Based on her lyrics and aesthetics, what do you think she reads?

Based on her lyrics and aesthetics, what do you think she reads?

Attached: Lana del Rey.jpg (660x439, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing, she's illiterate


>Del Rey is a well-read scholar, and has a thirsty appetite for planting easter eggs throughout her music. For paradise’s sake, she has a tattoo that reads Nabokov Whitman.

Arthoe. Her lyrics are meh. But the melody to Video Games is kino for the genuine sentiment of nostalgia it evokes.

She reads t shirts and fridge magnets

Tumblr posts

Wiki says Walt Whitman and Ginsberg. So pedophiles essentially.

Listen to Patti Smith and PJ Harvey instead

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Based and musicpilled

she uses books as accessories and pretends to like "Art", when in fact she mindlessly copies the visual symbols, creating a shallow cargo-cult aesthetic.

I look pretty young for my age, do you think I could trick her into thinking I'm 16?

I'm thoroughly convinced that Lana only reads art hoe blogs that post excerpts of poetry.

This is probably the only book she has read

Attached: 34725B6B-BB01-4797-BBD2-E9C5F88FC88D.jpg (893x1360, 198K)

I unironically love West Coast by her, her voice had a great match for it:

No Lana del Ray faggots

>by her
You mean by Rick Nowels and Dan Auerbach. I would be shocked if Lana did any actual songwriting.

Bet she has a stinky Pucci

Peter Sotos, exclusively. Sometimes Nabokov but only the deviant shit.

She's the epitome of Daddy's Money and half of her face is from cosmetic surgery

Nofucking way that retard read Nobokov

Retards love Nobokov my friend. Don't feign surprise.

based and incelpilled

Her voice I meant, I know it's not her song.

But I like Nabokov and I’m not retard, what do what do, I just don’t want her to like the stuff I like because she’s a stinky Pucci bitch with horrible music

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Food for thought: how many retards actually know they're retards?

Hahahaha, but I’m sure I’m sure I’m not, I spit I spit user, I recognise vile once I see it, That’s how I know I’m not a retard, cognitive abilities transcend the sheep, that’s how I know I’m not a retard


Attached: 36282BB2-052A-4C14-B060-F2B612159367.jpg (1000x1462, 247K)
This is how every arthoe reads Lollita

It's interesting how the degenerate has become boring, propably means we hit the peak.

Attached: Moderns.gif (262x400, 44K)

They are vile I tell, Vile, I spit I spit

She's talked about her taste in literature several times and she references some works and authors in her songs too. She e.g. references Hunter S. Thompson in Is This Happiness, Nabokov in Lolita and Sylvia Plath in Hope is a dangerous thing ( She's really into stuff from the sixties.
Lana has a degree in philosophy so she's obviously more based than basic tumblrina bitches. She was my favourite singer for years but I don't listen much to her anymore.
I highly recommend this song:

Her face is repulsive. Is this what americans consider attractive? A fucking nation without aesthetic sense.

Patti Smith fucking sucks

Leave Fritz OUT of your political bullshit. He does not "rationalize" child rape-murder.

Horses is a good album. But her only good album.

>Fritz Lang

The book isn't about pedophilia just sexual degeneracy in general.

Young adult trash.

ahem acktually i am volcel


I looked it up; it turns out the book doesn't mention Fritz Lang at all. I guess the publisher slapped that image on the cover because the protagonist of M is a degenerate.

Chandler, noir and period pieces (like Peyton Place, Trilby, etc.)