Why does every girl wear those ugly black skintight pants?
Half of them are fat and even on the thin ones It's not flattering.
A girl needs 9/10 ass and legs to actually look good wearing them.
Poetry thread
Not poetry but If it looks good on beautiful women than other women assume it will make them look like a beautiful woman.
They want to be reduced to sexual objects because they rightly fear that their personalities are so drab and uninspiring that they will be completely passed over otherwise
Ah pussy, pussy mine, thy lips oft stretch abroad
And fling their spit into my cheeks
Which (full strange) oft are turnèd
Unto thee with malice and grace.
Whisper me thy sweet solemnities
And I shall carve of you a shape most strange
In which I'll neither kiss nor not lie down
But touch with my most privy thing.
this thread is rough yet contains crucial truths of our time
men have the same fear yet their particular gender programming is for them to compensate for it with achievement. we have been reduced to commodities told that we are worth nothing unless we find a good selling point for ourselves, so that we too can fulfill our purpose and be completely consumed by the always gaping maw of the insatiable spiritual black hole. hungry, hungry, hungry.
purpose as products*
real leftcom hours
this is a sentence that
i have inserted random
line breaks into ive also
forgone punctuation
capitalization and
proper line st
ructure thereby mak
ing it poetry in the ey
es of modern pseuds
actually i think they're just comfortable
new slaves
because they're comfortable, goddamn
Yours is a typical romantic teenager misinterpretation of society arising out of an early environment of unconditional love. The fundamental genetic basis of existence is conflict - civilization is the expansion of the possibility of cooperation. Integrating by biological necessity means becoming useful, entering into any relationship means providing utility to your partner. That's the tragedy of life. Yet out of this seeming profanity arises love, faith, honor, loyalty, courage, sacrifice. We're approaching a transcendence of the biological imperative but we should ask ourselves if there is anything to existence outside of this paradigm which we truly value. It is clear that a different world isn't populated by anything recognizably human. So be careful what you wish for.
Tight jeans are the great equalizer when it comes to butts. My ex had the type of ass I enjoy that somehow mixes cellulite with a history of anorexia but is not exactly the pornographic ideal of an ass. Put a pair of jeans on it though and it's nice and round.
shuddup ye jive honky
1) they're comfortable
2) they're convenient
3) it's the hot trend
Unless you dress better, you don't have much right to complain.
comes into the world unwelcome
calling disorder, disorder—
If you hate me so much
don’t bother to give me
a name: do you need
one more slur
in your language, another
way to blame
one tribe for everything—
as we both know,
if you worship
one god, you only need
One enemy—
I’m not the enemy.
Only a ruse to ignore
what you see happening
right here in this bed,
a little paradigm
of failure. One of your precious flowers
dies here almost every day
and you can’t rest until
you attack the cause, meaning
whatever is left, whatever
happens to be sturdier
than your personal passion—
It was not meant
to last forever in the real world.
But why admit that, when you can go on
doing what you always do,
mourning and laying blame,
always the two together.
I don’t need your praise
to survive. I was here first,
before you were here, before
you ever planted a garden.
And I’ll be here when only the sun and moon
are left, and the sea, and the wide field.
I will constitute the field.
Whore Madonna
Why do you not sway in uncertainty?
Whore Madonna
Crush me beneath your foot
The bare sole free of dirt
Yet never washed
But wet, your skin
Could cleanse my sin
Cleaned by soap that were
Born not made
All I may see
Is your pearl, and you stride in uncertainty
It pleasures me not
Whore Madonna
Crush me beneath your foot
Coated in leather
And lace surrounds your stocking
Daily scrub
Covered over and seen with love
From atop, yet below
All I may see
Is under your skirt, and you sway in acceptance
It pleasures me not
Just as it neither
Pleasures me to see you stride in acceptance
Lay for me
Pray for me
But please do not say to me
Whore Madonna
Why can you not sway in uncertainty?
this is
objectively good
because it’s what’s currently in style
Any of you guys read Rimbaud? I read Drunken Boat and the imagery in it is so surreal. The best way I can describe it is dream-like mainly because each image is striking and odd yet they are quickly replaced by another.
Why do women act indignified by my erection when they wear skin tight pants? I’m a human being
Its a bit like graveyard somersaults
When rolling just isnt enough
A fresh coat of paint
On a broken frame
OOOH what a hot take my dude ive never seen such a hot take in my life my dude
so are they
they're comfy, why do girls wear ugg boots in public etc.
unironically not bad
pretty good desu
your pussy is two pieces of bread in a toaster
"stop!" overdone.
nut in your mouth
damn girl your
vagina so yeasty
I could bake
bread in it and
eat it with tea
Here's my poem for the information era:
I've seen the footage,
on the electric windows of the world, in daily twenty-four/seven streams
first at our fingertips and then by the tip of tongues,
I’ve seen the footage,
of archaic conclave puppeteers, moving behind the scenes directing age-old orchestras of
royalty, priests and politicians,
of four dimensional chess games, where pawns and king alike are moved at the command
of occult forces most sinister,
of catalogs Containing Information Archives, brimming with data reports summarizing every
shrouded detail of our untold history,
of deep-down-the-rabbit-hole adventures, where forbidden fruits are found promising
knowledge and temptations most obscene,
of kaleidoscopic kids carried away, either from or towards hell’s rings silently singing forlorn
songs of innocence lost as childhood dies,
of sinister programming inflicted, shattering an individual’s mind with suggestions
commandments and a mix of evil tonics,
of immaculate triangular conception, perfect pyramids of divine intervention based East/West
as well as up and below the waters,
of heavenly visitations inspiring marvel, aerial wheel machinery and their radiant pilots
descending from the beryl sky,
of isolated covert penal colonies, sewage systems openly constructed with injurious intent
where free folks disappear down the drain,
of self-serving megalomaniacs, red-blooded sovereigns who deal in fuel with soaked hands
covered in stains of bloody black gold,
I've seen the footage,
of neon tinted byzantine mazes, and tech-head echo chambers where we are all hackers
with boundless potential,
of cryptic voices from the hive, proclaiming outrageous revelations with only one’s own heart
to judge right from wrong,
of anonymous friends and foes, who pass the time with banter as they visit a second home
safely from the comfort of their room,
of social virtual lynch mobs, where the open democracy of future’s fora judge and decide
21th century trials,
of ironclad cops & civilian boy soldiers, open automatic fire captured on handheld eyes who
became numb of this shit,
of envy resent and growing distrust, as boundaries between worlds blend and bodies clash
as loners howl and cry for the soul,
of an endless connections spider web, where I C U and U C me me me me so much me in
this damned dog eat dog world,
of tender bleeding heart trigger-people, proto trans-human anomalies voluntarily and
simultaneously over-and-desensitized,
of mentally authentic paranoids who preach, the coming age of information overload and
thousands of observers who will follow and observe,
of hidden agent apparatuses, space tech informers buried deep inside pockets concealed
they always listen!
of all of this footage will be shot, and one day,
I will see that footage too,
>I've seen the footage
ok MC Ride
This is terrible, but i kind of love how it reminds me of trampling porn