What are some good books that help you cope with the deprivation of female warmth and love?
What books give you the feeling that you're not alone?
What are some good books that help you cope with the deprivation of female warmth and love?
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download grindr
guys are cute and for whatever reason women are hard to get rn, altho i think its easier after 25 if youre looking for something long term
>inb4 incels
Then women need to relax a little :3
That being said before they do, they should stop making sudden assumptions about me or my personality that are immature! For shame.
i think youre doing a bit but if not its obvious why ur alone
Just stay away from butterfly and I'll be happy. :3
grindr isn't a book and I'm not gay retard
sexuality is fluid
That one wasn't me. Butterfly said she's not doing anything with anyone else.
This is an anonymous forum, I was particularly concerned about her doing something with a woman or whatever, but it seemed like she lied just to get my reaction.
It does mean she's interested in me. :3
is their an app for cute, quiet Yea Forums boys who like chess
asking for a friend
Butterfly is still around? The one from like 5 years ago?
Yeah, and get this: I'm not even trolling. She's interested in me.
She barely posted on this board before, and now she posts constantly. She gets pissed off at me all the time, but she admitted yesterday I wasn't 'letting' her do anything.
Just keep this in mind Butterfly: I know how you feel even now. It's not fun for you. But trust me, this isn't even fun for me either. Please don't take it out on me. Don't blame me for feeling. Don't blame yourself for feeling. Just accept it and move on somehow. I've made this a part of me already too. And it's not even that cringey.
Most of the men complaining are jealous butterfly. And between you and me I think it's fucking hilarious how they all collectively acted. :3
I really dislike these threads. The women you people describe in your "yearnings" don't have a personality. They are a blank slate with a symmetrical face and a demure attitude. Why don't you go out and found a flawed but interesting woman for you to be with rather than bitch and moan while seeping deeper and deeper into an adolescent fantasy of a "perfect woman."
The "hey user" unfulfilled fantasies scream out that you're a boring, unfulfilled person with no hobbies or a worthwhile job who hasn't had his daily masturbation session, yet.
>a flawed but interesting woman
like you?
>interesting woman
BPD isnt interesting
Why would you want something flawed when you can have something flawless? VR anime waifus and genetically engineered cat girls will be available in 10 years.
Women get worse once you get to know them, so it's better to just fantasize about them.
>you just can't handle a strong independent ugly fat woman
I've had a few lovers in my time. Not as many or as often as I'd like, of course, but they've all been young, slender, and beautiful, and much more importantly, none have been man-hating harpies. These are the only four qualities to look for in a woman, the only criteria. Nothing else matters. I desire a strong or intelligent or educated or wealthy woman no more than I desire a toaster that can operate underwater without electrical short. I'd rather have quality than quantity, so all four of the desirable qualities listed above are absolutely essential to me. The type of woman you are is wholly undesirable and it is better for a man to be alone than to be in a relationship with such a woman. My last relationship ended a few year ago, though I've received a few proposals since then, but had to turn them down not out of any flaws in the girls but rather either because the relationship would be highly inappropriate given our professional standing or age difference or because I would rather spend my time and money on other things such as hobbies. I'm happy being single. What young men need to understand is that there is nothing that a woman can do for you physically that your own hand cannot accomplish, and that even that sexual release is a desire, not a need. Men do not need women. I'll say it again. Men do not need women. Women are a luxury item, totally superfulous, and to be frank, ridiculously overvalued. Women on the other hand need men desperately even to live, to eat. Many believe that because the government has stepped in to provide for women financially that men are no longer necessary, but the fact is that the majority of tax dollars are paid for by blue collar men. The government is simply a veil. The arrogant sense of entitlement and superiority that ugly, man-hating women feel is so transparently a coping mechanism to deal with their actual lot in life that I simply have to laugh. For the equally undesirable and resentful men I simply feel scorn for their foolish misunderstanding of their own situation and inability to consider their own libido in an ordinate manner. It's certain that this particular historical situation cannot persist forever. I'm interested to see how things change, but I'm satisfied that I at least got mine. Once I move up one more rung in my career next year I will seek out a young, slender, beautiful, loving woman to marry and sire heirs, but for now I am happy to be alone, but even happier than I am not yoked unequally to a beast such as you. Good day.
no books ever helped me with that, but pic related did. I had no expectations when getting dakimakura and was just getting one as a comfortable and cute bed ornament. unironically one of the greatest investments I have ever made in my life, was a huge surprise to me. literally erased bed loneliness and severely improved my mood in general, more than two years running. I've had several girlfriends including a fiancee that I lived with for some time, I know the warmth of a woman. this is superior in terms of efficiency and net positive interaction.
might not work if you aren't a weeb, I dunno. the fact that I adore these characters is a large part of what allows them to fill the hole of instinctual drive to pursue female relations.
>be gay as a cope for being incel
That a gonna be a yikes AND an oof from me, chief
I'm also interested to know how is this going to end, the number of young men who are deprived of sex is skyrocketing according to poles.
Mein kampf unironically
OP here. I've actually though about getting a daki a lot recently, but I always thought "I'm not thaat pathetic."
I think you pushed me over the edge with your post, I'll go look if there's a good one of my waifu right now.
A man who turns to homosexuality out of desperation is the most pathetic thing in existence.
Countless men have done this on Yea Forums
You say this right after several posts about little girl fuckpillows
that's not gay though
Personally I find people who presume inherent superiority compared to other lifestyles in their often unconscious ape-like pursuit of mucus-lathered orifices to be more pathetic than anything in the world. Even more pathetic than women, as they enable them.
This, one should turn to homosexuality out of an aesthetic attraction to the grotesque
everyone on Yea Forums is gay
I think the idea of true warmth and love coming from another person is pretty fanciful. I'd be more than happy with a friend I can pick on and watch films with once in a while, too bad I'm so offputting!
>"I'm not thaat pathetic."
who are you trying to impress?
sticking your dick in shite covered man ass is a more dignified method of combating heterosexual reproductive instincts compared to buying a pillow?
>according to poles
not sure why but that made me laugh
Answering OP: Timon of Athens, Nichomachean Ethics, The Gospels, The Book of Disquiet.
it took 33 replies for someone to actually post something related to the OP.
>flawed but interesting woman
lol, never met one that wasnt a instagram smartphone addict whose favourite hobbies consist on watching GoT and series on netflix and doing some shitty sport, doesnt read anything aside from YA fantasy or listens to anything aside from top50.
It's threads like this that make me want to leave Yea Forums again.
>women are normalfags
Not only women.
This happening a lot only means that daydreaming about being in love with doing lovely things in your imagination is better than trying to deal with a average woman.
>she opens her eyes and gets up 5 seconds later
how the fuck do people do this
i wake up and my eyes are still closed and it takes me 30 minutes to get out of bed
Do you guys subscribe to the idea that the more mature a man is, the less he needs companionship? Psychology is all about this individualism. Supposedly if you have had a good childhood you don't lack female warmth and therefore you are impervious to this type of romantic longing and pain
everybody needs a companion
>he wasn't born as a morning person
heh, I wake up without an alarm clock at 7am on weekends and get up immediately.
I've had a phase where I thought I overcame my longing for female warmth and I started focusing on improving myself and doing stuff I can enjoy alone, but in the end my thoughts always come back to "tfw no gf" and I start to think, everything I've done before is just a massive cope to forget that feeling.
i don't know. even though i'm depressed as shit and want to die, i always get out of bed seconds after waking up.
Well of course. With men you just need to add football or video games on top.
a belief you hold to cope with your insecurities
imagine not being able to build goals that are stronger and more attractive to yourself than wanting to touch a monkey's wet hole
wait I guess you don't have to imagine
there is not a single human being on planet earth that currently lives or has lived, a healthy and stable life that did not have a companion
you struggle to find a reason to leave
the way you're using "healthy", it's subjective. and "stable", what does that even mean? compared to what? you are blabbering. not only is your statement entirely unfalsifiable but it has severe relativistic issues when you take phenomenological perspective into account with the way you are using words like "healthy" and "stable". do you mean nutritionally healthy? mentally? how would an isolated person have anything to compare their """"health"""" to? nonetheless, absurd statement that cannot be proven.
typical kind of self-rationalizing diarrhea I expect to slide out the mouth of someone who can't comprehend that there are human beings that don't center their lives around wet holes
I am able to do that, but you do know that procreating and creating offspring of yourself is the most intrinsic goal to humans that exists, right?
That's why I don't think it will ever get out of my mind.
You can achieve all the great goals you want, if you don't procreate, nature will deem you a failure and you'll feel that.
I think you're just coping.
>procreating and creating offspring of yourself is the most intrinsic goal to humans that exists
based on what? the fact that they can do it? using that logic I could say that blowing shit out your ass is the most intrinsic goals for humans. companionship isn't even required for procreation, how is this relevant? rape is a tried and true companionship-free method of reproduction that's been used likely since the dawn of mankind. and now with technology we have that maternity doctor that impregnated 49 bitches with his sperm without ever courting or fucking them, and artificial gestation technology is within our grasp.
with that debunked, you're now ranting about "nature" like it's some kind of judgmental deity. you're fucking nuts
>n-no ur coping.....
and zero originality in banter. typical of an ape that thinks anyone who prioritizes fulfillment through skills, knowledge, artistic/technological achievement etc. over slimy monkey holes must be dishonest.
incel cope
I wrote a book about a terrible marriage if you're interested in that. I'll provide a link where you can download it for free, or if you're feeling generous you can find it on Kindle/Amazon. Available in both paperback and ebook formats.
Yeah, the title is a bit cringy, I've basically been disappointed since not long after I self-published it over 2 years ago and have officially changed it to simply 'Another One Please' on Kindle/Amazon. I'll also add that this novella was written in the span of I think 5 days in total with over half of it being written in a single intense 24-hour period. I'll provide a synopsis below.
A young married couple, something like 21-22 for him and 19-20 for her. Dated in high school. She has a bunch of female relatives with children, some with many. For some reason, the protagonist and his wife cannot conceive. He has had himself tested and his seed is fine, which leaves only her but she cannot handle the possibility that she might not be able to have kids and refuses to get checked out. She harasses him; abuses him verbally, emotionally, and physically. She's already let herself go, rarely if ever bathes, is gaining wait, is turning to alcoholism, and he doesn't even sleep in the bedroom anymore. He stays on the couch. Many times he stays at pubs until closing because he doesn't want to go back home, and he's terrified of considering divorce because he knows that, like the vast majority of men who get divorced, he will lose a lot. He even considers suicide.
I'll state now that I've never been married nor divorced, and I've never actively attempted to conceive children with a woman yet, so no, this isn't a biographical story. That said, I have had an American reader check it out and he's been divorced a few times. He was very impressed at how well I portrayed the content matter, given that I haven't personally experienced it.
In a sense, the protagonist is lacking 'female warmth and love' as well, but sadly it's replaced by 'female viciousness' as it were, and women are most certainly capable of viciousness.
When I have a writing project I'm passionate about, I've sometimes immediately got up, booted up my computer, grabbed my keyboard and started typing. Could be typing for an hour or more. I love days like that... then I get myself breakfast and a cup of instant coffee.
The Bible
Wow, unironically that's PROBABLY the best answer given thus far.
>What are some good books that help you cope with the deprivation of female warmth and love?
>What books give you the feeling that you're not alone?
Christ is always with me.
>anything bad directed at a female is a incel cope
now that's a good dream
laying in her titties
kissing her skin
feeling her body
then she wants to get on top
because it is good
>Why don't you go out and found a flawed but interesting woman for you to be with rather than bitch
Tried this, spent 4 years together thinking she was what I'd been missing up until that point. Then she left me for some guy with an S class Mercedes.
not a thing in this world could help me cope with that, user. there's nothing i long for in life more than to be the sole object of a woman's affections
negatives outweigh the positives severely
I'm not a weeb but I play Persona games, I thought about getting one of these if it helps postpone my inevitable suicide. I live with my parents at the moment so I have to wait until i'm able to move out.
Search yourself. What are your skills? Everyone has at least one. If your skills aren't monetizable, then look to your interests. When you're interested in something then you can work on it with great regularity because, as mentioned, you're actually interested in something. So, figure out a monetizable skill or DEVELOP a monetizable skill from your interests. Search deep, look within yourself and try to figure yourself out because you're WAY too complicated to properly know who you are already. So, figure it out, work on it, improve yourself, and thanks to the internet it's never been better to be an entrepreneur.
I wouldn't recommend getting a lewd daki though.
Thanks for trying to help. I'm actually in a career that is considered conventionally "good" but I hate the job and it gets me down. If i'm able to find a way out or find a way to make it work for me then I might end up okay, and anything (even a body pillow) that keeps me sane in the meantime would be useful.
Why not? Are there issues with importing?
You don't want books for this. Take the Twice pill.
as long as you feel charmed by the character it should do the trick.
I would
Consider trying to make money from one of your passions. I write stuff on Fiverr for people, it's pretty fun and I've found some good people to connect with and managed to contact them outside of Fiverr to write for them more directly. You could try to make some supplemental income from something you enjoy, and perhaps in time, as you make more and more from something you enjoy doing, you might be able to transition from your present occupation over to that and thereby enjoy life much more, even if you might end up not making quite as much money.
It is not good to worship false idols.
yeah I agree, dunno what these clowns are thinking worshipping wet monkey holes that cost an enormous amount of time and resources and often betray them. that's why I stick to casually enjoying fictional characters. vastly superior when it comes to net positive vs negative.