Nihilism no longer wears the dark, Wagnerian, Spenglerian, fuliginous colors of the end
of the century. It no longer comes from a Weltanschauung of decadence nor from a
metaphysical radicality born of the death of God and of all the consequences that must be
taken from this death. Today's nihilism is one of transparency, and it is in some sense
more radical, more crucial than in its prior and historical forms, because this
transparency, this irresolution is indissolubly that of the system, and that of all the theory
that still pretends to analyze it. When God died, there was still Nietzsche to say so - the
great nihilist before the Eternal and the cadaver of the Eternal. But before the simulated
transparency of all things, before the simulacrum of the materialist or idealist realization
of the world in hyperreality (God is not dead, he has become hyper-real), there is no
longer a theoretical or critical God to recognize his own.
The universe, and all of us, have entered live into simulation, into the malefic, not even
malefic, indifferent, sphere of deterrence: in a bizarre fashion, nihilism has been entirely
realized no longer through destruction, but through simulation and deterrence. From the
active, violent phantasm, from the phantasm of the myth and the stage that it also was,
historically, it has passed into the transparent, falsely transparent, operation of things.
What then remains of a possible nihilism in theory? What new scene can unfold, where
nothing and death could be replayed as a challenge, as a stake?
We are in a new, and without a doubt insoluble, position in relation to prior forms of
Romanticism is its first great manifestation: it, along with the Enlightenment's
Revolution, corresponds to the destruction of the order of appearances.
Surrealism, dada, the absurd, and political nihilism are the second great manifestation,
which corresponds to the destruction of the order of meaning.
The first is still an aesthetic form of nihilism (dandyism), the second, a political,
historical, and metaphysical form (terrorism).
These two forms no longer concern us except in part, or not at all. The nihilism of
transparency is no longer either aesthetic or political, no longer borrows from either the
extermination of appearances, nor from extinguishing the embers of meaning, nor from
the last nuances of an apocalypse. There is no longer an apocalypse (only aleatory
terrorism still tries to reflect it, but it is certainly no longer political, and it only has one
mode of manifestation left that is at the same time a mode of disappearance: the media -
now the media are not a stage where something is played, they are a strip, a track, a
perforated map of which we are no longer even spectators: receivers).