Post your favorite movie and get book recs, I'll start,
(pic related)
Post your favorite movie and get book recs, I'll start,
(pic related)
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You are clearly 15 years old, so I would suggest you read your assigned books in English class instead of posting on Yea Forums.
Cookie-cutter pseud.
Shit taste.
groundhog day
You forgot to post an image proving your superior taste.
PLEASE, entertain me with how liking the masterpiece that is DOPE is in any way an indication of my age.
Would love book recommendations based on this film
Of Mice and Men. Only this time Zampano directly kills Gelsomina
>Steinbeck recc
Don't ever respond to one of my posts again.
I won't because you're either a nigger or a self-hating white.
>I won't
That movie is fucking terrible, how the fuck could that be your favorite movie?
>Tony Ravioli
>liking run of the mill pop-culture trash from like 4 years ago
If quality and artistry are unimportant to you, you might as well pick something recent like Captain Marval or whatever shitty blockbuster from the last fee months you can think off.
Anyway, I dont really care to answer your whole question, but I will say that my favorite movie is definitely the Cabinet of Dr Caligari.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Don't know the movie but just suggesting Huckleberry Finn
I thought it was good, just reminds me of a better time in my life I guess, that sort of emotional link from relating to the main characters.
>Run of the mill
This movie's soundtrack is full of hip-hop classics (THE most Yea Forums genre of music btw), which only until very recently became the most popular music genre. It portrayed a small sub-culture so fucking perfectly (hip-hop obsessed high school kids who get bullied for being smart, something I was in 2015). It's a fucking great movie. DOPE was not and is not run of the mill at all.
But I'll even give you more ammunition to roast my taste because its entertaining, my other 2 favorite movies are Whiplash and Project X, in that order.
>all my favorite movies are adapted from books
Darkness at Noon.
Good Will Hunting
I like Goodfellas
Whiplash is a masterpiece. Project X is garbage. It's just another teen movie
>dude mega party
>dude drugs
>dude underage drinking
>dude shy nerd gets the girl of his dreams
>dude this totally isn't a slight ripoff of Superbad and trying to ride the dying breath of the Superbad hype train
Unless of course you are talking about Project X (1987), but even that movie is garbage.
> Hip-hop as more words compared to other genres
> Books have lots of words
> Hip-Hop (THE most Yea Forums genre of music btw)
Go back to wherever you came from and kill yourself on arrival.
i saw a play of this in san diego a few years back and we literally sat next to edward albee sitting with his boyfriend and he left during the intermission
still cant believe it happened
The Fountain
Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin
I've already read the other Metro novels and have started Roadside Picnic
forgot picture
Seconding this. No Scientology books please.
harry potter books series
Humor me as to what you think the most Yea Forums music genre is then
Howl's Moving Castle
A Clockwork Orange
>he's still on the entry-level
Yes I am aware it is based on a book
Diary of a country priest
Taxi driver was heavily influenced by notes from the underground
Try the game or Stalker (film and game)
Classical, and the avant-garde movements of any particular genre.
>Classical, and the avant-garde movements of any particular genre.
>boring, entry level schlock
Zero patricians on this board as usual.
The Searchers
I concur friend. It is you with the mid wit taste
The epic of gilgamesh
Pic related
This one of course.
the fuck the file is a gif
Au Revoir Les Enfants
Not necessarily my favorite but I'm interested in the recs
Albert Camus - The Myth Of Sisyphus
t. adhd zoomer that can't handle tarkovsky's pacing
James Joyce's Ulysses
the nigger of the narcissus sounds right up ur alley nigger boy
You dont have to be a zoomer to see the philosophical naivete of tarkovski's reactionary movies. He's a pretentious essentialist with sterile unconvincing arguments about modernity, science, and art. It's highschool philosophy tier.
>Duhhh look at dis candal its symbolical about lyfe. Get it?????
2001 Space Odyssey, The Thing, Solaris (Tarkovsky's)
Already read the book and Solaris, i need something more.
The crying of lot 49 or slightly more distantly Umberto Eco's The Name of the rose
nigger what? take it easy on the buzzwords
>philosophical naivete of tarkovsky's arguments
the absolute irony of you calling him a reactionary, also not an argument
>pretentious essentialist with sterile unconvincing arguments about modernity, science, and art
definitely not an argument
>Duhhh look at dis candal its symbolical about lyfe. Get it?????
your pea brain is "symbolical about this board". you can do this with any and all symbolism period. ignoring the fact that basically no films in existence are particularly deep or convincing, and don't get me wrong tarkovsky is no exception, all you've done is shown how big of a peanut brain you are if you think "woah this candle is symbolic" is the height of tarkovsky. its clear that your zoomer brain could barely get through 10 minutes
this is just a case of
>shakespeare is dumb bro look at how intelligent i am smugly dabbing on this guy woaaah
Oh okay im dealing with an underage. cool. okay where to begin? First of all saying that an artists arguments are unconvincing is definitely an argument for why they are bad filmmakers. Tarkovski is particularly uninteresting in the group of mid 20th century European "new wave" filmmakers because almost everything he presents in his movies are watered down and badly misread phenomenological theses. You cant get anything out of a tarkovski film that you wouldnt get from the first chapter of a book by husserl. His arguments are unconvincing because they arent original or adding to any worthwhile conversation. It's this really uninteresting blend of existentialism, phenomenology and anthroposophism that feels like an overly romantic highschooler wrote without understanding the depths of either philosophical school.
It's also not a meme that tarkovski spreads himself too thin. When you make a movie about "time" like mirror or "nostalgia" like nostalghia of course you're not going to say anything interesting. Also you can tell tarkovski himself is a complete idiot by his own interpretations of his films. Claiming he "doesnt like symbolism" when he engages in it so often one has to wonder if he even knows what it is.
There are a lot of things wrong with your reply but most of them can probably be fixed by watching more movies
>No films are particularly deep or convincing
Watch more movies
>Its clear that your zoomer brain could only get through ten minutes
If you think tarkovski is the most inaccessible director you should watch more movies
>You can do this with any symbolism period
Read more books and, you guessed it, watch more movies.
>First of all saying that an artists arguments are unconvincing is definitely an argument for why they are bad filmmakers.
It's a hypothesis that you hadn't even attempted to prove. Not an argument.
>Watch more movies
>Read more books and, you guessed it, watch more movies.
Not an argument. It's extremely easy to smugly dab on everything and not provide any counter examples
>If you think tarkovski is the most inaccessible director
Point to where I said that
>because almost everything he presents in his movies are watered down and badly misread phenomenological theses
You keep doing it; making ridiculously pretentious claims without providing any examples
>You cant get anything out of a tarkovski film that you wouldnt get from the first chapter of a book by husserl
What? No fucking shit. How many movies present their own unique philosophical theses, and how many of those movies are convincing by themselves? Please, name one.
>His arguments are unconvincing because they arent original or adding to any worthwhile conversation.
What does this even mean? "Or"? Again, give me an example of an original movie that "added something worthwhile" to contemporary philosophy. I'll wait
>really uninteresting blend of existentialism, phenomenology and anthroposophism that feels like an overly romantic highschooler wrote without understanding the depths of either philosophical school
that's exactly what you sound like right now, also for the 200th time not an argument
and finally we get to the "meat",
>nostalghia is not interesting
haven't seen time but i agree with this, although he openly stated that he believed the brand of nostalgia the movie was exploring was unique to russians. enough russian filmmakers pull this shit that i believe it, like aleksei's hard to be a god which makes this one of his worst films to criticize in this manner
>Also you can tell tarkovski himself is a complete idiot by his own interpretations of his films.
doing it again
>claiming he doesn't like symbolism
[citation needed]
Ahh the average tarkovski fan ladies and gentlemen. I apologize my good friend i cannot grace this staggering display of autism with a serious reply. It would be unethical.
Spring Breakers (2012)
This, High Plains Drifter and Sweet Smell of Success
Posession by Andrzej Żuławski. just a tip though I would recommend against watching that movie if the hot girl is what drew you in.
Everyone is just posting their favorite movies and not getting recs.
My Face for the World to See by Alfred Hayes or Three Bedrooms in Manhattan by Simenon maybe
Blue of Noon by Georges Bataille
Beautiful Antonio maybe. Hope you're not.looking for circus themed shit.
Thanks for the recommendations. I do have an irrational hatred of actors though, and pretty much refuse to watch films or read books that are about an actor.
Then you'd like it because it completely derides actors
literally watched this yesterday. I was amazed at the cinematography, at the pictures conveying innermost feelings, even though color was missing. fuck, i get goosebumps thinking about how rublev held borisko, knowing how it feels to have a mission, and the heartfelt desire to act upon it, despite the barren circumstances.