Has this become the most heart wrenching book of all time?

>Written to protest other medieval buildings in Paris being destroyed
>half the book is about the architectural style of the cathedral
>the cathedral itself is a main character

Anyone who reads this now and who didn’t get to see the cathedral will be heartbroken. As someone who never got to see it (went to Paris but my family suck at planning), I’m saddened beyond belief.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Will they rebuild?
I know it won't be the same, but... they got all the art and artifacts and stuff out. And it's not like we've forgotten how. And it's not the first great Cathedral in Europe to be destroyed, just the first one in this Century...
And even in *this* century... they've got to rebuild, r-right?

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They're drawing up the plans to build the new Notre Dame Mosque as we speak

Which is the most faithful film adaptation of the novel?

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what's the point? People are sad about it burning down because of the disney movie

Proof they got all that stuff out?


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Macaroni said they're going to rebuild it

well it's not the first great building to burn down and it won't be the last. everything will be lost, we all die, it's a fact of life.

Who gives a shit about some old building? The New Europeans have no connection to it so why should they rebuild it?

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boy is my grandson gonna be pissed when i tell him i posted it on his website again!!

did they rebuild the colosseum

It's quite the coincidence that I've been reading Les Mis recently as this happened. Is Hugo's Norte Dame worth reading too?

Not anymore

This is a pretty shitty way to learn about this, thanks for ruining my day. Seriously though, multiple famous buildings have been rebuilt multiple times throughout history

That's not a coincidence of any significance. Lots of Yea Forums is centered on Paris. It is one of 3-4 Alpha+++ cities, after all.

One is the ancient equivalent of a sports arena, which didn't start wearing down untill long after anybody had the means or knowledge to rebuild it.
The other is the Fucking Notre Dame.

>Who gives a shit about some old building?
A lot of Young White Men are really Upset about losing a Symbol of Western Civilization right now and it's hilarious honestly

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I was putting my shoes on, about to walk out the door and have a nice day right when I heard about Notre Dame burning on the news.

This time is a little different since the interior was absolutely destroyed. The structure itself is going to be still standing, but all of the stained glass and art cannot be replaced or rebuilt. Making stained glass on that scale hasn't even really been done in a long time, since it's insanely expensive and not very profitable to specialize in.

really sucks cause now I'll never get to see it, but I wouldn't be surprised if artisans from around the world volunteer to help rebuild the interior

Who gives a shit about the expense?
It's the NOTRE DAME, user.
All of the really priceless stuff managed to get out.

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Assisi was rebuilt stone by stone after the earthquake of 1997. It looks pretty much the same.

Yes it can be done, but it is still not the same in a way.
You the paradox of the boat right?

which means nothing you faggot ass bitch

sports over church everytime


Football is on Sunday, church is also on sunday but more people watch football!


Yes, i know about the ship of theseus. And like I say, i know it's not gonna be exactly the same. But 100, 200, 500 years from now, is anybody really going to care that they aren't walking through the *exact* same Notre Dame that we did?
I just don't want that experience to be gone, user.

Literally everyone of your atoms is like totally different from like last week so ya you're like not the same or something

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It's less about the price and more about the lack of people with the skill to do it. Though, if God wants Notre Dame to be restored, I'm sure it will be. I'm very relieved, at least, that the relics were saved. The crown of thorns and the piece of the cross from the reliquary going up in flames would have multiplied the tragedy

It's not like it's being rebuilt from scratch. They saved the bulk of the exterior.


None of it's ben officially confirmed yet user. I can't imagine why anybody would lie about it at a time like this, but take it with a pinch of salt until we get an official statement.
Still, i'm just as relieved if it's true. Stained glass windows may be hard to replace (I imagine this is a bittersweet day for Stained glass artisans across Europe, but still), yet there's *nothing* that could replace the relics themselves.

it's one of the most studied cathedrals of its type and it's the most visited monument in europe, it will be rebuilt EXACTLY AS IT WAS BEFORE

>I just don't want that experience to be gone
but it has to go. everything has to go. nothings forever. build something new for fucks sake

>using the masses to judge quality

I live less than one hour away from the cathedral. I could see the smoke rise from beyond the building in the Seine Bank. I often go visit her when I'm sad. Yet I only ever visited the interior once.

You guys just make me sad.

God I hope so. I'm still worried about the stained glasses and artwork inside.

This isn't your fucking teacup, Ajahn Chah.

All things fade with time. But that time isn't today.

>Stained glass
Gone. they were held together with lead, which was one of the first things to melt, and firmly stuck in the windows. There was no way they could've got them out even if they tried user.
Apparently they've managed to rescue quite a lot of what wasn't literally built into the building itself, but it's not official at this point.

the artwork was saved but sadly the stained glass is lost. stained glass is bound with lead which melts at low temperatures. though it's a sad consolation price to know that the stained glass that we will see from now on will be modern reconstructions and not the ages-old originals, in due time people will forget and it will seem as ancient as the rest.

the cathedral in rheims was bombed out during the first world war and it was rebuilt exactly. if you go visit it now, you'd easily forget it was every damaged in the first place. in due time the same will be true of notre dame.

That's really a pity about the stained glass, it's really one of the most expressive artform birthed by the Middle Ages, despite its narrow constraints.

But I suppose we should be glad, I was about 20 minutes from there (by foot) an hour ago, and by the look of it you would have believed the whole island was going to burn down.

it's over guys, it's going to be ok.

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'that time' will always be on 'today'

That's just heartbreaking to look at, but I suppose it could have been a lot worse

Too bad it wasn’t a Muslim.

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>This is your brain on nihilism

Have they released an official statement yet? I know there's been some vandalism and attmpted attack throughout France over the last coupl of months on Churches, but I can't imagine that the one time they actually managed to pull it off with success was the Notre Dame. It *has* to be an accident.

Anyone concerned about the quality of the rebuild only needs to look about how the Belgians repaired Ypres after WWI. It can be done, and done well.

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>The Altar still standing
>The cross untouched
I'm not even Christian, but that symbolism is *potent*.

I thought it was part of the yellow vests protest? That shit has nothing to do with it?!


Unless they're using protests as cover. Police otherwise occupied, Large crowds...
...On an unrelated note, London's set to be locked down over some Climate protests this week.

Not sure why you replied to me, I think the fire was accidental though, it's being treated as such.

this is just facing facts

Oh, is there a Jesus box burning down somewhere? Yeah, let me just schedule in "care about the Jesus box"... Oops, schedule's full. Aw, poor baby. Cry some tears for me, too? Lmaoooo

Sales of that book are going to go through the roof. Expect new editions and translations in the near future. Maybe even a film.

This is what the French government gets for hiring Three Stooges Restoration LLC

Cui bono?

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fuck you

Fuck it's still striking in that desultory state. I'm literally a couple photos away from starting a doujiin with Notre-Dame Onee-sama and Saint-Merri-chan as main characters.

it looks better

white fragility?

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Kill yourself

Look at the shape of your country and the rest of the west. You deserve this, as do we. And we will continue to do the same thing as we did before this.

stop attaching metaphysical properties to things

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They chimp out over paying more for gas, so probably not.

You're talking in inane generalities unrelated to the thread. Tragic accidents have happened destroyed monuments before. I treasured the cathedral like a friends,I do not deserve this, maybe you do, though I doubt even that.

>The gods of a captured city abandon it.
Aeschuylus: Seven Against Thebes, Line 218.


Right, you can live your life but you're no better off than if you sleep

based schizo poster

What metaphysical properties are being applied?

fuck church and fuck "god"
fuck you

>went to Paris but my family suck at planning
what kind of autistic mutt voyage can you take to Paris without strolling along the Seine?

>It's quite the coincidence that I've been reading Les Mis recently as this happened.
Not really dude you aren't that important. Is it a coincidence that I skipped Church yesterday too?

We were only in Paris for 1 1/2 days, spent most our time in Rome and London (huge mistake)


It was always the most heart wrenching book of all time because of the characters of Frollo and Quasimodo. Now it just got sadder

there are private individuals donating 100s of millions to its reconstruction already
IRL normies have literally told me they'd rather see people die than Notre Dame in its current state
finally, if Macron doesn't fix this he and his cabinet will be lynched

yeah, I think it'll get rebuilt user

based Yea Forums poster

Fuck off I will do whatever pleases me, Stirner
Wait a sec




Yes I know but I still like the cathedral

Crying over a stupid church is just ridiculous. CNN has been crying for hours now. It's nauseating.



Where have you been? The EU has been sweeping news of attacks and rapes committed by refugees under the rug for a few years now.

Not well enough it seems

Kill yourself

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God, white people are ugly

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I promise you more people go to church than watch football on Sundays

They were already reproductions, not the original. I'm sure artisans will replace it in no time. I mean, this is probably one of the most well documented buildings in the world.


Maybe that guy was a douche. Maybe the woman was a stuffy, old cunt who lived a boring life and lived vicariously through the prestige of the cathedral. Why do people think people are so black and white?

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paris is muslim, macron is the current puppet executioner

I mean it's a cross in a church, it's not that huge of a coincidence

Shocking. It's almost like they completely despise our culture

>scavenging the internet for some literal whos with edgy opinions

fuck off to /pol/

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>heart wrenching!

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These people don't speak for everyone from a middle east background. Learn how to think outside of in-groups. /pol/ reacts like this to every tragedy, should all white people be held responsible for that?

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Now you are trying to blame these two Indian men for smiling during the excitement? There are posters ITT more guilty than that

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What are you even trying to say? I don't care that random people post edgy things online

Only dirty m*slims would be amused by an old building catching fire or by some meme-spouting nerd killing 50 people out of boredom and a need for attention.

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I don't think so. You need to stop thinking inside of in-groups so much. The world isn't just x identity believes y and does b. There might be some social pressures that cause people to act in certain ways but its never an objective unchanging trait

It's a shame some people might think like this but they aren't connected to some kind of magical hive mind with everyone else from their ethnicity

Bullshit. I nearly wept when I saw the news about Notre Dame but would laugh hysterically if any major Muslim building burnt to the ground (especially with people inside).

I feel 0 anger when I see photos of shit skins laughing at the fire because I understand our two cultures are not compatible.

yeah, I bet that asian woman completely understood the gravitas of the situation and what the cathedral means to the city and isn't just upset because she didn't get to take some "selfies" at another Tourist Attraction

you still haven't gone back to your containment board? white men aren't the only people that feel things

why so cynical? relax man.
maybe she just likes crying

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