What exactly is post-modernism?
What exactly is post-modernism?
Intellectual and creative pusuits of the Postmodernity.
the academic tradition of
>sounds fake but okay
This thread illustrates it quite well.
definitions of post-modernism are like assholes. Everyone's got one and everyone thinks each other's stinks
Define modernity first, you fucking losers
pic related
Postmodernism is more of a cultural epoch than a single unified philosophy. Postmodern philosophers are responding to the postmodern condition in which we find ourselves. If your intention is understanding what exactly is post-modernism, you must first look internally- indeed you must ask yourself what makes you ask this question in the first place. This is what postmodernism really is- a fundamental questioning of everything we imagine to constitute reality, whether that reality be social, political or empirical. Ok the pseuds have stopped reading by now lol pomo is a joke and most if not all postmodern lit is trash, read something worthwhile instead
>It's Shit But It's Okay I Intended It To Be Shit
>Story? Plot? Sorry These Are Social Constructs
>whomsv't've'et'th even cares about grammar?
An intellectual movement which actually needed to happen and was always going to happen but should have died gracefully sometime in the 1980s but instead persisted with its version of relativism to this very day. For the last 30 years it has basically been intellectual terrorism perpetuated by useful idiots.
Whatever I don't like.
Everyone calls postmodernism the undefinable 'you know it when you see it' concept, but I'd actually have more trouble coming up with a definition for modernism
The cultural logic and a e s t h e t i c of post-WWII (((internationalist capitalism))). Enjoy goyim.
have sex
It's one of those things, where if you try to make an argument about some phenomenon that is occurring, and you call it "postermodernism," people will try to argue with you about your definition of "postmodernism" rather than addressing the phenomenon you're referring to. See also "communism" and "Marxism."
Just did m8, your dad's cleaning up your mom as we speak.
It's an art
Skepticism towards meta-narratives
>Enjoy goyim.
I'm jew though
reading to the for Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition desu desu
Like all labels, it isn't a perfect science, has absolutely no intrinsic meaning and ultimately is a guideline rather than a rule. Beginning with the Enlightenment and it's theme of free inquiry came an explosion of freedom in many mediums, and art in all aspects (aesthetic, literary, philosophical etc) gradually became more safe and new to explore. It is the ability to ask the question.
Modernism is the period after many of the old and tired pre-Enlightenment conventions and ideologies were abandoned. The gift of the Enlightenment. A true open season in more and more aspects of life. Impressionism, cubism, Nietzsche, Ulysses. It asks the questions.
Post modernism (which is difficult to differentiate from modernism, especially because we are supposed to be living it, in flux) refers to the period after we got that era (even more creative freedom) out of our system, it's also referred to the tail end of modernism. It's also a reaction to modernism itself (metamodernism) and the burgeoning technological and scientific progress of today. It's the questioning of the questions.
The period after modernism.
capitalism in the honeymoon phase
It's a word you can use to shut down leftists when they get out of line and start making class distinctions and collectivizing.
It's French for "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE NOW!!!"
Pic related is post-modernism
I wish
It's the reason why all art hoes feign looks of being disinterested and burnt out
>what exactly is post-modernism
Cake, cherries, sugar
That's it, it's basically a stream of consciousness.
>Mfw I was unironically agreeing with you up until the end
Pretentious term for ironic
another word for pseudo intellectual self gratification
postmodernism is the product of science's failure to explain the world's issues.
it's basically a mixture of skepticism and irony applied to everything in the universe, especially other philosophies. in literature, it challenges (A) established writing conventions like readability or where the words go on the page, (B) the definition of the novel itself, and/or (C) the idea that a novel must have an underlying purpose or meaning
postmodernism is the product of society's failure to listen to science's explanations of the world's issues
a little bit of both desu
take anything that is aesthetically pleasing and take a huge diarrhoea shit on it, smear it all over, let it dry, put a rainbow ribbon on it
tada motherfucker, post modernism is born
lol cope harder
Modernism - epistemological concerns.
Postmodernism - ontological concerns.
Metamodernism - essential concerns.
Can't tell if this is the dumbest thing I've ever read desu
Postmodernism is an evil ploy by (((academia))) that makes me uncomfortable because it questions the self evident truths in my mind.
>While encompassing a wide variety of approaches, postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, often calling into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality.[5] Consequently, common targets of postmodern critique include universalist notions of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, language, and social progress.[5] Postmodern thinkers frequently call attention to the contingent or socially-conditioned nature of knowledge claims and value systems, situating them as products of particular political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies.[5] Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, and irreverence.[5]
eat gyros
Fuck off u dickhead
This in a nutshell
skepticism + irony + a touch of schizophrenia
In the arts, a pastiche of what came before, often using things ironically.
In academia, it's generally associated with obscure language, inserting things like gender and sexuality where they don't belong (e.g. the feminist glaciology woman on Ted Talks). People have taken advantage of these tendencies to point out how stupid it is. Check out the Sokal affair and the Grievance Studies affair
There are decent descriptions in Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher.
Nice digits, also gay and retarded post
fucking extremely based 10/10 would read again holy shit
it's when i dislike something
only right answer
I thought it was a literary movement that occurred sometime post second world war and was characterized by a bit of round-about self indulgent prose that broke just enough of the rules to seem fresh and interesting.
But I don't know. I haven't read any post-modernists. I also hear the word bandied about with a political context.