Contrapoints is pretty well read and entertaining.
ITT: Yea Forums approved Youtubers
Other urls found in this thread:
He's hot too
She's annoying. Fashionable and insipid.
how many fucking times are we going to have this thread, the answer is still the same
i would unironically fuck her but can't stand her videos
Yep, those are words alright.
No, it's just pretend discourse with the right and establishment loves it.
The only good youtubers are The Distributist and Cuck Philosophy.
And of course BG Kumbi.
Cuck Philosophy
Dan Carlin
this guy too
Classical Philosphy (Johannes Niederhauser)
Le ebin rational strawman tranny
She's a mildly insane drug addict alcjolic trans woman desperate to validate her cause .
Of course fucking her in the ass is not gay, look she got all that make up on, long hair and pseudo tits. It also feels good and that's what matters in the end, the fact she lived the life of a man and was in fact raised as one is easily forgetable.
Sensory perseption is all that matters, you just have to close your eyes and believe it real hard.
You can do it user, you are perfectly etherosexual if you fuck sonething that has or had a dick at a certain point, look eyelashes...
Shut up TERF
Jay Dyer and Quentin
Everyone else am NOT allow
but we love to pretend to care about the common young right wing male we would never condescending to them to signal our virtue, they just should get BTFO’d and watch everything they value be torched by progressivism
Also Sadler and Ebert are breddy based
>The Distributist
very good my friend
they had p
they had /pol/ threads where people that lived around him talked about his family life alcoholism and long term depression that led him to basically tell his parents that either he goes on hrt or he will kill himself and that’s why she is she today
Oh please Contrapoints for better or for worse is too hard for most Yea Forums to swallow anyway
Yea and they had Q user threads there too, doesn't prove anything.
the only youtube Yea Forums i watch is jenny nicholson reading fanfic to me while i stare at her mouth
BG kumbi is a true intellectual
I morally refuse to listen to a tranny.
deviant is the better word
numberphile is basically a channel for children kek. you probably even think you're smart for watching it
You're incapable of morality. Or immorality, for that matter
Is that even her??
Idiot. You will never make it
Who is this guy?
The Minotaur of Milwaukee himself
After seeing this picture I had a painful revelation like Nietzsche's Turin horse, poor thing.
She isn't hurting anybody, I'll let her be.
I'm not a fan of him (Contrapoints).
what a...handsome woman
I always compared them to a “diogenes woman”
Big Q is the only one i can think of
Also id fuck Contra if i was sloshed enough
Gender dysphoria must be hell if it brings people to this.
He only attacks low hanging fruit for leftist approval. Also it's not funny to be a faggot.
Holy hell, did some Hegel in college but I'm gonna really go for it boys, probably not right away but once I have gotten through the spinoza I'm reading. I'm knew to Yea Forums but am so excited to have this happen to me
Ecelebs are fucking garbage. I use youtube to listen to music
Crack spotify