Books on the negrification of American and in turn western culture?

Books on the negrification of American and in turn western culture?

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The Negrification is apparent even in the works of Tolkien who greatly admired the Jews and semitic races and actually felt envious for not being born as a Jew

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When was American culture White? News to me

why do pol tards always revel themselves to be absolute morons?

This is the natural being of a right winger, reveling themselves to be insecure, narcissistic, and stupid

Are you saying that blacks haven't been the main cultural drive behind the pop culture of America? Jazz, rock, rap, where do you think all these came from?


Evola is the Black Pill

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Imagine being so fucking retarded you have no knowledge of the fact that America consciously sought to model itself after the best of Europe

Imitating whites doesn't make you white

No, that would be the part where almost all immigration to the US and almost all of its population except the slaves were of British, Irish, Dutch, or German descent.
Are you disabled or just D&C?

This is a meme, for people unfamiliar with him. Genuinely he’s exactly what you’re looking for and will open your eyes to many things.


Liberal capitalism is the real problem, the culture industry simply exploited the lowly negro sensibility to degrade western culture down to a more profitable level.

Americans constantly mixed with slaves and Indians to create the mongrel race we see today. The initial immigrants may have been white, but their children weren't. There is no white American culture, as there are no white Americans.

That's American culture(no matter how much you mutts deny it). Blacks in Africa can't be compared to negros in America.

>There is no white American culture, as there are no white Americans.
you know full well that that's not what the topic is about
The topic was about the "negrification" (implying the change in culture from being initially European-oriented) and your answer is "white American culture doesn't exist because no Americans currently meet my standards of whiteness which are vague and poorly defined and are probably going to shift anyway once you give examples to prove me wrong."
Well done, champ, you sure nailed that one.

How about being 90% European from 1776 until 1965, you little kike?

Meant for

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So in the end imprisoning the negroes was kind of a mistake
Should have civilized them and had them as a puppet states('be grateful we gave you everything you have')

How could American culture be European-orientated when it's always been a mutt culture mixing slave and Indian tradition?

Pretending to be white while having a mutt culture doesn't make you white

Why did Burgers slaughter the BASED indians but let the CRINGE negroes live? Rookie mistake. Thanks for ruining the world, Americunts.

What american culture actually is.

Calvinism, the enlightenment, transcendentalism, pragmatism, social Darwinism, "rugged individualism",

basically, american culture is a guy wearing a raccoon for a hat and fighting off a bear with a knife.

>what american culture actually isnt

A taylor swift music video where she does a parody of rap music

>reddit spacing
Opinion discarded, user. Rules are rules.

shame that nu-Yea Forums is at this level of post quality

White american culture is basically a few things

davy crockett- rugged mountain man
Thomas Edison- heartless capitalist
Tom sawyer- lovable carnie/con man with a heart of gold
Billy the kid - outlaw
Founding fathers - patriots

Im sorry if you are a mentally ill pol tard who thinks the awful shit they call pop music is culture and not just a product meant to extract wealth from stupid people.
Like you

This is why i hate pol tards, they are just as mentally ill as sjws. morons with a victim complex

What is she pointing at?

I hate /pol/ tards too, but they don’t have a “victim complex”, whites are legitimately under attack and white countries are legitimately being invaded. Be better.

pro tip: that's not redditspacing, newfriend

Thomas ALVA Edison was Mexican, though.

>but they don’t have a “victim complex”, whites are legitimately under attack and white countries are legitimately being invaded

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You can break the negrofication by just making fun of niggers. If you make fun of them and the music around family the preteens actually get disillusioned with it. There isn't much separating the negro being "cool" "funny" and "fun" from looking ridiculous, stupid and pathetic.

Denying objective realities makes you smart.

>just as bad
Why is this brainlet centrist redditor on Yea Forums? Go back to Yea Forums or some shit.

More like when did it stop being white? It's white and then some.

They do have a victim complex and come off as whiny little faggots. They are what is described as a true believer. They can not handle winning. The only thing they know is struggle. Which leads to implosion.

Nihilistic moronic pieces of shit is what pol faggots are

Dont even know shit about thier own country