ITT: Worst books you have ever read

ITT: Worst books you have ever read

pic related for me, literally just pages upon pages of worthless word puke

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t. Schopenhauer

You meant the best, right?

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He wrote worse things than that, be glad you haven't read them!

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Gospel of John

What Mary Sue bullshit

Prove me wrong

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Why was this bad? I haven't read it yet.

Might be alone, but the book was awfully boring. The plot was bold and the prose was interesting, but Hawthorne just loves shoving symbolism in the face of the reader, treating you like a complete fucking retard. It's probably why it's so commonly taught in the high-school level.

If you're interested in Puritanism and that period of American life, then it's okay. But if you're not, it's honestly just a slog and there's better "classic books" out there to take your time.

>if you're not
I'm not. The entire concept makes my physically ill to think about. Thanks for saving me 9 hours of my life, user.

No problem. If you really wanna read Hawthorne though, check out Twice-Told Tales. It's a collection of short stories, and is much more entertaining to read imo. He's not nearly as "in-your-face" as well. Shockingly underrated as well.

you got filtered pseud

I love this book.

I don't wanna sound like a pseud douche but being a drug user myself (now and then) I enjoyed Naked Lunch and most of Burroughs' work.

I read it in one sitting years before I started doing drugs and I thought it was great. Am schizo however so I don't think it's for everyone

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This is the worst way any series can end. It includes
>bad guys eating each others boogers and scabs
>killing off main villain by introducing a brand new villain that eats the old one
>new villain is also a baby werespider that constantly shits itself
>ends up shitting itself to death
>main villain (spider baby's dad) that has been built up for 3 books is an evil Santa claus that throws snitches from Harry Potter at the hero
>constant Harry Potter references because King likes harry potter
>introduce new dude out of no where that can erase the villain with a magic pencil
>literally says "here comes the deus ex machina " like a cheeky cunt
>contains a page before the end of the book basically stating that he doesn't know how to end it, but it doesn't matter because it's about the journey not the ending, and if you don't like it then fuck you
>end with a time loop setting everything back to the beginning

I fucking hate Stephen king I wish that van killed him so that maybe a competent author could have finished the series

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Wind Through the Keyhole is much worse giving how pointless it is.

Haven't read it. How bad does it get?

Define worst. The worst written work, anything by L ron hubbard ever. The worst experience? I'm not sure I will ever heal the scars from DeSade

This one by far.

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Stuff with the skinwalker and Roland's past wasn't bad but there is another story that may as well have nothing to do with the main story involving a kid who finds one of the mechanical animals that guard the beam.

(not that I had high expectations for it)
Are you serious?
I"ve never read it, but I have seen it being highly praised.

My girlfriend got it for her birthday and I was bored. Worst decision ever, but finished in one sitting.

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i thought it was a great book. what did you not like about it?

Nectar in a Sieve



Kys you sub-90 pleb

Tanglewood Tales is also the shit

Pseud detected


give Junky a try

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the only bad part is the thing at the end written by that American dude

Ayn rand is shit

t. Kieerkegard

15 yo detected

The start of the novel was actually really good, but after the war part it went downhill pretty fast, and during/after the Africa part it actually turned into something so not interesting and long-winded, with the narrator keeping on whining about how shit his life is while also wanting to bone every woman he's met, that it took me a lot of effort to finish the book.

me too user. poltards don't, they think it promotes those 'puke' ideas, but actually it's satirize them and puts them in the perspective.

why are you trannys always talking about /pol/?


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>it was a PARODY bro that makes it good


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that book was written for 15 year old, I'm pretty sure it should be YA