Buy my shirt, bucko

Buy my shirt, bucko.

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It's amazing how transparent of a grifter he's become. It's like he has no shame at all.

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clothing discussion belongs on the fashion board,

was he giving redditson the finger, secretly?

I like the guy, but why fucking bother. Such a cheap, jewish fucking thing to do.

Not so secretly

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Based wannabe jannie poster.

There's literally nothing wrong with financially milking your autistic manchild fanbase

How doe she manage to be incredibly attractive while still being an old slob?

It's incredible how this fat 70yo dressed like a teenager outshadows Peterson who tries so fucking hard. Now that he's started to dress like a fucking dandy he looks even worse.


Matt Christman energy

if only he'd shave and get to lifting he'd really look great honestly

The impression I got from the debate was that Peterson was actually a whole lot less worldly than I thought. He had this genuine slightly sheltered nativity. With that in mind I would not be surprised at all if he bought in to what is tantamount to vision of success, if one that is present as slightly more highbrow, that is identical to the vision of success held by Logan Paul or any other YouTube content creator, because that is what he is, least partially.

feel bad for pete because the dude went 56 years without reading the material and that's got to cause a real existential crises on its own.

>New shirt just leaked

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Alpha lobster energy. You could see how Peterson groveled in submission once he understood his place in the hierarchy.

Legitimately felt pity for him.

I immediately noticed that, how his head started to weigh down to the ground and started speaking really slow.

it's confidence. He unironically does not give a fuck about how he looks. He's the real alpha. While Peterson is an obvious fraud.

What the fuck is a grifter. Is this the word they uses for succesful buissnesman on /leftypol/ ?

Even though he belongs to the absolute shit tier of the mediterannean race, only beaten out by the old world mexicans known as "bosniaks" and relegated to a damp ugly corner of the adriatic known as the bay of trieste, he is still a mediterranean and therefore understands the importance of sprezzatura.

Isn't this faggot making 6 digits a month from his patreon shills? Why does he need to peddle 50 buck hoodies like some youtube nobody?

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50 bucks more, bucko. Buy my merch and then wash your peehole.

Pretty much this. Confidence adds at least 2-3 points to your charisma which feeds into attractiveness.

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I agree, but I don't know why he bothers with stuff like this.
Isn't he already making a couple thousand dollars a day on Patreon alone? What's he even going to do with the extra dosh from selling shirts and carpets?

He has left Patreon, which gaves him 80k.
According to himself he already make 200k even without it anyway.

He is addicted to findom

Man, 80k a month?
I make that in a year, before taxes, and I have more money than I need. I wouldn't know what the fuck to do with that kind of dosh.
I'm sure he's raking in speaker fees etc. too.
If nothing else he'll have something to pass on to his kids, I suppose.

Speakers fees + books sales + a buisness he has on the side make him 200k.