What am I in for?
>dogears the cover before composing "thoughts?" thread
I'd say you're in for another couple hours on 4channel tbph, but at least you'll remember where you are in the book
>sees Yea Forums
>wow a board about books :3
>they must have read every book in existence including this faggoty self-help book
kill yourself tranny fucker
stop using my face
hes not me, hes using my face
Fuck you trannyfucker! Kill yourself. I hope butterfly gets gangraped.
go read shit and leave this place.
Suck my dick bitch!
What is the first practical step? Asking for a friend.
inb4 four paragraph blogpost about how adulting represents a larger shift in society precipitated by the 08 financial collapse with long-term consequences thats somehow related to tinder, incels, nintendo and harry potter by some ex-dsa member who thinks hes really cool and disillusioned, because we all know its coming
Am I the only one that cringes a little bit whenever I see that word? Is being an adult really so foreign a concept that we need to invent trendy words to describe being one
Yeah I think it's just you.
I suppose I'll just take my leave then
No, I agree
>Is being an adult really so foreign a concept that we need to invent trendy words to describe being one
what you said there is the joke, when people use that word. The cringe is finding it funny.
Being an adult is overrated, read Ferdydurke.
Yes, it's the exact kind of cutesy white person shit i can't stand.
This book exists for boomers to passive-aggressively gift to their children who understandably want to regress into an unreality.
Wish boomers would understand the need to cope when climate apocalypse is 20 years out. If you aren't clearing 100k a year by now and are in your twenties, you're already having a mid-life crisis.
I would love to fuck her.
I'm clearing 100k in my (late) 20's. It's not enough. I'm just on a higher rung of the chain, but the whole thing is falling apart.
I would love to get her those sandals in the correct size
I asked a female friend what "adulting" meant and she said "acting like an adult, I guess" that stupid bitch. I'm about done with roasties entirely, they seem to have no idea what the words they use day to day mean and no desire to do anything other than get spitroasted by the biggest dickwads in a five mile radius. Sometimes I look at all the vapid minds around me and wonder how I could have ever shilled for things like UBI and universal healthcare for these monkeys, they deserve to be lined up against the wall and shot. Sometimes I wish I were gay, but I tried to suck a dick once and almost threw up before I even got my mouth on it, it's just so revolting to me.
OP, in answer to your question, I haven't read the book but I would recommend avoiding it. No one who unironically suggests 468 steps to accomplish anything will be more than a pharisaical snake-oil salesman trying to pitch you a list of commandments as an antidote to existential dread (see: Jordan Peterson and his army of mouthbreathing magatards). The entire concept of "adulting" didn't even exist before the modern age. People used to have a clear idea of what it was to be an adult and it involved being financially independent and self sufficient. That entire model of life has been eroded away for decades now, but the last remains of it got smashed with the financial crisis at the beginning of the Obama presidency. That's when the American public learned that the government will always save you from yourself, and debt is just a number. Since then we've been raising an entire generation of kids with 0 role models for independent financial success. They're never done being dependent on somebody, whether it's their parents or the government or the bank, and so they have no idea when they've become an adult or what's expected from them in that regard.
Going back to the female friend from earlier, she's obsessed with Harry Potter. I think this is quintessentially post-financial blowout literature. The main story is essentially about characters who are constantly hand-held and looked after by authorities. She says that her favorite character is Dumbledore, because he "makes her feel safe." This is despite the fact that she is 25, and should no longer be dependent on another human being for her own physical safety. This constant infantilization infects every sphere - long term relationships are a thing of the past because tinder gives whores an implicit voice of authority that gives them permission to fuck the top 20% of men. Incels weren't a thing before the Obama years. All the childish media that people consume, from nintendo to marvel, is designed to hold physically mature adults in a weak, immature stasis. This makes them better consumers and more eager debtors. With no sense of responsibility and no judgement, they allow themselves to be exploited in every direction by the powers that be.
Also, fuck you, inb4 guy, it was only three paragraphs.
>too specific to be pasta
>too boring to read
Could you try being a dastardly pirate with a mysterious past and only one arm if you're going to insist on blog posting?
>I asked a female friend what "adulting" meant and she said "acting like an adult, I guess" that stupid bitch
Shut up incel
What does this even mean? How could you fail to "feel like an adult" at the age of 28? Has this person, after such a span of time, actually failed to consider that what she has been taught to idealize as "real" adulthood is nothing other than an obsolete moral codification of what used to be a social necessity? That baby boomers (from whom she probably learned this concept of adulthood) are "financially responsible" because they were raised by people who lived through the Depression? That she's directly capitalizing on and perpetuating a misapprehension? I hope she just doesn't care, I would prefer that. I would have more trust in the judgment of the human bulk.
>He doesn't want to fuck beautiful trans women.
Sounds pretty gay to me buddy.
>OP, in answer to your question, I haven't read the book but I would recommend avoiding it.
might as well be a banner desuu
why is she murdering her tootsies in those shoes? she's clearly not a fairy-footed twinkle toed girly girl and is more built for braap sowry if she isn't going to use her womb for breeding
I want to fuck her puccihole
Frankly, a girl like that should be plugged and force fed low fiber content food that will pile up into a glorious log and then, well, you can imagine what's in store for me haha
Fucking based, I’m now considering a double team my fellow Yea Forums brother, and by the way OP, the next time you make a self help thread, think and say out loud, I’m better than this, I’m smarter than this, my time is valuable and I shan’t not devalue my Yea Forums brethren
Back to /pol/, you silly, raving faggit. This lack of adulting skills has been developing since 1980 or so, with helicopter parents, participation trophy syndrome, no child left behind, and an overwhelmingly misguided concern for the self esteem of children of that timeframe.
Books like OPs and Jordan Petersons 12 rules is just a symptom of the shitshow that's been percolating the past 39 years.
'Murika is doomed. Enjoy the ride.
>Step 351: Stop letting the family cat ( or pet, for that matter) give you oral sex by smearing foodstuffs on or around your "area."
>OP, in answer to your question, I haven't read the book but I would recommend avoiding it.
You deserve a bullet for even considering this book
Maybe, but this is also the conventional understanding, to be honest. I've never ever met anyone ever who has told me sincerely that everyone should get a trophy for effort. But yet we all speak of this apocryphal over protective matron who treats us all as her unruly wards and only wants her chillins happy and sated at all times. The reason everyone gets a trophy these days is because trophies are cheap as shit to manufacture and you might as well give them to the parents who paid to register their kids in your shitty team and league and drive to all your half-assed practices. I'm sorry, are we supposed to be raising Spartan warriors? Are we all raising our children in anticipation of the big money scouts? What complete over simplified bullshit. Its so easy to say the prior generations made these coherent, discernible mistakes because the truth of it is more nebulous: our world is completely different than post-WW2 world order America, which ended sometime during our lifetime. Where we are now is uncharted. That's why all those old techniques, "helicoptering," religiosity, free range experiments, these were child rearing techniques for a world predicated on a different time period. They may prove useful again in our era but everything is up for grabs for the moment. Everything will be re-tested in the general spirit of how unsustainable all our modern lifestyles are. "Adulting" as a style indicates the level of comfort and ease some can elect, participating in errands requiring logistical steps like driving to and from and picking up and dropping off things and people, these are delegated largely to the world of apps, at least to a small subset of people, especially true for those who make our hip new language such as "adulting." These people invent words from inside their Elysian bubble and this is as rage inducing as "folks." If anything, the baroque efficiencies that allow such absence and aloofness are to be admired for they are as transient as the nutrients in our soil.
That shit makes me want to explode. I can't wait for the day when someone uses that shit in front of me, I'm going to pick up the nearest blunt object and crush their fucking skulls.
>Truth-sayer Lena Dunham
It's shit.
I am of european heritage though
Is this the kind of book you read if you go to "wine bar"?
interesting points user
can you write some more about why i find “folks” and “oh sweet summer child” and “As an X,” and the recycling of these saccharine phrases so infuriating
I think its because those phrases come about as we're all spinning our wheels and are very much locked in the adversarial throes of this confusing era, the trailing miasma of the 20th century's state-centric honeycombed grids yielding to the carnage of our era where everything is fungible down to their constituent organs, slavery, mouse clicks, attention, cognition, emotion, seduction, hypnosis, even daily devotions done digitally, steadfastly building data training sets for future data products, these and all the mysterious shrewd moves of the plutocrats upon our precarity make terms such as "folks" and "oh sweet summer child" and "sweetie" and all the other infantilizing, patronizing, imperiousness that reeks of Obama-era statist servility, a brown-nosing that has no place in literature to expand upon. Whatever the merits of the man, Obama, the establishments and political classes and powerful families of America sought to guard, inculcate, incubate, shepherd, agitate for, speak on behalf of, defer to, cajole for, wrenching all our language and memes and spirits as they've been incanted via television and film and nascent internet media and took those hallowed venues where all Americans generally get a sense of where to place faith and what to fear, and with the lambs trusting doe-eyedly they ran a decade of PR projects to mesmerize America by this messianic figure, Barry. The language you mention is familial to a whole range of words that shall shiver all our spines to our last days and we'd wish we could scuttle them all to obscurity, but what unites most of it is the despiriting, fireball provocations, the intense emotionality, the shamelessness of it, like falling to the floor as if fainting from offense, nearly as bad as fibbing about a deceased relative just to deliver some emotional discomfort to someone. They are as barbed weapons as "fuck" and "cunt," but they are employed much more sneakily. You must be sneaky too, but may be better served by bombast, which they cannot abide and to which they have no counter and if you are loud enough, the gods will hear you too and they will speed fortune to your message and there you will have it, that day's goodness upheld for the record, before all that mattered and many thankful but ignorant. There is a war for truth right now and it is worse than ever in most every way, but you are not dead yet, user.
youre very articulate and have good ideas. whats your background / age? you should write more of this stuff up
learn to adult and have sex, incel.
Adultery is a sin, user.
Retard and pantypilled
how funny would it be to, through some incredibly good fortune, to find this user, rendition them to northwest pakistan and arrange for his or her's ritual stoning, placing them in the ground as snug as a butt plug in an anal virgin and watching as all villagers in a four hour's walk arrives for showcasing their rock hurtling skills upon this very buried user, but not before the printing and laminating or etching onto a Yotsuba hued plate his retarded words and hanging them about his neck, after and only after which the children are first permitted their volleys and tosses, permitted to go extra close to the hapless user and chuck a few stones at the facial meat, occiptial lobal type areas. And then it'd be on to the teenage boys, always awkward and being yelled at and fleeing waved or even merely brandished canes, obsequious to women and old men and older cousins the same, and never quite having a place but for here right now, where shoulder to shoulder with eachother they are edified in this performed act of justice, spicing up the crowd's spectacle by throwing larger chunks of construction debris and bigger stones, much more accurately, whooping and hollering to eachother as they impressed with the speed and accuracy of their throws. The men always just commence the terminal stone throwing stage, tiring of the deference given to the wee ones and wanting to ensure they deliver punishment to the evil doer for there is a great deal of superstition and expectation wrapped up in this sort of thing and the men take is quite seriously, if secretly so. Seen from above, the stone throwing seems much more Brownian, like geologic weather, like electrons bouncing about a nucleus, the stones slam and bounce and collide and soon user droops unaware and still more volleys as if lines of canons fired them, crashing into the mottled, dark red head, notably caving and cracking things, large boulders striking the shoulders and snapping and bending them in gruesome ways. It was the best thing to enjoy during a morning coffee in a long time.
just an user trying to up their word count. If I can ever compose something I've thought of putting it on medium. Writing about politics and current events is so mean and crude I feel it leaves imprints in my brain that effect the other things I want to write about, so its tough. I've spent a large part of my life digesting politics, propaganda and information operation type things, but id like to leave all that in the past if I can, but maybe my brain is stuck there. Thank you for the kind words.
She'd be an amazing breeding sow. Look at those hips
Imagine the braap you could tap from her tooter
Not about the brap life but whatever floats your boat. I'm more watching her belly get plump with my babies
i came here to post pretty much the same thing. i hate that word and judge people who use it and others like it