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guess that user was right...

Damn, one of the few genre writers I actually liked. Post your Wolfe packs Yea Forums

>Latro in the Mist

>eating pringles will never be the same

dammit, fuck.


Pope welcomes you, Gene

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He had a long life and lived well.

literature board, everybody

and no one can write a eulogy



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You write one, you fucking faggot

i didn't like the guy

the wizard knight were the first non-lotr, non-hp fantasy books i read back in the day.


>I didnt read the guy


He truly was the walrus and we were his eggmen

who's next lads
>tfw all your favorite writers will die in your lifetime
>all the best ones still alive will be gone in a decade

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You know who's next. Just hope his final work is in good enough condition to be published posthumously.

>Lost Wolfe and Bibi Andersson on the same day

It's not fair bros.

>le brief expletive reply

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>pirate BotNS
>love it
>tell myself I'll actually buy copies for the inevitable re-read
>this happens
What do I do? Where would the money go if I bought copies now?

i can do both

>Where would the money go if I bought copies now?
funding the JWO (Jew World Order)


His wife will probably get royalties.

>Wolfe's wife, Rosemary, died on December 14, 2013, after a series of illnesses, including Alzheimer's disease. Wolfe said, "There was a time when she did not remember my name or that we were married, but she still remembered that she loved me."

Does this mean that faggot will stop shilling his own work on here?


>and no one can write a eulogy
To a real nigga,
pour one out for the homie.


more like posthumorously

His children will.

He's doing it from beyond the grave.
Who do you think started this thread?

F. He was a genuinely talented contemporary science fiction writer in an age of hacks



Reminds me of my grandfather who had Alzheimer's and couldn't remember that his wife had passed away. It's such a terrible disease

I can't take Twitter seriously. What kind of fag actually uses it? It's all desperate attention seeking. Even a post like in the OP, which is purportedly dedicated to the memory of a deceased writer, is really about the author of the tweet itself. All he is actually saying is "hey everyone! look at me! i know this writer! like and share my comment on him! wow! look how briefly and pithily i summed up his oeuvre! aren't i great? note that i called him only one of the great ones, implying that i appreciate him but am not too attached, since i have many other authors i appreciate as great ones. this cements my high status since im the one with the power to confer the status of great one on an author."
to which his commenter replies
"dammit, fuck." which basically translates as:
"hey look at me guys! i TOO know this author. and im very upset at his passing, because i valued his work, but at the same time i can express mourning in this idiosyncratic way by using vulgar expressions because im really cool and irreverant. make sure to like and subscribe!"

I would not have become a writer, and I wouldn't have become the kind of writer that I am, if I hadn't read The Book of the New Sun at a very important time in my life. My debt to Gene Wolfe can't be overstated. I wrote him two letters, but I never got responses to them. I hope he received them. I always wanted to meet him some day, and now I never will.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

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