Mfw there's a specialized right wing library in my city and I can buy works by Junger, Barres and Drieu la Rochelle

>mfw there's a specialized right wing library in my city and I can buy works by Junger, Barres and Drieu la Rochelle

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give details faggot

>right wing library

what city?

reading for political gain has to be the most pseud thing ever
>im gonna btfo my political opponents with these epic books!

>he doesn't know that If you give a mouse a cookie is an aesthetic experiece through which readers are imbued with the higher complexities of macro and micro econimcs

>reading books to help develop your political opinions is bad

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how the hell did economics become a political topic?

>I read books to conform to my views
>I follow x-ism

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Nice but being good writers are the only redeeming qualities of the last two names in you short list.

Instead of politically-themed libraries people should simply open library for underrecognized writers.

I take it you live in Paris near that new library open by reactionfags recently ? Again it's nice that you can read those but the whole conceit feels a bit cringe.

>economics is not a political topic
you gotta be 18 and up bucko

Where did I say it wasn't? I was asking how hell it became one. Brainlets get so pissed when archaic theories are replaced with new and better ones.

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Economic science was always a political topic

If it's a political topic then it's not a science. If it was a science most people could universally agree on one truth.

>If it's a political topic then it's not a science
Have you ever heard of something called political science?

what do you make of this?

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Oh yes, that meme degree that gets you absolutely no where in life. Don't you read specific books selected by a professor to conform you to a specific world view? Calling political "science" a science is like calling gender studies a science

>Idolizing science
Never gonna make it
Even those people getting meme degrees understand epistemology better than you

>idolizing subjectivity and a priori arguments

>Implying science is not plagued by the same subjectivity

>Come up with hypothesis
>Try to disprove it and find the truth
>That's somehow subjectivity

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>Have an entire life of vocĂȘs and experience and be completely restricted by what your cerebral stimuli inform you about the world
>Come up with hypothesis

Grung has idea, idea true because grung make math

>Math bad
>Getting as close to the truth bad

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Nah m8, math is good but not some kind of ultimate problem solving tool.
Some problems can't be solved with math.
And "science" is not an all solving tool as well


Even if we can find some truths, how does that make science and math bad?

>Reading comprehension
Math is good
It is not capable of solving ALL kinds of problems
>Using the word "science" as if it is a single unified concept.
Do you also watch capeshit and assume scientists is a term for dudes in labcoats that can solve any kind of problem?

Not the guy you've been arguing with but please stop with the Pinker-tier arguments, it's really corny

Never heard of him m8
I'm just trying to help the underaged poster.

Is that supposed to be an insult? Pinker is based and widely respected in academia.

Rationalism doesn't get you very far towards self-actualization (obviously it will strongly aid you if you want it to)

Paris, France

This guys seems to be aware of it, even if it's has opened a few years back

>tfw free Maurras bookmark

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>mfw there's a specialized library in my city and I can go break the shop's windows


So, did you do it ? Or did you just post about it on the internet ? :)

That sounds cool, wish it was in my cunt.

Cool. Are you going out to the yellowvest protests on weekends?