Gentlemen anons, what books do you suggest to get me out of the bluepilled intellectual sphere...

gentlemen anons, what books do you suggest to get me out of the bluepilled intellectual sphere.I am new to \lit\ and want to be as autistic and redpilled as fellow anons here.Thanks in advance.

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think of humans as biological robots designed by evolution. the other autistic redpill beliefs like racism and sexism will flow smoothly from this

wouldn't you prefer a book about zombies or ghosts?

Schmitt and Spengler

How did that transsexual grow tits that huge?

Do YouTubers actually think they are influencing society?

Why do YouTubers have such a high opinion of themselves as if they are actually credible social commentator? They post videos in echo chambers of beta subscribers and orbiters

NO, i won't fag

that is your average american pig riddled with estrogen from the taps and the "males" surrounding are jealous of her because they want more estrogen and a vagina

its easy money. and they can sleep well at night thinking they contribute something of substance to society

that Schmitt guy seems to be the second coming of Nostradamus.

Maybe start with Moldbug's letter to open minded progressives.

just suddenly decide to irrationally hate black people, Jews, Muslims, either Christians or Atheists depending on which you are, everyone in the LGBT acronym, women, white guys who look weird, and everyone you disagree with, and then you'll pretty much be done

He's a fucking Nazi. :3

Fuck that.

/our guy/ mein nigger

You mean pursuit facts then science and logic follows

/your guy/ is me, you fucking dipshit. The guy with this smiley :3 is, by definition, /your guy/.

I'm the fucking one and you know it. Do you know how much this pisses me off.

Stop giving a fuck about Nazi's or Jewish collective struggles and start gravitating more towards the ideas and philosophies of people who actually care about learning things and objective facts. I swear to FUCKING GOD I HATE the recent trend on this site, and this board in particular in the direction of Nazis.

I thank God every day that I found a beautiful woman who will help me battle the scourge of ignorance that plagues this place daily with the likes of Nazis and shit dragging us back to WWII. I mean, have you even considered what is ACTUALLY going on here? Like facts and stuff, as opposed to stupid, racial bullshit.

I am getting tones and overbearing sensations of materialistic, anti-religious philosophy as well, which kills me and fills me with hatred. :3

Trust me, believe it or not I fucking HAAAAATTTEEEEEE you. You are giving me and what I'm trying to do within society a terrible name.

well if history and evolution is to be believed,then sexism and racism make perfect sense for the hunter gatherer world.we have came out of the hunter gatherer world now bu still some humans i.e niggers are still cavemen. And liberals refuse to believe how dumb and niggerish caveman a human can be.thus the flooding of low eq and low iq migrants into wondrous european nations.
But i am conflicted on thinking that the abrahamics deserve this.
for centuries you abrahamic fags tried to wipe out pagans by painting them as heathens and ungodly people when they had done nothing wrong.
greek and roman civilisation was the peak performance of europe.
Now you are gonna bbe flooded by abrahamic muslim retards but you will take it lying down as the good and liberal christian goys you are.
you hated retards and converted into retarded abrahamic religions which defied science as heathen shit.
so the intelligent white people have first dismissed the logical idea of sexism and racism and they will die for it.

>they had done nothing wrong.
>greek and roman civilisation was the peak performance of europe.
contradiction! then why romans became christian?

we should have been beyond religion at this point and time of human life. Our dependence on religion shows us still that we are fucking children who can't act and think for ourselves. and we need a grand daddy to tell us all about rules and ethics to follow so we can live righteously.
We are ironically god's "children".
But I refuse to believe I am still a child so fuck off with your religion bullshit, I can think for myself.
materialism is just veiled nihilism because a god doesnt exist and waiting for him to take action has left us feeling alone and helpless.
hedonism too
acknowledge there is no god and move towards logic and science(nazism) and be happy in the reich

I've been seeing so many fucking weird posts lately. Like there's been a wave of schizos and people from other websites.

>contradiction! then why romans became christian
the christians hijacked the based roman culture just as mudshits are doing now by making white whores roam around in hijabs and taharushing them.It was forced on them and they accepted it and it was the biggest mistake that caused the downfall of mankind.
capitalism is a christian idea and hedonism and nihilism came along with it which disillusioned christians and now they wanna be more retarded by sacrificing art and culture and becoming mooslims.
all abrahamic faiths and religions are just larping pagans who worship a inbred version of paganism

God wants better from you than petty materialistic differences.

And understanding this is not agreeing or disagreeing with whatever 'zeitgeist' is going on. I don't care what you say, reality and life is NOT competition, rather it is a series of competitions, many of which are mutually beneficial.

schizos are the best thinkers though dont you think?we need more crazy in this honk world

>how dare you altright ppl ditch left thinkers!!!
Or maybe you are turned over and has to be 5th grade next year again.

Yeah there are more people paying attention than you realize :3

One interesting thing is, a lot of them are morons, and some may even decide to stay. Regardless, just relax and don't worry so much about trying to be 'cool' everyone, that aspect of reality is childish, but you were indoctrinated and left to your own devices.

I am a p cool guy tho. And so is Butterfly. I think Butterfly has given some inclinations she knows what is going on as well.

there is no god and i think god was invented as a tool of control by some utilitarian to herd sheep properly and make them proper slaves to the mechanism of society.
it was needed as a tool of discipline when we all were ooga booga monkeys.
now it is time to move on towards utopia but low iq god believing fags like you and some other religious are holding society back from its next level

I think they are just edgy retards trolling and disturbing the peace. We all are humans at the end of the day

>hedonism and nihilism
have you heard of, uh, the bible? It's a book all about revolt against hedonism and nihilism. Even for other believer in other cultures the god could be comprehended as the anti-nihilism. It's not a coincidence biggest empires in the history were both christian empire and successfully did missonary project to the mankind in so many different culture, literal all around the world. Name one pagan empire actually propagated their beliefs.
And also capitalism is the logical conclusion of economy for scientific acheviements. Why would capitalism only succeed at the christian countries?

how about fucking off to /pol/ if you're going to come in with preconceived ideas and then only read shit that is going to confirm your biases

Fucking incoherent and wouldn't be surprised if it was a samefag.

I bet that contras trans suicidal tendencies must go through the roof when she's next to feminine females whom he will never ever look like or be in his entire miserable life.

how about fucking off to reddit if you're going to come in with preconceived ideas and then only read shit that is going to confirm your biases

capitalism is hedonism at the end of the day.It's growth has to be checked or you risk becoming ideocracy



If economy grows with christianity on the charge there is no risk of hedonism or ideocracy. That's why China failed in corruption-they play with the science for profit yet has no science in their mind:reasoning.

finished the first chapter. a very good read that forced me to open my eyes for once.Thank you

he went nuclear

Isn't him Jim Crow tier "genetic fact" guy?

This is the stupidest fucking thread I've see on Yea Forums in ages, I hope the OP is embarrassed for himself. What a total fucking shitshow, I can't imagine the sort of vermin that posts this sort of thing. I guess I have to hope that the OP is being ironic, because otherwise I feel compelled to despise him.

is it or is it not ironic. That is the question
that is not all that he is. He has some legit good ideas of thinking. if you look at it every cooky fella gets something right

what a sad world you live in

Is this pasta? I can't even imagine being simultaneously this arrogant and retarded while also thinking they have anything meaningful to say about "Nazis". You can't engage with their ideas or data because they'll absolutely wreck you epic style with facts and logic so instead you dance around about your "objective facts" as if your contribution to this incestuous Marxist sweat pit is of any value. What do you actually have to say that's of any substance in comparison to thinkers like Spengler or Schmitt?

Why would you recommend Spengler to a bluepilled person that is new to Yea Forums?
Reading Spengler will turn them off literature all together.
Decline of the West is dense and abstruse, and definitely nothing that a beginner should begin to approach.

Fucking women and their 'arguments'.

>c'mon pleaaassseeeee just stop caring about race and jews, goy!!!!!
Very convincing, my fellow truth-seeker!

addendum to this, OP, I would highly recommend Yockey's Imperium if you want a lengthy criticism of liberalism, materialism, scientism, rationalism, democracy and the like.
It is a nominal, unofficial 'sequel' to Spengler, but anyone can pick it up and understand it without any precursory knowledge of Spengler.

that big tiddy brunette...yummy yummers

What’s gay about that picture?

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>I am new to \lit\ and want to be as autistic and redpilled as fellow anons here.
read the meme trilogy

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