Can zizek beat the final boss?

can zizek beat the final boss?

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Žižek won't debate anyone who's that controversial and against the mainstream narratives.

Dugin reads like dumb Evola. I mean some traditionalist authors talk how Evola falls short when compared to the writings and thought of Guénon, but Dugin reads as if Julius Evola would have been paralyzed in the head (instead of his feet) and would remain in his semi-fascist-totalitarian flirting period.

Dugin is the ultimate /pol/lack. He's a good example of what can be achieved with a severe mental incapacity.

>He has read Guénon AND Evola AND Dugin
you're supposed to leave one untouched, pseud. What are you, some kind of nazi incel?

imagine being crippled by morality and straight up CIA political disinformation mdr. incapable of producing a non-polluted thought.

Dugin is an absolute retard. If there is some field in which he is a final boss, it is severe mental retardation.

>mental incapacity
How so? Elaborate

He’s not retarded... just Russian.


But seriously it would be a fun debate, far better than Zizek vs Peterson.

I think though ultimately they woudn't disagree on most things. Dugin isn't anti-Marxist, Nazbol contains Marxism by definition. What Zizek calls this new international cooperation as communism, Dugin calls it the multipollar world. Dugin has no problem with that kind of arrangement as long as international capitalism and the Atlantic alliance is dismantled.

He doesn't make any long-term sense, frequently makes contradicting statements, pushes batshit insane crap like reuniting soviet union countries under Russia again, and promotes retarded larpy ideas about Euro-Asian cooperation, etc. He is a laughing stock in Slav world for those and many more reasons.
t. Slav.

Say what you want but he looks the part moreso than zizzy or patreonson

I've only read his stuff relating to the Fourth Political Theory and Ethnosociology, not so much his work on Eurasianism but the 4pt material is really interesting imo. I can see why neo-soviet larping would make him a laughing stock but do people read his more scholarly philosophical stuff over there? Surely Liminov is more of a laughing stock than Dugin right?

Dugin is pretty much in the reading list of minority within minority (small part of already not very numerous hard right). He would be probably more popular if he would get rid of muh based black man theorems, which brought the most hate on his head. Also the people who could be interested in his ideas are usually also a people who are moving around their strong national philosophies and political doctrines, thus they are anything but welcoming to his unifying ideas. Limonov is pretty much in "literally who" tier and I'm surprised you even mentioned him, to be quite honest.

How does this make him retarded? If anything it's obvious that he's doing it with a purpose to seed those ideas in minds of people, just like any other public speaker. Read/listen to his ideas of history as myths. At least he admits it's all hypocritical larping unlike most of other popular thinkers

You answered your own question, user. If your whole shtick is to produce the most retarded ideas and then lie to yourself that it will make someone think, then yes, you are retarded. Only thing he managed to force people to think about, is how dumb his theories are.

Most Slavs who are not Russians, Serbs, or actual gopniks hate Russians so he won't debate him.

Can confirm.

>You answered your own question, user.
>he says something that I consider insane so he's retarded
Do you really think this way? Do you always judge people by their actions without considering the purposes?
While typing this realised that this kind of "logic" is common, I guess this conversation is meaningless

>I have no argument, so I will play "muh superior intellect" card
There is very little purpose in rambling of the retard as Dugin is. If there would be, you would already explained it and thus shutting me effectively. You didn't, nor you can't since you alone put yourself into this rhetoric trap. There is a monumental difference between original provocative thinker and between someone who can't provide any purposeful and comprehensive thought without either: a) contradicting himself hard and b) proving to have absolutely zero clue about real world.

adjust your hat, the tin foil seems to be slipping to one side

>Read/listen to his ideas of history as myths
fucking fascists are always illiterate. If you're gonna end the world at least do it with style you hypocrite

yeah, it's hard to read limonov if you want to, in english his books are prohibitively expensive