Hey Yea Forums, how do I get a friend who only reads history/politics into sci fi and fantasy more

Hey Yea Forums, how do I get a friend who only reads history/politics into sci fi and fantasy more.

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You don’t. You leave him be.

Why do you want to ruin his good taste?

I want to discuss sci fi with him more tho : / so I was thinking of introducing him to something out of his comfort zone

Basically this. Leave the history anons alone!

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Le Guin?

And I don’t appreciate you janitor. Deleting literature threads on a literature board and calling it spam is an ass move.
Though I see you have been cleaning up a lot of crap, ha is for that at least

Why don’t you read more of what he reads instead?

Did you just assume OP's friend's gender?

>crap, ha
*crap threads, so thanks for that

I assumed he was a cat

He refuses to share the books he reads, he only mentions the genre. I think it might be something shady.

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Hey Yea Forums, how do I get a friend at all?



Head injury?

Thats selfish of you


just b yourself man

Gravity's Rainbow

money and fame