/our crank/ Rene Girard was namedropped in a pro-Trump op-ed today in the NYT

/our crank/ Rene Girard was namedropped in a pro-Trump op-ed today in the NYT


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>but why is it not enough to say you disagree with Trump and his policies?

lmao because he's a fucking idiot lol who wrote this?

Trump is smarter than you.

did you read the next sentence after that or what

>a pro-Trump op-ed today in the NYT
u fucking wot now?

Doubt it

They like to have mild boomer conservatives on every once in a while and open up the comment section so their readers can shit on them and jerk each other off with internet points over how they're engaging in dialogue while simultaneously proving that everyone who disagrees with them is a dumb-dumb.
It's mostly just a way for them to vent and maintain some flimsy veneer of objectivity.

I called him retarded, that's not some grand conspiracy...

the NYT are such sophisticated propaganda you really have to hand it to them, they make most of the press look like retards in comparison

Sounds familiar

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An american democrat is a miasma of moral authoritarian, neuroticism, and someone who thinks they are the "smartest guy in the room"

They have fully bought into the myth that they are "the good guys" on the "right side of history.

This is worse than an actual dictator, A dictator might relent and go away for a while. The democrat invades your entire space for "your own good"

Before the obama years racism used to be actions and words. Then obama became president and racism became "you are racist just for existing and you need to be a self flagellating cuckold forever"
You cant win in such a situation, and that is no way to live, i have a feeling lower class middle americans took that line of thinking and decided "im going to get racist on purpose just to trigger you"

What is the endgame of the democratic party? A rainbow haired trust fund kid yelling at an opoide addict who had his job outsourced to CHECK HIS PRIVILEGE

Oh god, i knew trump was going to win the second the liberals started saying the word safe space and trump went down that escalator

What the liberals need to realize is that its them. Its their personality, their approach. Everything about the american liberal is fucking poison. Even black people dont like white liberals.

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What evidence do you yourself have that you're smarter than Trump?

He's a multi-billionaire, the manager of perhaps the most developed complex society on the face of the planet, and a graduate of elite schools like Wharton (widely considered the best business school in the world).

It stands to reason that Trump would have a higher level of accumulated knowledge and intellectual ability than you, an anonymous internet commenter. Trump shapes the world in his image while you shoot spitballs online. Isn't it fair to say that you're a sullen little pussy boy while he is your intellectual, cultural, political, and social superior?

I dont know how smart trump is but he is a master at manipulating the media and he actually goes into explicit detail about how he manipulates the media in his book the art of the deal. But the media are idiots and dont realize what he is doing even though he basically has told everyone his methods

the press dont really have a choice to play along with his game or not. They have to do what sells, most of them, and he sells.

Trump won because of baby boomers, look at the stats. Who you're getting triggered by are young and far to the "left" of the democratic establishment who are all old white moderate farts. If you get rid of the democratic party things would get a lot more radicalised.

He demonstrates average intelligence. Leadership traits aren't intelligence. He has no demonstrable academic achievement and all public records don't look good. Also as you age your mental capacity deteriorates, his father got alzheimer and it's obvious he's developing it as well.

>He's a multi-billionaire, the manager of perhaps the most developed complex society on the face of the planet, and a graduate of elite schools like Wharton (widely considered the best business school in the world).
he had his lawyer blackmail wharton to hide his shitty grades and his staff routinely disobey and disrespect him. He's achieved none of his promises since being elected two years ago.
>It stands to reason that Trump would have a higher level of accumulated knowledge and intellectual ability than you, an anonymous internet commenter. Trump shapes the world in his image while you shoot spitballs online. Isn't it fair to say that you're a sullen little pussy boy while he is your intellectual, cultural, political, and social superior?
lmao this whole "trump is president therefore he must be smart" is the stupidest argument and only speaks to your own deep stupidity and inability to understand what intelligence even is. By that Logic one could argue that "the Last Jedi" by Rian Johnson is a good movie because it cost a lost of money to make and the studios wouldn't make Johnson a director if he wasn't good.

You americans and your politics are pathetic. The whole world, even England, is laughing at you.

Hey man I wish I had a vast empire to inherit too but alas

Dude it’s ok, he can be criticized without you having to make a comment. Everything will be alright.

do you have a loicense for that laughter m8

No, the Russia narrative is. That's what the op-ed is about: Russia, not people insulting the president. You're not even a part of the conversation happening in OP's pic, not sure why you tried to insert yourself.


I've never stared directly into the sun or ran a casino into the ground though.

>Mr. Trump ran against American elites and their insular culture
lmfao imagine being so far gone that you believe this shit and think Trump is not himself an "American elite"

the Shah of Iran strikes again

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By "Russia narrative" you mean that Clinton lost the election just because of Russian trolls in Saint Petersburg, which is a stupid idea but Russia viewed a potential Clinton administration as a geostrategic threat, that's not a conspiracy. The Mueller report essiently established, from what's not redacted, that the Trump campaign at best was to stupid to understand they were committing potential crimes which reflects even worse on the intelligence of everyone involved on all sides:

The same Russia narrative Trump himself touted when it benefitted him? Pls, if you're going to champion Trump, fine, but don't say it's on intellect and sober thinking if you want to be taken even a little seriously

You are literally interpreting the world through space cartoons for fat children while you explain why you are in fact smarter than the man who governs the planet's economy

It's just bizarre to me to see how so many people convinced themselves they were smarter than our world leaders. Reminds me of Bush. You have like 3% chance of being smarter than Bush, you know that, right? He has an IQ of I think 126. Most people do not have an IQ of 126 by definition. He dictated the course of innumerable global and financial and deep policy conflicts every single day for eight years. Meanwhile you complain about the most recent space cartoon and post on Yea Forums

Do you guys honestly not see how you are obviously much stupider than the American presidents? You simply do not have the cognitive capacity to do what they do, much less thread the world's smallest needle (actually getting elected in the first place).

>he's rich so it doesn't count!
There have been countless examples of widely wealthy people throughout modern history who obsessed over the power and prestige that control of American government could give them. But there are only 45 American presidents. You don't just waltz into the upper levels of global capital and power which millions kill and die for. The fact that you think people only accidentally become president is in and of itself proof that you're extremely stupid and naive

I think that now might be a good time for you guys to reread the Dunning-Kruger article on Wikipedia

this has to be bait. enjoy the last (You) you'll ever get from me retard.

>It's just bizarre to me to see how so many people convinced themselves they were smarter than our world leaders.
It's bizarre to me to think that so many people want to believe that people in power must be ipso facto intelligent.
Baby Bush was a coke addict who could hardly string together proper sentences by the time he was president. You had Dick Cheney and PNAC guys pulling the strings behind the scenes to get what they want. Same thing with Reagan (another genius) and the super CIA spook daddy Bush who was really in control of things.
I suppose you know that socioeconomic status (SES) is a better metric for life outcomes than IQ, right?

What about Obama

Imagine thinking elite means le rich dude

Neither are they all ipso facto stupid. Obama seems to be a little above average intellectually but so then again was George Bush Sr. (whos son was a moron). Being smart doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be successful and even if you are you're going to be a good leader.

>I'm unsuccessful because I'm poor, not because I'm stupid
Go watch Vice again ya fucking retard.

Tell me specifically, what are your intellectual achievements? Everybody is quick to run their mouth when the president's achievements are being evaluated, but when asked to volunteer their own, suddenly they're as quiet as can be.

Most adults eventually realize that those who don't share their personal views and attitudes can be intelligent, even more intelligent than they themselves are.

Other people (women and manchildren) hide behind snotty podcasts, pundits, and television programs which make money by reassuring their audiences that they're smart for tuning in and agreeing with the right opinions.

Here's a fun fact: there has never been a single stupid president in the history of the United States. Every single president of the United States is demonstrably smarter than you are. If you want to stop being such colossal dipshit and better yourself, you'll accept this empirical and indisputable truth and try to understand how to achieve their level of intellectual accomplishment.

If you want to be a little girl pissing her diapers online, you'll stay right where you are forever

I'm sorry I insulted the 70 year old fat retard you worship.

>I'm smart because I argue in strawmans
OK retard.

The idea of insulting the president doesn't actually bother me that much. I'm not really a Trump supporter and I have very little respect for the American system. But the fact that you sincerely think you're smarter than the president does bother me. 95% of people are not smarter than any president. We could be talking about Obama for all I care (he's smarter than you too, in case you were wondering)

Trump doesn't have any intellectual achievements.

lmao cope

Most politicians don't desu. Trump managed to run circles around the media/political establishment, which is a lot more impressive than what most presidents have done.

George W. Bush: smarter than you
Bill Clinton: smarter than you
Ronald Reagan: smarter than you
Jimmy Carter: smarter than you

You don't get to make policy at an elite level inside modern liberal democracies without being intelligent. Doing worksheets good when you were in fifth grade doesn't make you smart. Negotiating tens of millions of complex moving parts in your favor makes you smart

>The STATE of drumpftards

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where are you dumbasses streaming in from? There are all sorts of you flooding the board right now

Wrong, my mom had me tested

Back to r/t_d bucko

lemme ask you this retard, do you have any evidence that trump is a genius besides the fact he lives in the white house now? because there is tons of evidence he's a retard which you conveniently ignore.

yeah, for AIDS

>Ronald Reagan: smarter than you
So even when he was riddled with dementia he was smarter than all of us because he was the president? what kind of dipshit logic is this?

Youre an unlikeable faggot, not even your faggot friends want you around

>do you have any evidence that trump is a genius besides the fact that he performs one of the most intellectually demanding jobs on the planet
This is a non-question. It's like asking me to prove Godel is smart without mentioning science or numbers

Oh I see you're trolling. Very amusing yes, your mother would be proud.


lmao anybody could be king of the mutts

Your argument (He is the president therefore he is intelligent) isn't compelling. It doesn't follow.

You seem to be in some delusion that trump and the media leaders aren't in the same chummy club. Hint: they are and you got suckered by a manufactured ""outsider"" image.

It's true though. Graduating from Harvard or Yale isn't horribly impressive, what's difficult is getting accepted, and that has more to do with how wealthy your parents are than anything.

Saying X politician is intelligent because his wealthy and connected parents sent him to a private school where 50% of the students go on to graduate from elite Ivy league schools, then went on to attend Y elite institution, which certified him as intelligent is circular reasoning.

Trump got the best ratio of investment to media coverage of any politician in GENERATIONS. When it comes to actual policy, he's made some huge mistakes (although I do admire his restraint in getting involved in wars, he's one of the best anti-war candidates we've had in years), but his ascent into politics was artful. Denying this if you want, but you'll be living in willful ignorance.

>/our crank/
This board is teeming, overflowing with scapegoating. It is 99.9999% scapegoating. There is nothing here but the action of doubles. To do any justice to Girard, at least a good portion of the people here would have to realize that their action is not determined by the autonomy of rational thought but by naked egotism traced to indefatigable desire, which, in light of Girard's theory, explains why the vast majority of responses on the board are memes, i.e. mimetic reproductions of each other, all with their respective objects which seem to justify their use in each individual case. That means that most posters are literally automatons, whose actions are triggered by a particular word, image, or object, rather than spontaneous good will in the spirit of mutually beneficial discourse. Girard's theory explains, also, the intimations of violence and general vulgarity perpetrated in every thread, to the effect that one merely has to indulge a single thread to become convinced that the spirit of violence is the native haunt of lawless, unreflective man in societal life.

Yea Forums is only a Girardian board in the sense that it is proof that the mimetic horror remains the master of man even into our age.

Where do I start with Girard?

>at least a good portion of the people here would have to realize that their action is not determined by the autonomy of rational thought but by naked egotism traced to indefatigable desire,
literally everybody knows this



>at least a good portion of the people here would have to realize that their action is not determined by the autonomy of rational thought but by naked egotism traced to indefatigable desire

We do man, we do

The situation is not so inconspicuous, however. If Girard is right about the imitative nature of desire, then it makes us vulnerable to the influence of the double or doppelgänger (also known as the evil twin), which has always been regarded as a harbinger of death or mania. The double sends us into progressively more violent oscillations between megalomania and suicidal despair. Most people on this website have met and are constantly meeting their double, their evil twin, without being aware of it, and it has already initiated its malign influence upon them. The double is, in every way a reproduction of ourselves, and yet the more we come into contact with it, the more we are convinced that it is the sole source of misfortune in our lives; slowly we shift all personal responsibility away from our fragile but abundantly vindictive egos onto the doppelgänger, a process which we are inclined to repeat, even though it is the very thing that finally binds us to our doom. Eventually, emptied of all personal sustenance and completely oblivious to our own iniquity, we become a menace to ourselves and society, utterly incapable of trusting anyone, frantic and hysterical, unable to find any consistency within ourselves upon which to erect a foundation, having made someone else liable for our own descent into hell. Such is the nature of desire.

utterly based and articulatepilled

Trump actually did collude with a foreign power, but it was Israel.

Anyway, it's far more concerning that there appears to be no way out of the scapegoating loop we're in with the ruling class. The US usually has a Progressive chimpout every 60 years so we ARE right on schedule. Unfortunately this is usually followed by social upheaval and a war.

Donald Trump is your President and will continue being your President for 6 more years.