Post your old testament and your new testament

post your old testament and your new testament

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>Philosophy is my Life :)

Once we had a thread for an atheist bible, and I suggested our Genesis would start with some cosmological, astrophysics, geology and basic science on up to Darwin... neat idea, but it would have to be a readable-writable updating all the time

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I see you're against the age of consent, OP. Don't do that.

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knowing I spent a decade reading philosophy when I could've picked up ISaiF and save myself from thousands of wasted hours makes me wanna bomb the nearest power plant

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op how do I get into Baudrillard

That is a tricky one. I would recommend starting with "America." Then, "The Transparency of Evil," then "The Mirror of Production," then "Seduction," then "simulacra," then "symbolic exchange," then "for a critique," then "fatal strategies," then"the perfect crime," then read them all again because they make no sense lol


Buy any one of his books which seems interesting to you (doesn’t matter which), read it, and then quickly throw it in the trash upon realizing the man was a complete retard.

fuck anglos fuck commies

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The best introductory and summary Baudrillard is Passwords.

Perverts guide to ideology
the power of the powerless

close but no cigar

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Pedro paramo/100 years of solitude

Kripkenstein is a monster in all possible words.

Nice edge

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Hegel: PoS
D&G Anti Oedipus

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quick rundown sur klossowski?

quick rundown sur klossowski? édition: je me trompe pas de poste

He's concerned with the dissolution of the principle of identity, seeing this occurring in Nietzsche's experience of eternal return and his madness at Turin; what takes over is the passing through a series of different histrionic personas, of intensities or bodily impulses. He sees Nietzsche as concerned with a conspiracy that has the eternal return as its selective doctrine, which is aimed at overcoming the global conspiracy of the herdlike institutions of science and morality, which slow down intensity to the level of knowledge, signification. Instead Nietzsche's conspiracy would hijack these sciences and arts to create simulacra, reproductions of "phantasms" produced by the impulses; and these would be used to experiment on the herd by the select community of singular men of excess, to intensify or "accelerate" (as Klossowski translates Nietzsche, which is where D&G got it from) the levelling of European man, to create a base whereupon they can stand. At the same time, however, such a doctrine or plan would itself be a simulacrum or a parody, and would disintegrate itself just like Nietzsche's personal identity when he is overtaken by a multiplicity of mad forces, and so ultimately it doesn't really "go anywhere" - but an important study nevertheless


pic related

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>why read philosophy when a manifesto is enough
Hello Peterson

>fuck commies
>reading d*gin the crypto-commie with an inferiority complex towards europe

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can i get a quick rundown on dugin

nah. I've read his book, some of his essays, his website, and watched some of his lectures:
There's like 4 different Dugin, depending on who he's talking to.

debord & baudrillard is a great pairing. i read them back to back two summers ago while working a braindead service job and felt the pomo willies hard. comfy angst.

sun ra for eurasians

the enemy is marxist internationalism, trotskyism, etc, which dugin opposes.
yockey is an added volume to the old testament, not a proper new testament.
anglo liberal universalism is the primary root of all social, economic, and geopolitical issues in the modern world, and it must be defeated by some synthesis of communism, fascism, and liberal individualism (the left doing a critical reading of evola and guenon; the right doing a critical reading of marx, etc, cultural conservatism and worker's rights) so we can have a multipolar world subdivided along cultural lines in order to immanetize Dasein.

If you read philosophy you would realize Ted didn't come up with anything original. He's just for edgelords

Based and chaste