Any other book similar to this?

Any other book similar to this?

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my diary desu

When does it get good? Boring as sin so far. Prose does nothing for me.

perhaps you'd have more fun playing call of duty.

Maybe. Just seems pedestrian as fuck.

stoner is my favorite book and I also like call of duty black ops 1 a lot


I only play Pharaoh (1999)

This book looks boring based on the premise. What’d good about it

LMAO “boring as sin” you’re from lookism aint ya buddy

>tfw Edith is turning me into an I Cel
>tfw Lomax is the chad /r9k/ taught me to hate
>tfw Katherine is just another roastie

Fuck bros why does this plain Jane book give me such strong feels. Stoner is truly a tragic character

It's a beautiful book, probably the most beautiful book I've ever read. It chronicles the life of an ordinary man from birth to death in such a way that the universal peaks and valleys of life are perfectly captured. It puts into perspective the little time we have to experience so much beauty and tragedy.

I'd also like a rec but nobody has one it seems

i've never read it but i'm going to recommend haruki murakami

Hard Rain Falling

What the fuck are you on about
Do you really not think "ugly as sin" is a very common phrase?

>I also like call of duty black ops 1 a lot

Butcher's Crossing is by the same author and works as a spiritual sibling.

Nothing is like Stoner. Enjoy it, savor it, revere it. It is a beautiful work.

/r9k/ taught you to hate a sauve but limping hunchback with in inferiority complex?

Very well put. Another book with a similar feeling is My Antonia, even though the subject matter is totally different. I think you'd like it.

The Serious Game is a novel of comparable length that is centered on a journalist in turn-of-the-century Stockholm, with his on-and-off affair with a love from his youth serving as a recurring theme. It's not quite the same, but I saw some similarities and it's a good book nonetheless. It's about how life doesn't always go the way you think it would, in both good and bad ways.

>You do not choose your destiny, any more than you choose your wife, your lover or your children. You get them, and you have them, and possibly you lose them. But you don’t choose them!

Stoner is a book for lame white men who hate marriage and children and read fiction to justify their isolationist worldviews and splash in their self-imposed misery.

Wow have you even read the book? It's literally nothing like that.
t.not white

Oops, I'm not OP but I had put OP as my name for a previous thread I made.
Thanks, I'll add it to my insurmountable library.

>i'm a 20 year old boomer i'd rather read books about old men whose lives passed them by than go out and live for myself

>I'm an edgy contrarian who'd rather live an empty life than learn to avoid having life pass me by by reading great literature

>he thinks lomax is a chad

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