
What do you like to see it characters, user?

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Fuck off tripfag

Just keep in mind throughout the entirety of this thread that Butterfly is doing something :3

They need to be a cute femboy with q nice booty

A gigantic penis

Butterfly ignore all other lewd shit TELL THESE ANONS TO FUCK OFF LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN


I was reading and eating my dinner.

I feel like you guys are the same person.

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Cute girlcocks

wang tangos & bad grammers & typos

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if we all use that stupid trip the butterfly disappears forever

grammar perhaps
t. hero to these people

anything but white skin

>He thinks that’s a trip

Imagine sucking the cum out of butterfly's (male) bootyhole while the bull stands behind you in the motel bathroom washing the shit and smegma off his big black cock


1) Growth or change through the filter of their own personalities and particular blindnesses.

2) their reasoning and action must agree with the rules of their universe and personality. Worst example encountered: secondary character (support asskicker) in an action vampire thriller talks for one whole page like shes reading off a term paper on feminism.

3) no (obvious) mary sue of the author, crf Twilight and 50shades. I paid 24 dollars to have 8 solid hours of selfinsert, how dare you wordwank on MY dime?!?

4) proper cope mechanisms, if not the virtue enough to triumph. I despise lovecrafts protagonists because they are all jellyfish at the first sign of BBEG, no strawgrasping impulse.

Thanks for the serious reply.


What makes (You) like and subscribe to a character? By that i mean even if the character believes the diametric opposite of what you do?

Genuine qn.

Are you even the original pussymouth?

>Fukk m:3 tripfag
Say it.