Why equality?

How can one defend egalitarianism? Why should unequal things be made alike?

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Innate race preference present in the system due to the influence of a dominant ethnic group will naturally impact negatively on minority ethnicities. Social justice does something to redress that balance.

>baker steals resources that do not belong to him and claims that they do belong to him for some retarded reason

Equality is a losers favorite compromise

>How can one defend egalitarianism?
No one aside from ind-politicians and charlatans defend it. Praising for "muh equality" is pure populist talk to dive into the minds of the weak. Not even Marx defended it and everyone with a brain knows how vague it can be since creating equality on one "field" means creating unequality on the other.

If the baker has the power to maintain it them its very well his pie. Stealing is a spook.

Calling negative impact when they should be all fucking spears at each other in Africa is some comedy. Everything down to the shirts these monkeys are wearing is a positive impact and they should be glad they get that

Why won't social justice advocate segregation then? Obviously the system of self-sufficient ethnic groups will be immune to these injustices borne from 'innate race preferences'.

>impact negatively on minority ethnicities
And? That's just an assertion not an argument.
>Social justice does something to redress that balanc
Circular reasoning 101, why do things have to be balanced out?

>having a rightful claim to recources because youre local to it

Nah if you cant use it others will

>Why equality?
Because some think it's a good political strategy that will get them easy votes or virtue points. And they're right, to an extent.

He paid for them, he makes a profit by selling a product that’s is made from those resources. The other retards did no work and did not purchase any resources nor own his business. He should shoot them for violating his property rights.

Ahh, is this the classic "EBIL WHYE PEEPO COLONIALISM MADE AFRICANS RETARDED FOR SOME REASON" canard I've heard so much about?

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why didn't the other people just steal those resources back, then? If stealing is so easy and profitable, everyone should be doing it

It's still white people's fault somehow.

If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

>defend egalitarianism
Why? What difference do you think it makes, brainlet? DAILY REMINDER THAT POLITICAL EQUALITY IS AN INVENTION OF THE RULING CLASS, NOT SJWS. This is and has been true for every country in the world, so while you autists cry about SJWs being the downfall of western civilization, at the same time you are getting loads so deep in your throat and butthole that I'm gonna call you all fingercuffs from now on

>The bourgeoisie put forward the demand for equal rights for all citizens in the struggle against medieval, feudal, serf-owner and caste privileges. In Russia, for example, unlike America, Switzerland and other countries, the privileges of the nobility are preserved to this day in all spheres of political life, in elections to the Council of State, in elections to the Duma, in municipal administration, in taxation, and many other things.

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What if I just want to talk about niggers?

>OLITICAL EQUALITY IS AN INVENTION OF THE RULING CLASS, NOT SJWS. This is and has been true for every country in the world
>The bourgeoisie put forward the demand for equal rights for all citizens in the struggle against medieval, feudal, serf-owner and caste privileges
nice self-contradiction

>He thinks richass bougie pieces of shit like Marx and Gandhi were members of the working class

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>he makes things up about people too look smart in comparison

wut is this bait

wut wut wut

I'm not fabricating a single thing.

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I don't and didn't think Marx and Gandhi were working class. You claimed that I did.

this is only true for first generation negros and not their children

Nah left on their own they'd all be eating cow turds and beating each others heads in with rocks. The state of Africa after whites left makes this abundantly clear

Should african nations start SJ initiatives to benefit whites?

>I will lie and misrepresent both views

So where is the contradiction shithead? These are just two examples I can think of where advocates for egalitarianism were literally members of the privileged, affluent, ruling class.

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The bourgeoisie wasn't the ruling class while the aristocracy was still ruling.

>Social justice does something to redress that balance.
You mean sugarcoat the imbalance, widening the gap even further.

So tell me when whites left

i believe most liberals would just say that they want black people to have a seat at the table with the everyone else, not to give them more pie for nothing. equal opportunity, not outcome.

see also the Congo, and soon enough South Africa

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Because every human has a soul and that is truly who you are. Souls are without gender and race amd anything else of the body.

>inb4 muh hands

This is true, but only white men have them and not even all of them

>Why should unequal things be made alike?

"equality" meaning what? in what domain? to what extent? this is a trick question, bc the concept has potentially infinite meanings. totally useless unless you're going to be extremely careful with it.

>shut up mom! you don't have a soul!

>he paid for them
Who sold them to him? Where did they get them? How do you know the price was fair? And so on, and so on.

This could equally happen in Florida. People are fucking stupid everywhere, user. Why are you so afraid of muscular black men fucking your virgin white wife?

Are you retarded? Do you understand what circular reasoning is? This was a sub 60 IQ post delete it please and stop polluting the online public sphere with your brain excrement

despite being 13% of the population

>If the baker has the power to maintain it them its very well his pie.

they would SAY that, but it's not what any of their policies or demands imply. a 'seat at the table' in itself, it could easily be argued, they already HAVE.

this could never happen in fucking florida. NEVER. because when floridan (see: white, first world) food truck owners run out of fryer oil they FUCKING BUY MORE, or at least have the decency to steal it without robbing hundreds of their power.

there's a difference between absolute egalitarianism and a government safety net that does not allow its own citizens to die when it has the resources to keep them alive. mind you, i don't think social aid makes any sense in an open borders illegal immigrant willy nilly population. Citizenry has to mean something for one to be rewarded for it.

Rothbard and Hoppe have said plenty about Egalitarianism. Read this mises.org/library/egalitarianism-and-elites (i posted this in another thread but the post got deleted)

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>first world

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They shouldn't. Niggers haven't made any meaningful contribution to the society compared to whites, and they should be made to go to Africa and live there, without interacting outside themselves.

I fixed your dumb bait comic.

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Lmao based

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>not fabricating a single thing
>posts a dumbfuck caption to justify his stupid bullshit
C’mon user, do better.

You're completely correct. You are my inferior, and the only appropriate posture for you to take in my presence is kneeling. Down, dog.

>While the Right may accept all human inequalities, whether of starting-points or of outcomes, as natural, the libertarian would insist that only those inequalities are natural and should not be interfered with that have come into existence by following the ground-rules of peaceful human interaction [...] Inequalities that are the result of violations of these rules, however, do require corrective action and should be eliminated.
>The corrective action required in such cases, however, is not motivated by egalitarianism but by a desire for restitution: he (and only he), who can show that he has been robbed, defrauded or legally disadvantaged should be made whole again by those (and only those) who have committed these crimes against him and his property, including also cases where restitution would result in an even greater inequality (as when a poor man had defrauded and owed restitution to a rich one).

he (and only he), who can show that he has been robbed, defrauded or legally disadvantaged should be made whole again by those (and only those) who have committed these crimes against him and his property

While it's true that niggers and others get some free gibs (money, college admissions..., this is far from the only problem in America.
I think when /pol/tards sperg about niggers all day they're partly doing so to avoid confronting the bigger structural issues, like:
- most whites living like disgusting fat pigs
- education being shit (people are ignorant)
- healthcare being shit (people are fat)
And so on.

You can't have a functioning democracy when most of the people are subhuman like that. It's a joke.
So you end up with cynical power grabbing elites pushing their own thing without giving a shit about the masses. They can talk about change to get votes, but at the end of the day it's the same old program, whether it's Dems or Reps. Look at how Trump basically became just another establishment neo-liberal of the types that he was complaining about.


there are three guys armed with knives behind him. he'll share the pie whether he wants to or not

>if they hate america so much, why did they move here?

Literally no one out there thinks everyone is/should be equal in every aspect, but this strawman of leftism is prevalent because capitalism wants you to believe that it's a meritocracy in which inequality in abilities translates into economic inequality, which couldn't be farther from the truth.


>which couldn't be farther from the truth.
Except it is, the most skilled and educated people often tend to be on the upperclass, and if inequality didn't translate into living standards no one would try to become anything
Why would I work if I'd lead the same life in terms of standards and wealth as someone who does not work?

I think it's actually quite easy to defend but so is a meritocracy
The catch is that neither one is feasible nor will they ever be achieved
People who believe in either are still in the cave


should have learned to make knives instead of cakes

No spam filter thanks

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turns out i'm retarded

Hey easy on the antisemitism

the whole ideology is based in finding spaces where representation is not perfectly proportional to the identities they invented and use that to gain power by offering their """solutions"""