Space niggers

I'm currently planning on writing a book about space colonization. How do I deal with the race issue? I have no intention of writing black characters, so how should I kill them? Should I leave them all on Earth because they are too poor to pay for their transfer on another planet? Or maybe some sort of persecution happened in the past and they were exterminated?

Attached: xV1cxYh.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Start from a planet that's not Earth and as such never had negroes.
>Captain is a racist who spaced all negroes as soon as it was possible.
>Eugenics and genetic manipulation means that race is skin deep as of now, with ideal bone structure, health and intelligence across the board.
>It's a rich family moving to outer space after spending their entire fortune on the journey, inviting some of their neighbors with them. You don't have to mention anything else about the subject and may even get published.
>Use Kenshi as inspiration; shit hits the fan and everybody is a nigger regardless of race in a few thousand years after colonization ends in disaster.

Africa dies of starvation when overpopulation kicked in

What about colonisation being done by mainly by genetically-engineering superhumans designed to survive the particular stresses of extended space travel?

The african perspective is too important to pass up. How each character experiences discrimination, how they have to work to overcome white privilege, is an essential part of every novel which involves the entire human race. You are clearly a closet racist who has never had a meaningful relationship with a black person. Disgusting.

>implying humans will ever advance enough to colonize and explore space to that extent with black people still 'alive'

I'd do a small alt. history where Africa was properly colonized, sorta like america. Although I'm sure negroids wouldn't accept any reservation bullshit, so they all died in the colonial wars and skirmishes.

Attached: 1545463608334.png (958x862, 804K)

You could just gloss it over and not mention them at all. Unfortunately, if you want to be published you're going to have to include black characters though.

The way to go around this is to have tanned characters and neon hair colors.

sounds abysmal


Wow cringe man dont ever produce art its cringe af better watch yt videos

i like the way Corey does it in his Expanse series, those humans that live on planets with different gravity in comparison to Mars and Earth have different physiology, thin, long bones, different accents, culture, etc and lots of racism ensues.

I don't really think that's what's going to happen. As far as I know, regardless of deaths by starvation, there will be a lot more black people in the next decades.

That would be an idea, but I have always though of my characters as humans.

>The african perspective is too important to pass up. How each character experiences discrimination, how they have to work to overcome white privilege, is an essential part of every novel which involves the entire human race.
You're probably right. I just don't want to.

I'm trying to cover all the basic aspects of human species so that's not really something I can ignore.

>if you want to be published you're going to have to include black characters though.
Or he could meet the diversity quota with east Asians. Which would be more plausible.

>I have always though of my characters as humans.
They can still be humans even if they've been genetically modified. Or that could be another plot point - genetically engineering humans who consider themselves to be human and normal, while "organic" humans have their own thoughts on the idea.

Just don't describe race and obfuscate the names.

Can you just, you know, not mention the character's races because it doesn't sound relevant to the story whatsoever?

But how can minorities identify with a regular human being?

>I don't really think that's what's going to happen.
Neither is space colonization m8.

I think they'll do fine, maybe stop being obsessed with a strawman you conjured in your own head and write what you like?

mfw i'm writing about space empires
mfw I wrote it that only one country made it in to space while all other perished
>mfw i'm from a white european country

Well fuck that, it's the premise of the whole novel

>have no intention of writing black characters, so how should I kill them?
perhaps the most based thing I heard today
actually tho why bring it up even. just don't be specific about race if you don't need to be

It's obvious humanity managed to colonize space only after killing all niggers

This. If all blacks were killed, there would be no reason to bring out race, they should be simply humans. You don't have to write that they were all killed because it would be irrelevant in a perfect white world

You're being political about it, just pop in some negroes