Morality is relative

>morality is relative

Attached: 1547030679182.webm (198x360, 2.93M)

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lmaooo fuck I forgot about him

why does it have anything to do with morality?

poor son of a bitch. can probably tear my arms off though so maybe he's truly happy. i wish i could tear someones fucking hands off. that shit would rule


My. Webm is an abstract, visual representation of the mindset required to believe morality is relative

Is this the face of a typical american 50 years from now?

Absolutely, utterly and disgustingly spooked.

dios mio

What's going on inside the mind of this creature? Does it think? Does it know? Is it aware?

Attached: 83466.png (800x473, 18K)

Morality is totally dependent on self-benefit. The action which benefits you the most is also the most moral.

?????????? i need more information, immediately.

>objective anything

Brainlets who think morality even can be relative confuse morality with a code of ethics. Morality is either objective or it doesn't exist.

wtf is that even a human

>tfw your preferred morality turns out to be inscribed into nature

>gabbidull zo bad id gud

Attached: GABIDULL IZ ZENDIEND.jpg (171x266, 17K)

Attached: 1546738155996.jpg (800x450, 44K)

pretty much every ethics department around the world are reconsidering everything from first principles as a consequence of this video

we were basically all like this at some point. at some point this guy was the leading edge of evolution

It's microcephaly...

i wish god had nerfed me

morality doesn't exist without humans. it's as real as your concept of something being "Yea Forums"

Nah it's subjective.

>Anything to do with moral relativism

he is a brainlet

I bet this guy has a bigger dick than me it's not fair

Attached: 1539339795712.jpg (329x329, 53K)

my ancestor :)

>abortions and eugenics
>nothing to do with morality

yeah but then again everybody does lol

Morality is a social construct. It is literally a spook.

AH. Now the thread is about to start.
Would have been better to have put this in the OP, no?

From my point of view the Jedi are evil.

It's a monkey man


His brain is only small in relation to other brains.