
>sexual deviant
>drug addict

Why can't the West come up with protagonists who aren't complete degenerates? This isn't found in other literary traditions. Japanese, russian, latin literature typically feature emotionally troubled, estranged souls, yet it's only *nglos who need to make a point and walow in their own excrement.

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>i read literature to become a better citizen according to the morality, sense of duty, and learned anxiety shoved down my throat from day one

what goes on in your head? genuinely curious


He wants to lick male feet


>the only way I can express my discontent with common morality is by covering myself in pigshit and getting fucked by a black bvll while an underage girl farts cocaine dust in my face
Is this what goes on in the mind of an american?

>reading DFW for moral insight on contemporary American culture
>reading DFW for moral insight
>reading DFW

You lose.

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I gather you haven't read much Russian or Japanese lit. Anglo degeneracy seems like child's play by comparison.

The Pol faggot doth protest too much, methinks.

>Methinks a nice kitty croissant, m'fag?

This post is valid for every romance language as well:
btw, do you think being a cuck, a sexual deviant or a drug addict is deep shit? These are just vanilla characters you'd find everywhere at any time.

Great to know you fags talk poetically. Pseudo intellectual, methinks.

Shut the fuck up PHILISTINE

>clumsy paranoid yet naive sex addict fool
>timid jewish public masturbator cuck
>autistic hyper self conscious math nerd jock stoner

are you telling me these aren't great fucking characters?

>he has never felt cucked
>he has never been sexually deviant
>he has never had addiction issues
these books are for people who have lived a life

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But sexual deviance is what is shoved down your throat today.

i remember being a little disappointed that Bloom couldn't rise up above his weakness and become a stronger man. still really enjoyed the book tho.

anyone have any book recs to combat pomo despair?

How do you expect a man to rise above his weakness in less than a full day?

what's wrong with being a little degenerate? you're not a >conservative, are you?

I understand that user, but I still kinda hoped that after his entire odyssey he would've been able to overcome his weak cuck mindset

partly because i would've personally appreciated a model for a man growing out of weakness into something better

>but I still kinda hoped that after his entire odyssey he would've been able to overcome his weak cuck mindset
This ain’t no feelgood basic bitch fable numbnuts, you’re playing with the big boys now. If he had written it that way it would’ve been saccharine and obvious.

i know that, you dumbfuck. i'm not critiquing the book for being something it never tried to be. i greatly enjoyed it the way it was.

all i stated was a personal thought. coming back to . Got recs to fix my pomo despair?


Also the time for protagonists, characters in literature is over, texts will be given over to the mad play of writing. . .

I left Yea Forums for more than a year, came back and see these stupid threads
What happened?

>i know that, you dumbfuck. i'm not critiquing the book for being something it never tried to be. i greatly enjoyed it the way it was.
Lmao wtf? How low is your IQ? You literally said you wished he had written it differently, that’s what I responding to. Changing your stance, claiming that you’re happy with it the way it was, AFTER you implied that you weren’t, doesn’t make me a “dumbfuck” for retorting you on your initial stance.
>Haha look at this guy taking me at my word, little does he know I’ve changed my mind lmao

How low is your reading comprehension? Never said I wanted it to be written differently. I said I HOPED for Bloom to change. There's a difference in unconsciously hoping for something to happen and in actively wanting something to be differently written. Both discrete thoughts can simultaneously exist in one's mind.
I'm not retarded and probably neither are you so stop this retarded convo.

>How low is your reading comprehension? Never said I wanted it to be written differently. I said I HOPED for Bloom to change. There's a difference in unconsciously hoping for something to happen and in actively wanting something to be differently written.
Lmfao yeah ok hurr durr look up the word SEMANTICS and then stop breathing.
You’re dumb and overaggressive, the two worst possible traits which, combined, make a person worthless. Do what you know you must.

>I said I HOPED for Bloom to change. There's a difference in unconsciously hoping for something to happen and in actively wanting something to be differently written. Both discrete thoughts can simultaneously exist in one's mind.
kind of unrealistic to expect ppl to parse that tho, you just said you hoped he had changed and when someone told you why that would have been with some playful ribbing you lashed out and started splitting hairs

I appreciate you reasonably engaging with me user. i felt the other user was a larping troll who actively tried to misrepresent/misunderstand my words so hence my replies

Literally all I said to you was that if Joyce had written it the way you’d said you’d “hoped” it would have been saccharine and obvious.
That has no relation to larping or trolling and certainly doesn’t qualify as “actively trying to misrepresent”.
It was a casual response to your casual point that you blew up over and randomly turned into a linguist in order to preserve your smarting ego.

OP here
mostly just judging people's sexuality based off of how they look, equating wealth and looks with virtue, how much I love Trump and hate taxes, and how much I want to fuck little boys

OP here. Can confirm, this was actually my post

My issue comes from you making assumptions on my personal thoughts on the book. all i wanted to do was share my thoughts and get a rec

>certainly doesn’t qualify as “actively trying to misrepresent”.
You said I "literally said I wished he had written it differently". I literally did not. i explained this above.
>changing your stance, claiming that you’re happy with it the way it was, AFTER you implied that you weren’t
i literally said i still really enjoyed the book in my first post
These are clear misrepresentations of what I said. And everytime I tried to properly elucidate my thoughts, you assumed even more and tried to insult me. Stop acting like you had no part in this autism.

>randomly turned into a linguist in order to preserve your smarting ego.
Lmao, I was merely explaining what my thought was, amidst what seemed to me like you misrepresenting my words.

Let's stop this silly autistic argument. i shouldn't have taken the bait.

Dude wtf are you doing you total dumbass, this doesn’t require a dissertation.
You said: I hoped Joyce had written it *this way*.
I responded: If he had written it that way, it would have been bad.
That’s it. That’s literally it.
You’ve since been on a frothing tangent about the subtle (but according to you, obvious) difference between “hoping” the story had been written differently and “wanting” it to be written differently and called me a “dumbass” for not parsing as much. It’s fine for you to clarify the subtle difference afterwards, it’s not fine to pretend that a clarification wasn’t necessary and that the only conclusion someone could draw from “hoping” for a different outcome is that you “subconsciously preferred this outcome, and yet did not want it” fuck out of here lmao, if it requires Freudian linguistics you should probably content yourself with admitting you mispoke and clarifying, calmly, what you really meant. Not lashing out at someone for being dumb enough to take you at your literal word. But you’re not a Freudian linguist, you’re just fucking dumb.

Listen here you little shit. I've been patient with you, but you've stretched the foreskin of my personal limits beyond the tearing point. I'm done dancing softly around your mentally deficient brain, you cocksucker. The word "hope" implies involuntary anticipation borne from the recesses of ones personal experiences. It has nothing to do with objective evaluation or even the enjoyment one draws from the work of literature. Starting to dawn of your dim grey blob? Huh? Huh? You see, I'm guessing your daddy probably HOPED his son would come out bright, tall, and handsome, instead, however, he got you. And yes. perhaps overall he was still somewhat satisfied with the result, perhaps the fact that you arrived into this world with the proper number of limbs and expected shade of skin (your mom is a playful lass, and he, like Bloom, knows it), and generally not retarded. Well guess what fuccboi? You are retarded, so make daddy proud and hide it well and good.

You’re even dumber than I thought, which is saying something.
If I say I “hope” for rain, everyone would assume I meant I wanted it to rain. It would take further clarification if I really meant “I hope for rain, but I know that we’ve already had too much rain, so I don’t want it, because it will harm the crops.” If instead of clarifying I screamed, “WTF YOU DUMBFUCKS I NEVER SAID I WANTED RAIN, DON’T KNOW ‘HOPE’ IMPLIES INVOLUNTARY ANTICIPATION BORNE FROM THE RECESSES OF ONES PERSONAL EXPERIENCES AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OBJECTIVE EVALUATION?” I would be you, in which case I would kill myself ASAP.
I see you’re madder than ever and trying you’re absolute brainlet best to turn this into an ad hominem fest. Not interested. Acknowledge you’re wrong or you won’t be able to go to sleep tonight knowing what an ass you are.

dim and pathetic. retard.

>three Anglo works are representative of the entire West

Lmao sure thing. You do you.

>Latin America isn't part of the West
>works in Spanish and Portuguese aren't Western
We have a visitor from /pol/, lads. I bet he also hates the juice.

if not a troll, then you're really embarassing yourself, user
he did just said 'hope', no reason to go all autismo

This is pathetic dude, either respond to me properly or shut the fuck up.

Enough. Stop this and leave.

>or shut the fuck up

suck my balls you homos

Don't read pseud trash.

I had the same reaction to that stoner meme book when he cheated on his wife or fucked a prostitute or whatever. Goes straight into the trash.

>I'm a Christian prude who needs moral affirmation from fictional characters!
cringe kys

I know that by “suck my balls” you actually mean “subconsciously salivate after, but not actually want to suck”. It is not necessary for you to clarify. The Freudian linguist has taught me well.

Freud was a bozo. Suck my balls = suck my balls.

Go read superman or something

Kingdom Come is alright.

Hey man that episode is kino

ASS is also pretty good. Might be a little too reaffirming for the pseuds on here.

>I said I HOPED for Bloom to change.
How the heck does this have any bearing on the novel's quality???

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Don’t get him started please, he’s flat retarded and inclined to nonsensical garrulous theses.

>reading Pynchon for the plot

Never gonna make it

Christians should be able to relate to a sinner who falls for temptation or whatever. I have absolutely no desire to commit particularly degenerate sins, I can't relate to the character at all and just hold them in contempt. The book becomes worthless to me because It's clear that I have nothing to learn from it.

>The book becomes worthless to me because It's clear that I have nothing to learn from it.
Yeah what you’re looking for is called a fable and it’s literally for children. That’s you. Someone who incapable of appreciating art for grownups.

I only read with purpose, I have no interest in reading a book for novelty value (which is why I avoid most fiction in general) the target audience is below my level.

>the target audience is below my level
Lmfao I can assure you it’s not you blithering tryhard.

Mind your betters.

Beep beep pseud alert!

Your vices are not my virtues. It's not that i'm particularity intelligent and wise for being above literature features degenerate protagonists presented as somewhat sympathetic or relatable, the target audience is just trash and always will be. A different caste, they (you) are phenomenally distinct from me so it's not really fair to compare the two using the same standards.

OK retard

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To be fair, the retarded are phenomenally distinct. Operating on different planes of consciousness.

>I need to relate bloo bloo
>I need moral lessons like a fairy tale

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>adultery is degenerate
What kind of sin is not?

>bloo bloo
discord tranny

So what if I am? Can you refute the fact that you’re reddit? I own that I’m a tranny. Can you own reddit?

Pathetic. I hope you're baiting.