from many sources, yours is just one.
Enjoy being star dust, along with your prophet: black science man.
Under God, as under Tyson, you hold no intrinsic value over me. The difference being my God was persecuted for peace and died a martyr.

>what am i supposed to feel guilty about?
For letting us all down, in every small way. And if you believe in God, you should know that you've failed his standard immeasurably.
>why would you not be able to forgive yourself for something?
I guess some people never have to face gut-wrenching regrets. Or maybe you're not old enough to look back on times when you've unwittingly abandoned someone or caused someone serious harm without a thought. I'm pretty sure everyone faces it eventually though.
>Where does guilt come from?
Silly question. Your conscience.
Pride comes before the fall, my friend.

>dude semantics lol
>dude buddhism is like very deep bro you wouldn't understand XDD

Christian empathy, everyone.

Atheist cynicism, everyone.

What is prideful about not assuming belief?
I have no idea what you're talking about. All guilt is handled internally; i don't need to anthropomorphise it to a scientist or a crucified jew.
Many Christians would agree that God is in the mind, but as soon as I use these turns of phrase the evangelicals lash out. Ironic, considering you can't go 50 metres without avoiding christian imagery in the secular States.

I dont think a lot of people would actually be swayed by any of his opinions. In any case he's actually a commie, i know him in real life

Rebirth is a punishment not something good.

But why do basic human failings need a transcendent Judge for them? Everyone should be aiming to be a better person, and to improve on their flaws across their lifetime, feeling guilty for one's errors and seeking to correct them - but what relation does this have to God? Why, according to Christian theology, am I born sinful?

And don't even get me started on the whole "eve ate the apple" meme, please. It's better we just don't go there - I don't want to have to justify how I'm not liable for the actions of a random, possibly-fictional woman who was deceived by the greatest deceptive agent in all of existence itself, who the Almighty seemingly couldn't or wouldn't prevent from entering his "paradise" in the first place, and also being omniscient must necessarily have known about the entire episode before he'd even created the universe at all. Let's just not go there. If you believe that, that's fine - please don't attempt to tell me why it's actually completely real, sensible, and justified.

>Many Christians would agree that God is in the mind, but as soon as I use these turns of phrase the evangelicals lash out. Ironic, considering you can't go 50 metres without avoiding christian imagery in the secular States.
Not even a Burger, sweaty. I'm an atheist, in fact, but I hate obnoxious athetist scum like you.

Well you got your knickers in a twist over nothing - i'm not atheist

Worse, a weeb who follows a meme chink religion like bUdDhIsM, I suppose?

I'm not an atheist, that's another example of Christian narcissism on your part, assuming everyone critiquing you has no positions on reality besides atheism. Secondly, I'm not the guy you responded to, I simply marvelled at how someone who claims to believe in God could say such harsh words to someone else, seemingly with no provocation on the other's part. His first assertion might be unjustified, since it's unclear whether the Chrisrian God is real or not. His second, advocating pluralism, is perfectly true. Shameful that you gave him such a response, really.

>So, what do you do with your guilt?
I don't have guilt. Guilt is the result of an error in judgment.

>For letting us all down, in every small way.
You can stand up for yourself. You don't need me to hold your hand.

>And if you believe in God, you should know that you've failed his standard immeasurably.
But I am God, and I live up to my standards every single day.

Might be time to unplug from the net a while friend

ITT: le buddhist converse because I'm a contrarianfag XDD

I believe in a god, maybe not the kind you have in mind.
You seem really presumptuous and full of pride. Who am I letting down exactly? humanity? or God? why do you presume im failing god? Because of the rules set forth in the Bible? Who are you to presume to know the standards set forth by god?

Guilt comes from the mind. Guilt comes from when you BELIEVE you did something terribly wrong, but where do your beliefs come from?

Regret is a state of mind. Its a state where you see whats happened in the past and how its affected people, and how things could have been different ("better"). But you cant change whats happened. Why do you insist on projecting your guilt onto other people?

You sound very ignorant. It seems like you dont understand reincarnation.

>I'm not an atheist, that's another example of Christian narcissism on your part, assuming everyone critiquing you has no positions on reality besides atheism
Most of critiques against Christianity come fom butthurt atheist faggots.
>, I'm not the guy you responded to, I simply marvelled at how someone who claims to believe in God could say such harsh words to someone else
Big assumption there, bud. See:>Shameful that you gave him such a response, really.
Oh someone broke your heart on Yea Forums boohoo. Maybe it's time for suicide.

Tell me where I'm wrong. I'll wait.

>So desperate for an afterlife that they invent you can reincarnate into a cockroach or a dick-nosed monkey.
Would you rather debate or discuss?

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It really comes down to the question of whether or not you believe the books of the Bible are God-breathed. I do. If it were up to me, I wouldn't live by any strict rules at all. But (thank God) it's not. It's up to me to uphold those teachings. Also, I don't think I'm projecting my guilt onto anyone. I think that anyone called by God will feel similar guilt. If your heart is hardened (I pray it won't always be), then of course it will seem foolish. I have to go to sleep. God bless, user.

Not him, but see Buddhists don't want to be reincarnated. To be reincarnated means you still have unfinished business here.

Buddhism is not interested in eternal life as the Christian conceives it. Buddhism defines life as suffering and seeks to end the suffering. Nirvana is a state of oneness and also of nothingness. The Buddhist achieves ego death via meditation on a daily basis to prepare the soul for that state and live a life that will break the cycle of reincarnation for one's soul.

If you believe you have to uphold those teachings, then do it. But, dont expect everyone to buy into it. I believe Jesus was an enlightened man and his teachings were the Truth. Love is the greatest power my friend. To be hard is to die, to be soft is to live.

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