Adapting video games into books

Why would they do something so sinful?

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Post some passages

>adapting books into video games
Why would they do something so regretful?

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I'm going to write Dragon's Dogma into a miltonic poem and I'm going to force Capcom to pay me for it

is she supposed to be athene?

Not gonna lie I'd probably read a book set in the Thief world because I just like it so much

The hilarious part is that AC Odyssey is set during the Pelopennisian Wars and has people like Socrates, Herodotus, and Alcibiades as characters. I know it’s all dumb and just a game, but for me as someone who enjoys Ancient Greek history and culture, it can be a pretty amusing and enjoyable game. Now, you would hope that this game could be a good gateway for non-lit people, and get them to try something like Plato or Homer or Thucydides, but instead you get this novelization junk. It’s a god damn shame.


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Is there any that are worth reading? Always wanted to read the Bioshock prequel novel

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I'd like to see Silent Hill in the hands of a good writer

Metro 2033 was good

>tfw no graphic novel set during they heyday of Rapture
Just give me my underwater art-deco sci-fi escapism damnit

Do not under any circumstances read Ayn Rand. Trust me on this one.

Those were some great aesthetics.
Shame they shat the bed with Infinity.

I heard they made a book based on this. Anyone know if it's worth a read?

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I’m playing that right now. It’s undeniably good, though obviously extremely formulaic. It makes me want to make a good game set in Ancient Greece where you play the son of a god.

>As you gain in strength you get more muscular and go from being able to shove enemies to being able to throw them 10+ feet / grab and slam them
>ditto animals
>at full strength, paddling a boat at full (godly) speed into a beach would launch and break the boat

Things like that would be great

I’m sure one or more of the Elder Scrolls books are decent

How are video game novelizations any worse than the rest of genre fiction?

It was fucking weak. He isn't nearly as badass as in the game.

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the book based on the game is literally just a self-insert fanfic, not worth reading

Not worth a shit poem just play the game

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literally Harry Potter fan fiction where Ron is gay for Harry, skip it, it's also a diss track on the Greeks