This place is full of women.
It's easy to recognize them. As soon as I realize I'm discussing with the inferior sex, I just stop replying.
Yea Forums is not a brothel. You're not welcome here.
This place is full of women.
It's easy to recognize them. As soon as I realize I'm discussing with the inferior sex, I just stop replying.
Yea Forums is not a brothel. You're not welcome here.
Based and redpilled
how do you do it? I can only tell if they argue about YA or misunderstand philosophy core concepts: it's either a man child or woman
>Yea Forums is not a brothel
you should still visit one to stop coping you incel
Overemotional posts, mostly.
> noooo mom i didnt call all women the S word i swear mom
If you were correct about the inferiority of women, you'd think things like
>It's easy to recognize them
would go without saying.
have sex incel
have sex incel
You have no power and your pussy has no value here, whore.
Based and redpilled. Women are to be fucked and fondled. When they act up you should slap them, too. But beyond that there is no interaction any man should have with any woman ever,
No not Stacy’s, but Brittany Venti’s
>This place is full of women.
>Yea Forums is not a brothel.
Sorry, but Yea Forums is not a bro den.
Thus spoke Zarahustra.
>This place is full of women.
Based, its probably why this board is so passive aggressive and whiny
Women/manchildren/trannies detected. OP is based
Have sex.
Have sex, incel
Please get laid.