What does Yea Forums think of Badiou?
What does Yea Forums think of Badiou?
I say adieu
Isn't this the marxist guy who wanted to advance Mao's work?
Yeah and he had those really cringey Maoist groups under his command at his university.
He's a fraud and his deployment of set theory is a joke
Why he use ZFC instead of NBG where his theory of event would be more sufficient?
that i don't understand him
sort of cringey but also sort of based desu in a roundabout way
Looks like my grandpa.
old retard whose ideas are incompatible with any serious thought beyond his own brand of retarded "back to plato" metaphysics
Embodiment of cringe but redpilled
>Philosophy is not yet worthy of Pessoa
What did Badiou mean by this?
Once I bought his """""translation""""" of Plato's Republic thinking it was gonna be a literal translation but it wasn't and I wasted my money.
Pretty bad guy I'd say
He is absolutely right about that one
Maybe his only right one
Well, he's a Maoist so we can safely ignore him. Does he not know Mao is responsible for more deaths than anyone else in the history of mankind? How are we supposed to take Badiou seriously in light of that?
He should do a live stream with Jason Unruhe.
Hilarious at the 'but Mao killed 100m so Badiou = bad' replies.
His whole Maoism shtick is pretty cringey and tone-deaf, yeah, a good example of someone too embedded in the left to recognise the contexts others assign to stuff like that.
That said I'm loving working through B&E at the moment, his affirmation of truth is seriously refreshing after wave after wave of 'truth don't real' post-struc. Also I think the set theory ontology side-steps a lot of the blind spots of the SR/OOO boyos.
For anyone looking to into the mad Maoist himself I'd recc the Oliver Feltham (and maybe Justin Clemens?) introduction to Infinite Thought, gives a really good way in to his basic ideas.
Also at the start, look for lectures and papers written by Badiou himself in English rather than translated from French by others. Usually FAR clearer and more coherent.
his writings on the genesis of Hegel's logic is pretty based