What the fuck

what the fuck

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what the actual fuck

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god why

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>reads joyce once

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I think he posts in critique threads based on this prose

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the coup de grace

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Better than Blood Meridian

holy based

>Here it seems that the desert itself has been deserted.

I bet he thinks he's so clever.

Wow, who would have thought? Sean Penn is a terrible writer. But also this

Not just terrible, but intentionally terrible. He's obviously attempting to be literary and his failure is more painful to read than sonic fanfic

He must have actually written it himself. No ghostwriter would keep their job with this quality of work

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>intentionally terrible
>obviously attempting to be literary
well then, it's not intentional is it? but yeah, it looks super fucking tryhard

why would you read this you absolute retard

>sits centurion
I like that one, but everything else is tryhard pomo gibberish

>I think he posts in critique threads based on this prose
my impression, exactly

This guy honestly thinks there is nothing he can't do

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>Clown cold
>Drippy drop
Is he doing shitty nadsats ironically or something

He probably thinks he'll be remembered by history as a Leonardo da Vinci, a Sir Richard Burton, a Christopher Marlowe type.

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Is that really Seen's Peen? Or did he stick a water pistol down his boxers?

See, I didn't even notice that. It's not just that I'm not in the habit of looking for the male bulge but also because there's a half naked female in the same picture.

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You call that a woman? She looks freshly rescued from Dachau. Besides, her head is right next to it.