ITT: Post contemporary African-American literature
Let's keep it 21st c. I know there is plenty of great stuff from the previous century but lets talk about the new generation.
ITT: Post contemporary African-American literature
Let's keep it 21st c. I know there is plenty of great stuff from the previous century but lets talk about the new generation.
You Start
Who's the hottest negress pornstar?
And uh... what's her favorite book?
I don't think a generation so obsessed with how their victimhood justifies all their bad decisions and personal short comings can produce anything of literary value.
fuck you
*So called victimhood btw
Let me start things off:
African-americans are chronically bitter whiny bitches with a chip on their shoulder. Not unlike the irish. Utterly incapable of creating art without whining about muh whitey.
Are actual africans or african-americans more africans?
There are barely even contemporary white people worth a shit in literature atm so probably doubtful for darkies. Latin america and asia are the only places making anything worth a shot rn.
what the fuck did he mean by this
Don't forget average IQ and literacy rates. +All the language talent goes into rap anyway. If people weren't cucked by political correctness blacks would be almost wholly absent from recommended reading lists. I don't think I've ever read any good fiction by a black author (maybe Dumas?) and since recommendations can't be trusted I propably never will.
Word. Now I can go back to complaining about Wh*te Genocide, the jews, cultural marxism, feminism, one woman on twitter who said something I don't like, super hero movies with minority characters, people in universities reading translations i don't approve of and other important stuff like that. I'm not a whiny bitch though!
t. african-american
go blow your saxophone somewhere else
Ugh, I know, right? *tips fedora*
>still no mention of good black authors
That's not actually an argument, you know? Statistically speaking the existence of decent African literature would be a miracle. Obviously a calculation would be complicated but all Africans on this planet might collectively manage to equal the literary contribution of Switzerland. These affirmative action 'diverse' reading lists are pure cringe and make the detection of actual talent nearly impossible.
13th post best post
Possibly that African is quite a different culture from African - American.
Or possibly that American blacks are 30% white and some stuff about IQ.
I live in portugal and have always been friends with lots of african immigrants. these guys were colonized by portugal and they don't give a shit now. african americans are chronically bitter about it because that's what makes them feel like they belong to a community. plus, african americans are some of the most racist people on earth, second only to white americans.