Authors of Yea Forums, how do you gain popularity?

>Make a Facebook page for my future writings
>Use a free post boost to advertise the first chapter
>People like the post and even give it hearts
>No one follows the page

What the fuck, man. How does a nigga (not a nigga) get fans these days? The strangers who hearted the work obviously liked it a lot, so what gives? Are they bots? Is Facebook trying to make it look like boosting posts actually means anything? I've tried Wattpad before, with essentially the same results. What do you guys use to promote your work?

Attached: hurg.png (2560x1440, 2.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:

write something actually good


Sounds like an author issue

Doesn't answer the question at all. A stranger wouldn't show interest in it if it was that bad. You'd expect them to just glance over it and not give positive feedback.

Also I remember you from a couple of years back and you're still as annoying as ever.

more like an agency's job

no one gives a shit about stuff on social media. no one wants to sit down on facebook and read some piece of art, they want to stalk their exes and get enraged by some headline and check their notifications. the only social media worth a damn is instagram or pinterest if you're a visual artist. maybe if you joined some kind of closed facebook group for writers critiquing each other's work, then maybe.

I buy every book mentioned on my twitter

That does make sense, yeah. Only problem I find is in those kinds of groups people want to post their work, but not read the works of others. Same shit happens in /ic/ for a good amount of critique thread. Maybe I should give more writing websites a go, but who knows.

Anyone ever use medium?

be the one guy who actually reads others work, at the very least you will get some guilt-critique back.

I have not. This seems strange. What is this?

>Guilt critique
I'm not that kind of guy. I would rather have no readers than emotionally manipulate people into reading my stuff. But other than that, I think that's some pretty good advice. It could garner me some respect from members.

Just like anyone else. Sales and marketing. It isnt the RnD that earns money, its the Marketing dpt. Its the dpt the stockholders like. Its the dpt the Ceo likes. Its the dpt everyone else despises but wish they were. Learn how to sell your writing.

That number means something to me, so that's pretty crazy. I'll definitely get started on it as soon as I can. Thank you, synchronicity post number user.

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Research the dark arts of capitalism.

1. niche marketing
2. lifestyle marketing
3. branding
4. viral marketing

Ask yourself, who is your audience and where do they live online and in real life?

Go to them. They dont go to you.

psycographics, demographics.

Finally, i suggest you read communist litrature, marx and Antonio Gramsci

They will explain to you some evils of what capitalism does. Then you can take that..... and do evil

You have to trick the consmer into thinking they are buying more than just a book. They are buying a lifestyle

Why do you think stupid roasities post rupi kapur on thier instgrams, like nigga, who the fuck posts a picture of a book. They just want people to know they own the book to make them think they are a certain type of person of a certain status

My audience is probably going to be a bunch of NEETs because I write fiction, so I'm not sure I can sell them anything more than a book...I am a very amateur music composer, so maybe I can sell a soundtrack of sorts with the book itself.

>and do evil
But user, doing evil is evil!

I think a good cover that grabs the eye is important. I might have to go with something that isn't exactly what I want so it can attract more attention.

Yeah kek. I avoid normie women like the plague. If I ever have a large female following I might as well kill myself.

Yes they are bots.
If you want to gain popularity these days then you have to advertise mouth to mouth as much as possible.

Get your friends to share it, find some other e-celeb that will promote it. Throwing money at writing won't help, people aren't going to read anything longer than a tweet or a free verse "poem".

Also, people who are looking to read something good aren't checking Facebook, and there aren't many of them in the world overall.

Why don't You create Your own personal website and promote it? Stickers on city lights, posters on U-bahns, that kinda undergroundy shit.

>Yes they're bots
Feels bad man. I suspected as much. I always try to get my friend involved, but they're all either doing college work 24/7 or are enlisted in their respective nation's army. In retrospect, Facebook advertising was a terrible idea. I think it's time for me to start becoming a part of literature communities and such.

I tried making my own website, but it's cancerous. All these "quick and easy" website making places make minimalist web pages near impossible or only give you a free trial. I need to buy a domain name as well, and right now my bank account is 0. The problem is even if I have a website, it won't get any traction until I correctly advertise it (which is why I made this thread).

I don't know if it's the same as what you're doing already, but check out this author's responses to people in the comments to an article about him. He's shilling a course but also seems to give legit advice.

>Make a Facebook page
>for my future writings
>Use a free post boost to advertise the first chapter

So you haven't even done ANYTHING yet, and already demand popularity? How about just killing yourself?

Thanks user. Will give it a read right now.

And I thought I was autistic. I've written and posted more than a chapter, dumb nigger. I already have a book published on Amazon and a 300 page draft for a 2nd book I'm working on. I can only boost 1 post because that's all they gave me as free credit. Calm down.

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>I've written and posted more than a chapter, dumb nigger. I already have a book published on Amazon and a 300 page draft for a 2nd book I'm working on. I can only boost 1 post because that's all they gave me as free credit.

Well, that's not what you said before, "dumb nigger".

Because my intent was not to tell my life story. I just wanted some information regarding reader retention and if there was something special I had to do. Turns out those things are bots.

So it basically boils down to "I advertised myself like crazy on social media and more". Interesting that he used mostly Facebook ads. I guess instead of advertising individual chapters, I should advertise a finished book with a few free chapters posted.

Former Facebook employee here, NEVER pay for Ads or "boosts"

Shiet, the article that user gave to me is a ruse, then? Any particular reason why? Or are you not allowed to give that sort of information.