look at him go
Look at him go
That lil nigga speeding and eating and sniffing all around. AJAJAJAJA WHERE DA MARXISTS AT1?
you can really see the link between humans and other apes
virgin walk: the webm
i didn't know he was so short.
idk why i find him so cute
no way, that is chad stride, he doesnt give a fuck
I think you meant so snort
Probably thinking about all the trans immigrants he's going to oppress today
he just has a sense of jovial good-naturedness to him which is like the antithesis of the preening self-serious intellectual
looks like a normal man of his age
Literally looks like a G not caring about you fucking autists sperging all over the place, nigga has a better life than all of your lives together.
If you are incompetent to the simple task of taking care of your own body, I will not take anything you say serious.
The guy is definitely smarter than you sooooooooo...
He should have challenged Peterson to a hotdog eating competition instead desu. It would have been good entertainment
Is there a pic of him cumming? haha asking for a friend :^)
Arnold is fat nowadays though
dude is 70
Is he the devourer of the world?
And a badass
I have become dialectics, destroyer of worlds
based and ironpilled
Why is he so based?
>not eating from a tashcan
He still managed to marry someone 30 years younger, divorced her and married another woman 30 years younger than him
Is there a single philosopher or author you take seriously?
Imagine the sound of him eating
We stand on the shoulders of giants. (eating two hot dogs at once)
Is this how Socrates would be in current year? No longer a bodybuilder, just a dude strolling around eating hot dogs from street vendors.
you take the things arnie says seriously? lmao
i was just listening to this track, and somehow it really fits the webm, kek
Zizek a qt
fuck off, you don't have to be a bodybuilder to give interesting insights on reality
Imagine Diogenes walking around with a lantern in one hand and a hot dog in another.
that ma nigga
>pinches nose with a half-eaten hotdog soaked in snot
imagine being such a tight-assed faggot "intellectual" that you shoot think there's anything wrong with this video
Mein Gott, herr Zizek!
Two weiners?
What a madlad
Just leap to acceptance and lift, user. If Joyce lifted maybe he wouldn't have succumbed to braap blindness
>not posting Mishima at least
that's right, just lift like mishima and kill yourself at the height of your physical beauty
mishima was right and in fact did nothing wrong
ayy, here's one for peterson
He could have been more serious about the whole coup thing.
he neglected his legs and ass
He actually isn't. I'd say he was probably 5'10" from meeting him after a lecture.
what is he eating?
holy fuck you cannot be more /ourguy/
Ziz... Easy on the ideology
no way he isn't taking the piss there
How many people at life expectancy do you meet that are in shape? How many are great thinkers?
Nice bewbs you got, mam
>liftlet can't even score over a 4 on Goodreads
Reminder that Zizek has said many problematic things about the LGBTQ+ community and about Muslim immigrants and claiming him as an ally just because he supposedly BTFOed Jordan Peterson makes you wrong.
do NOT try to even argue with me about this. If you defend Zizek, you are instantly blocked.
>You know the young Marx – I don't idealise Marx, he was a nasty guy, personally – but he has a wonderful logic.
Wait... so Zizek isn't a Marxist?!?
>This summer they are off to Singapore, to an artificial island with swimming pools built on top of 50-storey skyscrapers. "So we can swim there and look down on the city: 'Ha ha, fuck you.' That's what I like to do – totally crazy things.
ok, this is epic
kill yourself
>Two years ago his front teeth came out. "My son knows I have a good friend; none of us is gay, just good friends. So when he saw me without teeth, he said: 'I know why.' My son! He was 10! You know what he told me? Think, associate, in the dirtiest way." I think I can guess. "Yes! Sucking! He said my friend complained that my teeth were in the way." Žižek roars with laughter, great gales of paternal pride. "And you know what was tragicomic? After he told me this, he said: 'Father, did I tell this joke well?'"
holy shit
marxism is a left ideology which means there is going to be a shit ton of infighting
this entire article is a masterpiece
>He says: 'You don't simply dissolve marriage; divorce means that you retroactively establish that the love was not the true love.' When love goes away, you retroactively establish that it wasn't even true love." Is that what he did? "Yes! I erase it totally. I don't only believe that I'm no longer in love. I believe I never was." As if to illustrate this, he glances at his watch; his 12-year-old son, who lives nearby, will be arriving shortly. How is this going to work when he gets here? Don't worry, Žižek says, he's bound to be late – on account of the tardiness of his mother: "The bitch who claims to have been my wife."
Everybody knows that Marx was extremely abrasive and harsh personally. He's the opposite of zizek.
so then what is Zizek? a neoliberal?
wtf user
a marxist i.e. re-materializing Marxist theory through a revival of hegelian dialectics
>Noam Chomsky is critical of Žižek saying Žižek is guilty of "using fancy terms like polysyllables and pretending you have a theory when you have no theory whatsoever," and also said that Žižek’s theories never go "beyond the level of something you can explain in five minutes to a twelve-year-old.
chomsky can be such a prick sometimes
where is this from
read the thread
He's a Marxist- that is, someone who quotes Marx at other people from time to time and whose political persuasion can range from moderate reformist to revolutionary communist depending on mood, setting and personality
>dude take steroids and listen to incel ideology to get laid lmao
Fuck off, BAP. You're worse than niggers and women.
>Is there a pic of him cumming?
arnie said whenever he got a good pump during a workout, it felt as good as cumming
underrated don't know how this didn't get a reply
A gadfly
He's a Zizekist!
BASED Terminator governor
Anyone have that webm of him fucking that young woman?
>webm of zizek eating a hot dog accompanied by the text "look at him go"
>80 replies
>will probably hit bump limit
>doesn't even have anything to do with literature
he was a faggot
its funny deal with it book nerd
remember that part of the debate where peterson was lamenting the violent revolution and everyone cheered about it and then peterson looked like he was going to cry because he knows he'd be shot in it
I don't think he is. He seems to be at a decent height compared to the people around him in that webm, and also has a habit of hunching over, which makes him appear shorter than he is.
The look on Zizek's face. Contempt, confusion, anguish, and anger swirl together like poorly digested Fruit Loops at the bottom of a toilet bowl
This desu. This is why I only read the greeks.
He's in his 70s. He used to be a Yugoslav soldier and must have been very fot then.
Best post this board has seen in weeks
he's probably going home to play CD-ROM video games
What's wrong, user?
>post a thread about which philosopher has the biggest forehead geet 100+ replies
>implying mishima was at the height of anything
i love how his eyes widen for a moment before he takes the second bite
zizek ran the whole show, it's ironic that even with his digressions, tics and accent he's an infinitely more captivating speaker than peterson, peterson didn't look or sound comfortable for one minute he was up there, it's easy to make a case for the benefits of advertising, it's the motivation poster hanging on the classroom wall of life, you see a picture of a beautiful body it becomes a picture of your own potential, it's secures an abstract into concrete reality, you are no longer chasing phantoms, you have definite goals, an egocentric pursuit, within limits, should always be beneficial. Obviously goals like trying to poison the most people or be the most prolific arsonist of churches would fall outside the realm of acceptability, and yet they still exhibit the power of imagination and human ingenuity. They keep the door open for innovation. Simply put anybody can live a life within a capitalist system promoting individual competition and be completely unaware of it. Pleasure in life, happiness, comes from personal fulfillment, not some guarantee of the state no matter what socioeconomic platform it advocates
>Yea Forums thinks every famous person is 6'7"
>which is like the antithesis of the preening self-serious intellectual
You can just say Peterson
this was me for a long time
Nice one, Punchy!
Reminder that Chomsky disgracefully conceded with the quip that "Lacan's followers are worse than Pol Pot's". Zizek made him sound like a twitter tranny. Sad.
Still more prep than Peterson