Is chemistry a Yea Forums approved major?

Is chemistry a Yea Forums approved major?

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No, it's boring as fuck too

If you go on to medical school or pharmacy school afterwards, yes. Otherwise you're going to get a starting salary in the 30k range.

I don't know user, A-level chemistry is seeming interesting to me, the theoretical parts at least.

Fucking this. I got a BS in chem and it's the single biggest regret of my life. Follow your dreams. Don't get memed into stem.

Gotta have to be a YIKES from me there, dawg

Calculations parts are kinda boring like moles, titration. But how molecules interacts, bonds, these are kinda interesting. Does BS chem mostly consists of calculations?

>Hair isn't tied back
>Low cut top under lab coat
>Carrying containers improperly
At least 3 nonconformities there

I am convinced that Chemistry + Philosophy lays the groundwork for the most possibility one can have post bachelor.
OP, have you considered double majoring in Chemistry + Philosophy.
>not wearing safety glasses over her nerd glasses

She's clearly posing for haha-guys-just-me-at-work photo

Lmfao I did my A level chem like 4 years ago. Was more a maths man myself.

I'm about to finish med school now.

this, atomic theory is worth getting into if you want to try and understand the world on a more observable atomic level. but really, fuck metaphysics

Brainlet please, you idoits probably can't do abstract shit like total synthesis or physical chemistry.

But yea lab work is very grueling.

I have seen and done worse lab safety desu

But user, you can probably understand so much of chemistry and therefore understand so much of the scientific world. I envy you, as someone who hated chemistry in school but is now trying to teach myself it again out of desiring knowledge for knowledge's sake: wanting to understand as much of the scientific disciplines as possible, primarily to aid my own personal conception of reality as a spiritual experience.

I'm torn being studying mathematics and classics. I'm pretty equally interested in them, but people (including me) would think I was smarter if I studied maths.

I took chemistry for undergrad, I'm years ahead of you.

That shit is BORING

I already graduated too brainlet. working in research but planning to do PhD soon.

Is architecture?

Fuck chemistry

Physics, Maths or Computer Science and Philosophy is a far better duo.

Yea Forums is a spook. If you find meaning in it then go for it if you want

Shouldn't double major subjects be complementary to each other for maximum output possibility post bachelor? Those two subjects have no practical common ground. In job market, what place that extra philosophy gonna take you that just Chemistry won't?

Most of you seem to base 'boring' on the practical aspects.
Can it be then said BS in Theoretical Chemistry is the true patrician choice?

I thought so too till I went into the program and realised I can't just handle the dryness for 4 years. Its just crunching numbers user. There's no 'stories' of how things work like in chem, phy or bio.

anything related to science and mathematics is automatically Yea Forums-disapproved my dude. we mystics now.

>tfw no chemist gf

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