Tfw born left handed

>tfw born left handed
>tfw born with the caul
>tfw born half jewish
>tfw born half german
>tfw born epileptic
>tfw very high iq and aryan features
Do YOU have Yea Forums genetics?

Attached: CB114D58-52F7-45ED-9BCA-4A70E1DF9EE1.jpg (640x350, 109K)

>any of these
>Yea Forums

>aryan features

Attached: designated (2).jpg (170x167, 10K)

The germ in you is trying to take out the jew.

Gues you werent xD

>balding at 25
>half slav
>superiority complex
>scat fetish
How Yea Forums am I?

cringe. fuck niggers. me out.

I can one up you, negro.
>left handed
>quarter jewish
>quarter Anglo-Indian
>pure white skin, pure black hair
>ADHD though :(
Also the remaining half is Kiwi so not that Yea Forums

>left handed
>half polish half Lithuanian
>working class family
>mother a translator
>father a labourer
>ancestors were farmers
>first to attend uni in my family
>online IQ test results range from 121-136, tfw too scared to go for a real one
Feels bad knowing I will never overcome mediocrity

>superiority complex
>scat fetish
These two don't go hand in hand

>Anglo-german mixture
>Blue eyes
>6' tall
Won the genetic lottery

You have no ashkenazi dna lad. Pro tip: that means ur a bit dull

>born 7 weeks premature
>half ashkenazi jew
>half sephardic jew
>99th percentile IQ and severe features
i will once a bio about me is published. currently, no

>brown but live in germany
>not a pajeet
>not a muslim/not religious
>unironically hate germans (mostly for being hypocrites and being incredibly arrogant)
>dont hate other europeans so its not a race thing
>study compsci for the money and so I can leave this hell of a country
>hate programming but math is atleast interesting
>only read philosophy, lost all interest in fiction
>I dream of a world where germany collapses from their conservativism, collective autism and delusional pride
>they are so keen on perfectly following old norms and rituals that they will be left behind in a quickly evolving world (already happening)
>hope this shithole becomes a third world country in a couple of decades so hans finally learns a lesson in humility
>oh wait this thread is about something else


what else can i say but 'based'?

Is there any way to deliberately have a seizure

being a weak, sickly subhuman with mental illnesses, addictions and quirky genetics is not cool
being a "tortured, starving artist" is not feasible in reality
being a degenerate does not make a good writer
stop glorifying disease and pestilence
you are not kurt cobain, and kurt cobain sucks
you will not get an award at the end of your life for being a loser

>tfw short thicc Welshman



No, I'm miserable and want to die.

lmao the 21st century diaspora are humanity's most inauthentic people. You're frauds, everything you write or film is phony for the sake of pretentious narrative. Your existence is one big joke up until God pantses you in front of the entire world on live television.

This fake ass thread is the beginning of the punchline. Holy shit what a sad bunch you are.

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Yes they do. Scat is the patrician fetish.

>coping this hard
>absolutely seething
Kek, THE classic

Never change, Solomon.

You will never truly know how much your partner really loves you until they agree to let you shit in their mouth.

>>hope this shithole becomes a third world country in a couple of decades
A few more of you and it will