Who was wrong here?

Who was wrong here?

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both of them

Wtf is wrong with french people?

Posting a book because this thread lacks even the mention of one.

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the french are natural degenerates

The kid who interrupted Lacan to say nothing important. He was truly our guy too.

Poor parenting.

BASED situationist kid having nothing to say once the spotlight is on him

the situationist. lacan is a hack.

imagine being french

the cinematography of this is exceptional.
why have we lost our ability to do that and why was it so prevalent during the 50s-60s-70s?

Swear this was staged. Lacan being the showman he is and knowing full well the theatricality of the situation itself combined with a penchant for the “real of the symbolic” it’s not far off to see him write this event out just to make a point against Debby and the punks in general. “You as revolutionaries want a new master. You will get one!” - now if only I could say this on live tv without making it look like I am actually interested in debating these kids ....

woahhh, truly a critique of society masterfully, how do i phrase it... situational ...

how is it exceptional? how is it even good?

the way the camera focuses on certain body parts, their movements as well as the camera zoom gives an overly poetic and at the same time realistic framing for the dialogue.

contemporary static or multicamera static depictions of reality fail to convey these natural functions and rather force viewers to conform.


based /fa/ doomer btfo'd the boomer

>every uncommon life situation is staged by da joos!
Read Debord and Vaneigem, you have internalized spectacular thought to an unhealthy degree.

Imagine being a modern Frenchman, then Imagine being a Medieval Frenchman

>Medieval Frenchman
wasn't being french invented around the 1600?

if it was staged you might imagine Lacan would have something to say back, or would refuse to 'refute' what wasn't really a provocation so much as an unrelated demonstration. as it is he says even less of substance than the kid does.

it's kind of baffling watching the man in practice. i't may just be hard to translate his philosophical language but in english it is as if Lacan is saying NOTHING and taking the absolute longest route to do so

The french are so passive agressive

how do i get into the situationists?

This was in Belgium

will I turn into the student if I read the Society of the Spectacle?

fake country

Show me a "Belgian"

yes you will turn based af

Burning Notre Dame was a mistake. Mistake of not burning the entire France. Had this place ever brought to the world anything but the peaks of degeneracy and confusion?


There's an auditorium full of them in OP's video.

the french are based asf they have the most aesthetic culture and have the greatest literary tradition you retarded poltard

it's all just a series of sex fetishes

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Whatever you say, Pierre Al Abdul

>millions would die in pointless wars in the past but somehow freedom to express yourself is "peak degeneracy" to pollacks

>t. ngobi al-hamid

Can someone explain this shit? All I got was
>a manlet professor is pushing usual continental nonsense to a crowd of chair-deprived students in hats
>some faggot with a jewfro spills a drink to start le revolucion or whatever
>manlet professor asks whats next after revolucion takes place
>le physique assaultque
>fucks off
>manlet professor: *lights a cig* hopefully today's lesson taught you something

just be french

most movies don't use a lot of static shots nowadays. if anything that was a lot more common in the 50's/60's/70's

Being from a different race isn't "degeneracy". Grow up

Incel virgin kiked milenzimmies cream ovulate ah yes ovulate to thee!!

that kid is an absolute autist

Relevant works are Lacan's seminars and ecrits and Debord's Society of the Spectacle

The old guy just because he wasn't a cute twink like the other guy.

>a woman gently touches his hand
Lmfao fucking frogs

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accepting those from a different race into a society en masse and destroying social cohesion for the sake of corporate and 'humanitarian' goals is degeneracy, retard

reminded me of pic related

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If you are an american you are a fucking hypocrite you know that?

i'm not an amerimutt thank god

Every time I want to give continental philosophy a chance, something always turns me off of it. It’s amazing that the same tradition that brought us someone as brilliant as Foucault could also bring us these quacks.

if he was so smart why did he aids?


It's an economic problem caused by global capitalism but that doesn't mean it's objectively bad that people of different races can live in the western world.

What is your problem with Lacan? Most of his thought is based on German idealism.

it's objectively bad when those of a different race begin to displace and outnumber those who are from the west themselves, even worse when one realizes this take over is entirely manufactured for the sake of 'global capitalism'

How is that objectively bad? It's happen countless times in history. Was the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain objectively bad?

>whats so objectively bad about having you ethnic eliminated and culture destroyed XDDDD as long as I act silly I'm right :DDD

That's what happened to Britain when Anglo-Saxon invaded.

culture is a liquid it can't be destroyed, it just changes over time. And you are foolish if you don't think it's the Western culture that has been adapted to world wide. Countries like Japan are practically culturally western

>it's happened before so it's not objectively bad
are you retarded? wtf is this argument

you should read him, pretty eye opening stuff

>objectively bad
some cultures with more vitality need more space that we are taking with our meaningless existence

oh so you're baiting, epic win bro!!

French postwar culture is 100% a creation of American intelligence

Did Lacan have a polio virus infection at one point? His movements look as such.

not baiting, decadent cultures dying is a normal part of history

True, Anglo societies are basically culturally and philosophically bankrupt and shouldn't be mourned.

I'd say so. Probably was never diagnosed with it and it mostly reversed but there is something wrong with his limb movement. 95% of polio cases were asymptomatic. Only about 1% of infections resulted in severe and irreversible paralysis.

The rest, if you known patients who've had it, mostly recovered. It's complex movements like dancing or arm rotation where it showed.

It's a static shot of a room.

dab on ‘em

I love watching Lacan speak, I want to punch that young guy in the face for interrupting him.

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>static shot
did you even watch it? there is a very dramatic zoom even before the situationist starts his protest

>Had this place ever brought to the world anything but the peaks of degeneracy and confusion?
t. the country of globalism, anti-colonialism, hollywood, gay pride, race baiting and transgenderism
retarded muricans are quick to blame others so as to not see that the world today is the result of anglo-trash influence

>are you going to rough me up
god i love the french

I loved how he was stopped by an attractive high fashion-clad woman with cigarette in mouth grasping his wrist

>peaks of degeneracy and confusion
That's California though.

>that hot cunt that comes out of nowhere with a cigarette in her mouth
Fucking French, man

because she wanted to fuck him

t. dude who took Submission a bit too literally