1984 vs brave new world
what do you guy think which one is better?
1984 vs brave new world
what do you guy think which one is better?
1984 is entry-level, brave new world is for real niggas
Anyone that doesn't say BNW is a simpleton.
I read both in high school and forgot pretty much everything about both of them lol
BNW is a collection of interesting ideas but fails completely as a novel
Brave new world literally described in depth the best society conceivable. Those who disagreed were not executed for going against the state, they were simply allowed to choose an island of their preference to live with like minded people. People too simple or content had no reason to rebel and anyone who read the book and feels as though it was an injustice to them is a dipshit. The dumb don’t realize they’re dumb, and the smart/capable do realize they’re in control so both parties enjoy their lives, if you don’t, again, just leave.
Brave New World is fucking horrible. It's one of the most poorly written books to have never gone out of printing, the other one being the Fountainhead. It starts with a cool concept, soon becomes clear the author has no grasp on prose, and the story is going nowhere. At some point they find an Indian in a zoo? WTF?
Also, perhaps it was simply for shock value, but the Indian killing himself and irrationally beating the woman was retarded either way, there was no conflict, it’d be as if I went to India and got pissed about some tradition so badly I decided to beat a woman for it, even though I could leave and had no obligation to live there or even tolerate them. Brave new world is the idealized world and that is the final redpill
nigga u dumb as hell. that indian is the "son" of one of the high ranking people from that brave new world. he was left off as babby with his mom in that reservation and ending growing up with indians. he represents all that is good with people. he shows emotions and has restraint for the greater good despite being an outsider from every society hes been in contact with
Something akin to but far worse than BNW is going to happen in the united states and europe soon
Define soon
No, please don't, it's rhetorical
>readily available hormone injections
>loss of culture
>loss of religion
>extreme birth control
>promiscuity encouraged
>drugs easily obtained and not looked down upon
user, I...
Sorry, but Huxley has been clear that current drugs are not like soma
The real soma is the "friends" we make along the "way"
BNW is a more interesting view of the future I think but worse written book
>religious imagery takes precedence over competently telling a story
>eternal *nglo once again masturbates over muh shakespeepee
BNW is garbage, 1984 wins by default
Why does everyone ignore that the proles in 1984 are also controlled by porn, drugs and dumb amusement
Because 1984's system is inefficient and stupid and therefore requires a system of punishment. Consider, in Walden Two:
"What is love,” he said, with a shrug, "except another name for the use of positive reinforcement?"
“Or vice versa," I said.
The only reason BNW happened was because of a lack of automation. With automation, we don't have to worry about most of what the book forewarns.
>"newspeak is inefficient"
>crossposts on /pol/ about how libtards are redefining everything as "offensive" and how "racism" as been overused to the point of not meaning anything
Cat Country by Lao She is a better satire of a declining civilisation.
Pictures of our Socialistic Future by Eugen Richter predicted the future (of socialism) better than anything I've read previously.
both are terrible novels
What about Vineland?