I'm gonna read russian writers because i have absolutely no personal taste and heard these guys wrote good things...

>I'm gonna read russian writers because i have absolutely no personal taste and heard these guys wrote good things lol!!!!

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Did someones oneitis get fucked by a Russian or something

I read them cause they're in the school curriculum man


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What? No! I’m no basedbeta male! I’m never reading Russians again!

>don't read books by people who have a reputation for writing well


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i mean go for it


go for it man i don't see a problem with taking advice

i borrow insults to criticise others' lack of free thought


Russkies are surprisingly good
In real life they’re worse than the Irish but not quite as bad as gypsies

the trips of truth

>Russkies are surprisingly good

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I love Russian women
They're the most beautiful in the world
Russian women belong to BAGC (Big Aryan German Cock)

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This, based

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So it's true: great art comes from great plight.

of course they should, because im right

I like Tolstoy, I like Biely, enjoyed Dostoyevsky, enjoyed Bulgakov, curious about Goncharov. I read other stuff too. What’s the problem?

How does having a personal taste preclude one from reading Russian classics?

based secret agent

So many people coping with the fact that they're reading Ruskis for the sole reason to look unique while every other pseud also had that exact same idea.

Baм никoгдa нe пpoчитaть Плaтoнoвa, кaк eгo мoжeт пpoчитaть pyccкий читaтeль, бeбeбe.

Plot twist: They did write good things. The tsoyouboy slowly starts evolving into a chad Yea Forumsizen

>my favorite russian writers? Dostoyevsky, tolstoy, gogol, the list goes on....

How do you know something is not to your tastes before you read anything related to it?

>literally some of the most famous and read writers ever
>dur sole reason to look unique

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Socialism bad, we must become capitalist like American imperialist empire to become good, okay?
What is happening.
We must go back to our glorious people's union, comrades!

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>>You aren't allowed to read or like classic writers. You must read and like Soviet era and contemporary Russian writers ONLY.

>to look unique

Males reading at all is unique