What book would you recommend to him?
What book would you recommend to him?
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
it wouldn't fucking matter because he wouldn't fucking read it, and if he did, he probably wouldn't take anything useful from it. better off spending your effort recommending books to people who would read them, and actually take something from it.
I think, alphabet book will be fit to him.
Max Cope
the book of disquiet
>being envious of chad
But alphabet book is a great start. First you learn letters, then you read Heidegger. Not the opposite.
Post 1992ish is the only time worth being envious of Chad. For the last 2000 years we had avenues for other males to find worth and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
The Republic is a great book to start your intellectual path
The Zen teachings of Master Lin-chi
i don't know, what's he into?
Whatever book will convince him to let me play with his nipples
One way ticket to COPEnhagen. /fitlit/ is the future
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
he's right though. do you guys even into physiognomy? you can tell from the face that he's really dumb. i have nothing against fit and attractive people, but the guy in the op is clearly an idiot
He looks like a young scientist or chessplayer.
looks dumb as a doorknob to me
Aren't intelligence and attractiveness correlated?
don't judge a book by it's cover
>i dunno. i know some very intelligent and attractive people, but i know some fairly average looking people that are smarter. i cant think of any downright ugly people that are intelligent (that i know personally)
the fuck. didn't mean to greentext that
bad advice
not a real thing
it is if you aren't an autist. normal people can read characteristics in a person's face at a glance. some people are better at this than others
It's 2011+8
ahhhh the fucking retardation seeping from board to board on Yea Forums is fucking amazing. fucking amazing folks.
my brother in law is 19 years old, and I've known him for going on 7 years. been using Yea Forums almost the whole time. I have watched him turn from someone with vision and potential into such a fucking dense idiot who thinks that the image of human achievement is having a /fit/ body, and doesn't seem to give a single FUCK about anything else unless its self aggrandizing
look, I know you "zoomers" never saw 9/11, you don't know what the 90s were like. Shit wasn't always this fucked up. The internet is eating your FUCKING MIND. QUESTION INTERNET COMMUNITY CONSENSUS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS