How can one man be so BASED?

>"Ellison attended Ohio State University for 18 months (1951–53) before being expelled. He said the expulsion was for hitting a professor who had denigrated his writing ability, and over the next twenty or so years he sent that professor a copy of every story he published.[12]"
>"Over the next two years, he published more than 100 short stories and articles. The short stories collected as Sex Gang—which Ellison described in a 2012 interview as "mainstream erotica"[14]—date from this period.[15]"
>"Ellison was hired as a writer for Walt Disney Studios but was fired on his first day after Roy O. Disney overheard him in the studio commissary joking about making a pornographic animated film featuring Disney characters.[22]"
>"In 1976, he married Lori Horowitz. He was 41 and she was 19"
>"Ellison described himself as a Jewish atheist."
>"Ellison on occasion used the pseudonym Cordwainer Bird to alert members of the public to situations in which he felt his creative contribution to a project had been mangled beyond repair by others"
>"as part of a dispute about fulfillment of a contract, he once sent 213 bricks to a publisher postage due, followed by a dead gopher via fourth-class mail.[46]"
>"In 1985 Ellison allegedly publicly assaulted author and critic Charles Platt at the Nebula Awards banquet.[70]"
>"Ellison was presented with a special committee award at the 2006 Hugo Awards ceremony. When Ellison got to the podium, presenter Connie Willis asked him "Are you going to be good?" When she asked the question a second time, Ellison put the microphone in his mouth, to the crowd's laughter. He then momentarily put his hand on her left breast."

Ellison's wiki page comes off as a shitpost

Attached: Harlan_Ellison.jpg (1000x563, 213K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He's more famous for being an outrageous character than he is for being an actual writer.
That should tell you all you need to know.

Read “Frank Sinatra has a Cold” for another true story where Ellison appears

Attached: CPZSzwLEpoPCL_bMOCQRUfL8DbE=.gif (480x360, 504K)

Definitely /ourmanlet/

He's not based at all. What would have been based was reading Nabavok's write up on him but he just wasn't any where near significant enough to get one.

He once got in a brief, stupid argument with the writers of Penny Arcade while they were in the same panel. They weren't familiar with his work. Even if he had utterly owned them verbally, it still would have been beneath him to do so, I think.

Attached: PennyArcadeUsedToBeOkay.jpg (1948x976, 962K)

le ebin shitpost wojackpepe kek
My dad met him at a con when my father was young, and it was a pleasant meeting.
Philip K Dick once wrote a brief unpublished 2 paragraph story in a letter where PKD is an old defeated man and Harlan Ellison is tormenting him.

Short men like him are always super insecure

he sounds like a flaming faggot

almost everyone in sci fi has ripped him off or made an homage to ellison at one point or another, I've seen people "publish" short stories of his as their own work with the names changed in small zines for edgelord cred. one of the pillars of the genre. that and gonzo journalism

>degenerate Jew
Pick one

Enjoyed his books, his personality shines through them even for me, and my reading comprehension sucks.

He claimed something like he never uses drugs because he was always naturally high.

Didn’t his dick/balls get cut off?

He wrote the basis for mad max/fallout, the terminator and the matrix. He was an absolute bastard but you're being a dumbass. He was and is incredibly influential. You even have that autistic rocco's basilisk idea parading around in his skin.

Met him once or twice, talked with him on the 'phone to arrange a personal appearance. Acted normal enough but he did have Little Big Man syndrome.
comfy as fuck interview with the boys

>>"as part of a dispute about fulfillment of a contract, he once sent 213 bricks to a publisher postage due, followed by a dead gopher via fourth-class mail.[46]"
This man is a hero.

>jew obsessed with sex
color me surprised

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream is one of the most famous and acclaimed sci-fi short-stories of all time, A Boy and His Dog laid the groundwork for Mad Max, Fallout, and countless other works of post-apocalypse sci-fi, and The City on the Edge of Forever is widely considered to be the best episode of Star Trek. Ellison was a loudmouth prick, but there's no denying he left a significant impact on sci-fi.

>all those violent outbursts
Let me guess, this fellow was a manlet?


nono the matrix was directly influenced by Neuromancer. Ellison was more in the startrek/star wars realms of things

>Star Wars
>Star Trek
Yes, he was directly involved with the original series.

fucking based
god rest his soul

not acquainted with ellison well, but alls I know reading the Sprawls or Cyberspace Trilogy(or Matrix Trilogy) the influence is apparent.

hes hot

Is there anywhere i can read about his lawsuits and history of being a bastard? I'm curious if he tried to prevent mad max and fallout from distribution and things like that

I'm more than illiberal, but Ellison was unironically a based kike. You don't get any points for being a prude. Write out all the cum and tits you want, just don't moralize about tranny mulattos. That shit's just the neoliberal anti-sex league.

>"In 1976, he married Lori Horowitz. He was 41 and she was 19"
god i hope i can become a famous person and marry a super young girl some day

incels existed back then?