I have have no personality and no passions. I've read so many boring pseudy books for the pseud cred...

I have have no personality and no passions. I've read so many boring pseudy books for the pseud cred, I don't even like books anymore.

I'm such a hopeless consumercuck, though ironically I invented the phrase consumercuck/producerbull dichotomy.

I just had a big burger king binge and I need to give up junk food now or else I'll be fat as fuck when I go back to London.

I couldn't talk about any topic for 10 minutes in any depth.

I'm so ugly and meek and beta. My life is on hard mode.

For over 5 years I have wasted the vast majority of my free time on mindless internet browsing. I don't have the initiative to do productive stuff in my free time.

I'm 28. My youth is wasted. I had lots of free time and I wasted it. My life from now will be a 9-5 black hole grind. 5 o'clock if I'm lucky.

I have wasted incredible amounts of money on junk food and coffee. I should be financially secure. But I'm not.

I'm a nofriends loser. I haven't had any friends since school, female attention ever, or ever been to a pub, club, or party. I'm too blackpilled to have motivation.

I am unironically jealous of zoomers for their youth and social media happiness.

I hated my boring degree, so I missed out on any intellectually productive work. I have read many books but only for the pseud cred, so I have forgotten almost everything.

I can't stand life rules or systems. All spooks feel like I am being existentially cucked. I want to stay within the primordial spookless state but it leaves me so vulnerable.

Normies have easy fucking lives. They simply glide through institutions filled with normies while being judged solely on their normieness.

For years I have binged on junk food almost every day and lately it has become more frequent and I'm genuinely fat.

I'm British but I can't handle the bantz. I'm not American but I'm fat. I'm an autist with no attention span. I have above average intelligence but nothing to think of but my loserdom. I exercise but have an awful diet.

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>All spooks feel like I am being existentially cucked.
This is a good phrase, it should be used in a book.

Unfortunately it’s too late to become anything at 28. I say this as a 28 year old. It’s much easier to give up and simply try to enjoy what you have, seeing as how “becoming” anything else is now impossible for us.

>They simply glide through institutions filled with normies while being judged solely on their normieness.
you should write a book called The Glide of the Normie based on you trying to cobble together a narrative of some group of normies you only view in brief moments from afar

You only say that as a 28 year old because you're a loser but you're not strong enough to blame yourself. Don't drag other people down with you. You will still be lonely.

I’m a published novelist and a doctor. Problem is I wish to be a novelist, but I’m stuck in a residency because I listened to my parents instead of dedicating my twenties to writing literature (as opposed to books, and in my case a single book, which I’m ashamed of). There comes a time when you have to accept that you are what you are, and if you were anything else you’d be that person instead. The time to accept that is your 28th year of life.

I'm fat. I'm ugly. I'm a loser. I'm a fat ugly loser.

I'm not extroverted. I'll never be posh or one of da ladz. You have to be extroverted and either posh or one of da ladz to get a good job in the UK.

The history book I'm reading still has 200 pages left. I'm reading about 18th century royal gardens for the pseud cred.

I've been hitting the gym religiously for 5 years now in a row, but my diet is runing my progress: I cannot even hide my fatness anymore like I ued to, I have these huge lovehandles bulging out from even the best of my clothes that make me look somewhat fit

I cannot stop binge eating, I just can't do it

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What do You think novelists exactly do that makes them a novelist and which You are failing to do?

get over yourself

you need to get out of this thought spiral. you have been in this state for so long it's gonna be really hard to get out of.
Do you have a job? Do you have interests/hobbies, if so, what are they? What are you good at?

Don't try to be someone you're not. It's not easy, I know, because of your limited attention span and problems with impulse control and goal oriented thinking. Trust me, there's many people like that on here, including myself.
No one cares as much about your appearence as you do right now. You look fine. Work on your diet, by finding pleasure in things outside of food.

Wish you the best user, you deserve better.

apparently you still have the motivation to eat, fatass

>You look fine.


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I feel like such a fake person, Ive tried so many hobbies and none of them stick, I also cant really learn a damn thing and my job has been pressing the same three buttons in a sequence for over a year now. I dont have the slightest clue of what to do with my life im not creative, im not smart im barely sociable. My coworkers probably think im such an autist. I try to read but i feel like OP a worthless psued. I try to structure around wageslaving and this doesnt work. I have no formal education and just cant really afford it and im doubtful if Ill like it either but I might just say fuck it and study something and if it doesnt work out blow my brains out or something. AHHHH

I love you londonfrog

what do you mean, pressing the same three buttons in a row? at a factory or something? You don't seem illiterate in any case. You could probably study something language related, maybe get a job as a teacher or at a library.

You kinda remind me of myself. If i'm right, are you someone who struggles with basic practical problems, but still needs more stimulation in the linguistic field? I know it's rough, on the one hand you know all this stuff, so you KNOW you're not an idiot. But when it comes to the practical application of that knowledge, you keep struggling.
Am I right in that assumption?

Its a law firm, where I mostly just scan shit. I didnt choose to work here it just fell in my lap and needed the money. I dont give two shits about law. But I guess youre right that I may suck at practical problems. I cant think of exact examples atm but it sounds right.

Eh, could've been a lot worse. I feel like your own mind is the cause of most of your issues. Have you ever visted a therapist, if not it might be a good thing to try. Really, I don't see how you could not get out of this situation by just applying enough discipline in your daiy life. You've let yourself go for too long I feel like, and no one is there to stop you from ruining your own life further it seems like.

It's in your hands, as far as I can tell.

and now for 2 possibly slightly cringy tracks that entered my mind as I was writing this:

You should find yourself a female feeder and focus on becoming her fat toy.

>I have above average intelligence
Every single time

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Yeah im just being a dramatic bitch, figured why not in a londongfrog thread

>Its a law firm, where I mostly just scan shit. I didnt choose to work here it just fell in my lap
Fuck you I'm jealous.

Sorry OP, this guy is right. Why would you think you have above average intellingence?

Why don't you unironically write about that state?

I highly doubt he's below 110 IQ. He went to university, he's had some sort of real jobs, he is capable of reading his pseud cred books and analyzing society and his life in (admittedly pathological) abstract terms.

When is the last time you talked to a 90IQ person?

They have a career writing novels. I’m not a doctor because I performed a surgery once, I’m a doctor because I’m a doctor every day, as a career.