What non-fiction reads like good fiction?

What non-fiction reads like good fiction?
What fiction reads like good non-fiction?

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Herodotus - Histories

In cold blood - Truman Capote

A World Undone

>What non-fiction reads like good fiction?
memoirs: marbot (napoleonic), bazhanov (stalinistic), wagner (wagneristic), mark e. smith (smithistic)

>What fiction reads like good non-fiction?
klopstock - gelehrtenrepublik (utopia written like a new constitution, great aphorism)

Any book, my Dear.

Rick Atkinson's Liberation Trilogy. It's a comfy read but you do not absorb information at the rate of a normal non-fiction book.

>Chapter 1
A few minutes past 10 a.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 1942, a twin-engine Navy passenger plane broke through the low overcast blanketing Washington, D.C., then banked over the Potomac River for the final approach to Anacostia Field. As the white dome of the Capitol loomed into view, Rear Admiral Henry Kent Hewitt allowed himself a small sigh of relief. Before dawn, Hewitt had decided to fly to Washington from his headquarters near Norfolk rather than endure the five-hour drive across Virginia. But thick weather abruptly closed in, and for an anxious hour the aircraft had circled the capital, probing for a break in the clouds. Usually a man of genial forbearance, Hewitt chafed with impatience at the delay. President Roosevelt himself had summoned him to the White House for this secret meeting, and although the session was likely to be little more than a courtesy call, it would never do for the man chosen to strike the first American blow in the liberation of Europe to keep his commander-in-chief waiting.

>Kent Hewitt seemed an unlikely warrior. Now fifty-five, he had a high, bookish forehead and graying hair. Double chins formed a fleshy creel at his throat, and on a ship’s bridge, in his everyday uniform, he appeared “a fat, bedraggled figure in khaki,” as a British admiral once observed with more accuracy than kindness. Even the fine uniform he wore this morning fit like blue rummage, notwithstanding the flag officer’s gold braid that trimmed his cuffs. A native of Hackensack, New Jersey, Hewitt was the son of a mechanical engineer and the grandson of a former president of the Trenton Iron Works. One uncle had been mayor of New York, another the superintendent of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Kent chose the Navy, but as a midshipman in the Annapolis sail loft he was said to have been so frightened of heights that he “squeezed the tar out of the rigging.” As a young swain he had enjoyed dancing the turkey trot; in recent decades, though, he was more likely to be fiddling with his slide rule or attending a meeting of his Masonic lodge...


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Oh and Shelby Foote's Civil War trilogy of course. It is somewhat historically controversial but that is not that relevant.

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>Anatomy of Melancholy

A lot of Borges' stuff reads like nonfiction

>What non-fiction reads like good fiction?

The fact no one has said Storm of Steel so far is a travesty.

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but it reads like good non-fiction

>What non-fiction reads like good fiction?
Take a closer look by Daniel Arasse. Worth reading if you're into Renaissance paintings, and even if you're not.

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Fiction is non-fiction, the distinction is not meaningful

1.) The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II by Braudel

2.) Seeing by Saramago

>what pussy tastes like cum?
Fuck off faggot

This is a book that I liked.

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Emil Ludwig's biography of Napoleon Bonaparte
Werner Herzog's Conquest of the Useless
Plutarch's Lives

Nazi Literature in the Americas fits exactly your description

In Cold Blood is nonfiction -- or is there some debate about its truthfulness I'm unaware of
I guess there must be now that I think about it


Definitely In Cold Blood. Thats a page turner if I ever read one, and a neat blending of fiction and non fiction.

He put a lot of research into it, but a lot of its scenes are completely imaginary.

>What non-fiction reads like good fiction?
Any good translation of Plato's dialogues.
>What fiction reads like good non-fiction?
Any of Plato's dialogues.

>What non-fiction reads like good fiction?
Erik Larson writes good pop history, try The Devil in the White City or Dead Wake.

Non fiction
>A man's search for meaning - V. Frankle

I'll second Devil in the White City and add Once a Hobo by Monte Holm

>What fiction reads like good non-fiction?

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My diary desu